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Posted on 05-01-07 06:01 PM Link | Quote | ID: 31927

Red Paragoomba
Level: 18

Posts: 26/50
EXP: 28213
Next: 1684

Since: 02-19-07
From: HoleNet!

Last post: 6177 days
Last view: 5414 days
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Posted on 05-01-07 06:24 PM Link | Quote | ID: 31929

Red Cheep-cheep
Level: 33

Posts: 27/202
EXP: 228010
Next: 1169

Since: 04-21-07
From: United States

Last post: 2512 days
Last view: 2473 days
I tried to omit many of the addresses that have already been posted in this thread. Here goes...

Most offsets were found by me, unless otherwise noted.

Bowser ending palette (7 colors)

colors used in animation of Yoshi coin and yellow map spot

colors used in animation of red map spot

Bowser palettes (8 palettes, 7 colors each)
(Kind of pointless now that Smallhacker made an editor for it)

"The End" palettes
(3 palettes, 6 colors each; order is Luigi, Mario, Princess)

Magikoopa palettes
(8 palettes; 8 colors each, including transparent color)

Big Boo Boss palettes (in same way as Magikoopa palettes)

1232A (21)
Sprite fireballed enemies spawn

Fireball tile table

Fireball tiles' palette/gfx page/priority/flip
(Warning: If you change the palette, the small flame left by the hopping flame may use the wrong palette. Change 1244C to fix this.)

143A6 (48)
Sprite Diggin' Chuck unearths

1CDBA (1B)
Sprite Puntin' Chuck kicks

Now, for some Dino-Rhino/Torch info...

AB87 (6F)
Sprite spawned from stomping Dino-Rhino
(May need to change the offset below to make it look right)

Palette/gfx page of the latter(from table found by mikeyk)

Dino-Torch flame tile horiz. displacement table (horizontal flame)

Dino-Torch flame tile horiz. displacement table (vertical flame)

Dino-Torch flame tile vert. displacement table (horizontal flame)

Dino-Torch flame tile vert. displacement table (vertical flame)

Dino-Torch flame tile table
(2 animation frames, each 4 bytes w/an unused byte)

Dino-Torch flame tiles' palette/gfx page/priority/flip

Dino-Torch palette/gfx page/priority/flip
(Only for those that start as Dino-Torches)

Dino-Torch tile table
(4 animation frames, each 1 byte)

Dino-Rhino tile horizontal displacement table

Dino-Rhino tiles' palette/gfx page/priority/flip
(4 bytes facing left, 4 bytes facing right)

Dino-Rhino tile vertical displacement table

Dino-Rhino tile table
(4 animation frames, each 4 bytes)
Here is more graphics data, this time for the Mechakoopas:

tile horizontal displacement table
(4 bytes facing left, 4 bytes facing right)

tile vertical displacement table
(6 animation frames, each 4 bytes)

tile table
(6 animation frames, each 4 bytes)

tiles' priority/flip
(4 bytes facing left, 4 bytes facing right)

$1B54F-1B552 (02 00 00 02)
tile sizes
(00= 8x8, 02= 16x16)

$1B553 (0B)
Palette/gfx page used when coming to, #1

$1B554 (05)
Palette/gfx page used when coming to, #2

$1B556 (0B)
Regular palette/gfx page

$1B560 (05)
Animation frame used when stunned

$1B56A (04)
Animation frame used when kicked

$1B5EF-1B5F0 (F9 0F)
Wind-up key horizontal displacement
(1 byte facing right, 1 byte facing left)

$1B5F1-1B5F2 (4D 0D)
Wind-up key palette/gfx page
(1 byte facing right, 1 byte facing left)

Wind-up key tile table
(4 animation frames, each 1 byte)
Pointer to Bowser's first palette (SNES $00/B69E)

$1DF6E-1DF70 pointers Morton, Roy, and Ludwig's palettes (SNES format, low byte)
$1DF73-1DF75 pointers Morton, Roy, and Ludwig's palettes (SNES format, high byte)
SNES $00/B2BC (PC $34BC) Morton (Replace with B384 to make him grey)
SNES $00/B2A4 (PC $34A4) Roy (Replace with B33C to make him pink)
SNES $00/B298 (PC $3498) Ludwig (Replace with B378 to make him dark green)
@ icegoom:
About changing the palettes:
At 1DF6E-1DF70 change the bytes to:
84 CC A4

and at 1DF73-1DF75 change the bytes to:
B3 B3 B2

This should make Morton gray, Roy pink, and Ludwig blue.

Changing these bytes makes Morton and Roy use two palettes that are normally unused in the game, while giving Ludwig the default blue palette.

If you want to edit these palettes in Lunar Magic:
Morton's palette is palette number F in Sprite Palette 4.
Roy's palette is palette number F in Sprite Palette 7.

Btw, Roy's head should be the same color as his shell.

$17B8F (05)
Sumo Bros. flame palette/gfx page

$1A29B-1A29C (45 05)
Blargg palette/gfx page
(1 byte facing right, 1 byte facing left)
I found some of what you asked for:
11F4B [C2] tile of smiley face coin
11F50 [04] palette/gfx page/priority/flip of smiley face coin tile
11F55 [02] size of smiley face coin tiles
(00=8x8; 02=16x16)

8FDF-8FE0 [46 06] palette/gfx page/priority/flip of Para Goomba wing tiles
8FE1-8FE4 [C6 C6 5D 5D] Para Goomba wing tiles
8FE5-8FE8 [02 02 00 00] size of Para Goomba wing tiles

A01C-A01F [5D C6 5D C6] Parakoopa wing tiles
A020-A023 [46 46 06 06] palette/gfx page/priority/flip of Para Koopa wing tiles
A024-A027 [00 02 00 02] size of Parakoopa wing tiles

13D17-13D1A [5D C6 5D C6] Yoshi wing tiles
13D1B-13D1E [46 46 06 06] palette/gfx page/priority/flip of Yoshi wing tiles
13D1F-13D22 [00 02 00 02] size of Yoshi wing tiles

I still have yet to find the coins or the wings for the flying grey platforms.

Various Sprite Tilemaps:
8FE1 Goomba Wings
A01C Paratroopa Wings
B52E [EA] Left tile of checkerboard platform
B533 [EB] Middle tiles of checkerboard platform
B53E [EC] Right tile of checkerboard platform
B545 [60] Left tile of normal platform
B54A [61] Middle tiles of normal platform
B555 [62] Right tile of normal platform
B583 Long grassy platform
B58C Long rock platform
C809 Power Ups
CBBB Brown Swing Platform
C9EA [A2] Tile of chain link connected to platform
C9EF [31] Palette of chain link connected to platform
CAC7 [A2] Tile of other chain links
CACC [31] Palette of other chain links
CAFB [31] Palette of platform
D646 Ludwig Fireball
E0E3 Bonus Roulette
E390 Bowser Flame
E394 " Palettes
EB85 Some sort of cloud animation
FC37 Boo Buddy/Stone Boo
FC4E Larry/Iggy ball
10083 Larry/Iggy
10153 Larry/Iggy shell
110B2 [6F] Tile of broken Yoshi egg piece
110BC [03] Palette/GFX page of broken Yoshi egg piece
10F42 Water Splash
1235B Mario Fireball
12363 Reznor Fireball
12417 Tiny flame left by hopping flame
124A4 Pitchin' Chuck's baseball
124B1 [39] " Palette
124DF Hammer Bro. Hammer
124E7 [47 47 07 07 87 87 C7 C7] " Palettes
12547 Another cloud animation
13D17 Yoshi Wings
13E0E Dolphin
14095 Hothead?
14158 Urchin Body
14A7E Chuck Head(All)
14B8B Chuck Body(All)
14C97 Clappin' Chuck Pieces (Raised Hand, Clapping Hands)
14CFA [47 07] Palettes/ Attributes of arm tiles (facing right/left)
14D17 [1C] First arm tile when running (+1 for the 2nd tile)
14D9B Diggin' Chuck Pieces (Shoulder, Shovel, Raised shovel)
157C4 Banzai Bill
15A00 Ball 'n' Chain
159A4 [E8] Tile of chain
15A44 Rotating gray platform
159AA [A2] Tile of chain
15A63 [33] Palette of platform
159BF [33] Palette of chain(for Ball 'n' Chain & Rotating gray platform)
15AA1 Bubble items/enemies
15BC3 Item/enemy-containing bubble
15CF1 Amazing Flyin' Hammer Brother
15E1F Hammer Bro. Platform
1600E Sumo Bros.
16572 Large Green Bubble
1686A Moving hole from Ghost House

168A8 [AA] Fishing pole tile
168AD [24] 1-UP tile
168B2 [35] Fishing pole palette
168B7 [3A] 1-UP palette
16907 [89] Fishing line tile
1690C [35] Fishing line palette
17156 [4D] Cloud face tile
1715B [39] Cloud face palette
16BE6 Lakitu in a Pipe
16C1B [5B] Palette
16E72 Super Koopa
1730C Wiggler
176E7 Yoshi's House fireplace flame
177BC Ghost House Exit Door
17829 No Yoshi Signpost
17921 Ghost House Doors
17B04 Sumo Bros. Flame
17C0E Castle BG Flame
17DBF Boo Ceiling
17FB8 Unused Swooper Ceiling
184F8 Big Boo
1868E Falling Grey Platform
186AD [03] " Palette
18793 Porcu-Puffer
1888A Forest Secret Area Platform
18934 Sinking Lava Platform
18A37 Mega Mole
18AA0 Swooper
18D2E Bowser Statue(Both)
18F18 Diagonal Platform
19005 Timed Platform
190B0 Grey Castle Brick
1910B Bowser Statue Fireball
1916D Reflecting Stream of Boo Buddies
19360 Fishin' Boo
196BB Wooden Castle Spike
19870 Rex
19988 Fishbone (Tail fin)
19D5D Reznor
1A012 Dino Torch
1A039 Dino Rhino
1A291 Blargg
1A5D9 Clouds from Bowser's ship
1ABCE Princess Toadstool(Bowser Battle)
1AE95 Blushing Mario Faces (Super, Small)
1B3ED Bowser's Steel Ball
1B52F Mechakoopa
1B5F3 Mechakoopa Windup Key
1C45B Chainsaw Bottom
1C5CE Dry Bones
E654 [48] ? Related to Dry Bones(don't remember how)
E65E [2E] ? "
1C693 Disco Ball
1CBB9 Fireworks
1D31A Lemmy Koopa(and decoys)
1D3A4 Wendy O. Koopa(and decoys)

Dry Bones

Byte 1 is the Bone in the throwing frame
Byte 2 is the Head
Byte 3 is the Body

$1C5B3-1C5BE [00 08 00|00 F8 00|00 04 00|00 FC 00]
x-displacement table

$1C5BF-1C5C4 [43 43 43|03 03 03]
palette/gfx page
(3 bytes facing right, 3 bytes facing left)

$1C5C5-1C5CD [F4 F0 00|F4 F1 00|F4 F0 00]
y-displacement table

$1C5CE-1B546 [00 64 66|00 64 68|82 64 E6]
tile table

$124CC [80]
frame 1 of thrown bone

$124D0 [82]
frame 2 of thrown bone

$124DA [02]
palette/gfx page of thrown bone
(the flip is controlled by something else)

This doesn't include the crumbling sprites... yet.

Bubble Stuff:

15AA1-15AA8 [A8 CA 67 24 AA CC 69 24]
Bubble Sprites Tile Table
First 4 bytes are 1st frame of each sprite, Second 4 bytes are the 2nd frame of each sprite, in the order of: Goomba, Bob-Omb, Cheep-Cheep, Mushroom.

15AA9-15AAC [84 85 05 08]
Palette/GFX Page Table of Sprites
This is in the same order as above.

15B19 [19]
Bubble pop sound

15BA1-15BA4 [0F 0D 15 74]
Sprites from Bubble Table

X(horizontal) Placement of Bubble Tiles
3 animation frames, each 5 bytes

Y(vertical) Placement of Bubble Tiles
3 animation frames, each 5 bytes

15BC3-15BC7 [A0 A0 A0 A0 99]
Bubble Tile Table

15BC8-15BCC [07 47 87 C7 03]
Palette/GFX Page of Bubble Tiles

15BCD-15BD1 [02 02 02 02 00]
Bubble Tile Size Table


SPC Pointers (in SNES format)
70200 SPC Engine/SFX/Instrument Definitions/unknown 24-byte table
2E9 [00] Low Byte
2EE [80] Middle Byte
2F3 [0E] High Byte

78200 SPC Sample Pointers/Samples
2FE [00] Low
303 [80] Middle
308 [0F] High

71AB1 SPC Music Bank 1 (Map)
30F [B1] Low
314 [98] Middle
319 [0E] High

730D6 SPC Music Bank 2 (Levels)
349 [D6] Low
34E [AE] Middle
353 [0E] High

1E600 SPC Music Bank 3 (Ending)
35A [00] Low
35F [E4] Middle
364 [03] High
1730C-1730F [C4 C6 C8 C6]
Body Tiles

173B1-173B2 [D5 F2]
Pointer to use for X placement of angry eyes tile

173BE [88]
Angry eyes tile

17425 [04] Number of harmful segments, minus 1

174D3-174D4 [00 08]
X placement of flower tile (on head)
(1 byte facing right, 1 byte facing left)

174D5-174D6 [04 04]
X placement of angry eyes tile
(1 byte facing right, 1 byte facing left)
449E BG Tiles/Palette for Flipped Gate (1)
99 9C 8B 1C 8B 1C 8B 1C 8B 1C 99 DC
9B 1C F8 1C F8 1C F8 1C F8 1C 9B 5C
9B 1C F8 1C F8 1C F8 1C F8 1C 9B 5C
9B 1C F8 1C F8 1C F8 1C F8 1C 9B 5C
9B 1C F8 1C F8 1C F8 1C F8 1C 9B 5C
99 1C 8B 9C 8B 9C 8B 9C 8B 9C 99 5C

44E6 BG Tiles/Palette for Flipped Gate (2)
AA 1C 82 1C 82 1C 82 1C 82 1C AA 5C
AA 1C 82 1C 82 1C 82 1C 82 1C AA 5C
AA 1C 82 1C 82 1C 82 1C 82 1C AA 5C
AA 1C 82 1C 82 1C 82 1C 82 1C AA 5C

BCB7 Gate Sprite Tiles
BDD3 [09] Palette of Gate Sprite


16A0 [59 81](359) Pointer for ending music bank (added 11/6/06)
18C4 [0E 81](30E) Pointer for title screen music bank
22B4 [0E 81](30E) Pointer for map music bank

1C4C0 [8E] Top tile of Chainsaw
1C4BB [AE] Middle tile of Chainsaw

DE47 [C0 C2 E0 C2] Motor at top of Line-guided rope
DE4C [CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE] Rope parts
DEAC [31] Rope Palette

A4FB [05] Number of enemies baby Yoshi must eat to grow

A4BC [35] Sprite baby Yoshi becomes after eating the required number of enemies

More Sound Effects:
A491 [06] Sound baby Yoshi makes when eating
F2D4 [06] Sound Yoshi makes when eating
F91E [13] Sound Yoshi makes when hurt

10D84 [3C 3D 3D 3C 3C 3D 3D 3C] Exploding Block/Monty Mole Dirt Tiles
10D8C [00 00 80 80 80 C0 40 00] Exploding Block/Monty Mole Dirt Tile Attributes
Here are addresses related to the overworld border:

207AA [1E] X placement of Mario
207B2 [06] Y placement of Mario
207BC [08] Walking speed of Mario
207E9 [18] X placement of first row of tiles behind Mario
2081B [18] X placement of other three rows
207ED [07] Y placement of tile group behind Mario
20803 [7E] tile of group behind Mario
20808 [36] Attributes of group
22600-22732 Layer 3 Border Tile Data
1BD4F [50 8B] Position of Level Name
1BD5E [39] Palette/GFX Page of Level Name
2DDC9 [50 88] Position of Lives Counter
I know I posted these before, but the original post is missing:
113F1-113F9 [40 6B 2A 42 EA 8A 40] Block bounce sprite tiles
10989-10990 [00 03 00 00 01 07 00] Block bounce sprite attributes

In the order of:
Turn block with item / ! block
Note block
? block
Turn block that can be bounced off of from the side(now it can be fixed!)
Translucent block
On/off switch
Turn block

New stuff
42B2-42C0 Block turns into table
7CD7 [00] Unknown, STA 00 to 7E170B
7F27 [12] Object that Mario "breathes" while underwater
8017 [12] Object that Mario leaves when he jumps into water
80C0 [05] Object Fire Mario shoots (must change 80A9 to 07 for some values to work)
918D [03] Object Hopping flame leaves behind
D5EA [01] Unknown, STA 01 to 7E170B
F499 [11] The three objects Yoshi spits out after eating a red shell
FF37 [01] Unknown, STA 01 to 7E170B
10740[07] Objects to use for lava splash
11E01[0F] Unknown, STA 0F to 7E170B
12412[00] Unknown, STA 00 to 7E170B
126E4[01] Unknown, STA 01 to 7E170B
1362E[08] Object that appears before Torpedo Ted is spawned
1467A[0D] Object that Pitchin' Chuck pitches
15CC4[04] Object that Hammer Bros. throw
16291[0C] The 4 objects that Volcano Lotus spits
163CE[0B] The 2 objects that the fire-shooting Piranha Plant spits
171BD[0A] Object that the coin game cloud drops
174E3[0E] Object that falls off of Wiggler when stomped
19B09[00] Unknown, STA 00 to 7E170B
19D09[02] Object that Reznor spits
1C662[06] Object that Dry Bones throws
3FE53[10] 4 objects to use for spin jump stars

Castle Destruction Sequence BG Tilemaps
63A00-63BBE World 4 (BG2)
63BBF-63C55 Castle (BG1)
63C56-63DB8 World 3/7 (BG2)
63DB9-63F01 World 6 (BG2)
63F02-64084 World 1/2/5 (BG2)
653A8-653CF Destroyed castle (BG1)
I still need to find the addresses that determine what palette set each of the scenes use.

2B575-2B8FD Title Screen Layer 3 Data (I know it can be edited with Lunar Magic)

110CC [66 6E FF 6D 6C 5C] Sparkle Tiles (Star Mario)

Found by someone else (I forgot who)
12F4C-12F61 Score Tiles (1st Half)
12F62-12F77 Score Tiles (2nd Half)

12F78-12F88 Score added from score sprites, divided by 10 (low)
12F89-12F99 Score added from score sprites, divided by 10 (high)

Found by me
130D9 [08] Attributes of normal & 1-UP score sprites
12FD9-12FDC [01 02 03 05] Lives given by 1-UP, 2-UP, 3-UP, and 5-UP sprites
12FDD-12FE1 [05 0A 0F 14 19] Coins given by the x5, x10, x15, x20, and x25 coin sprites
12FE2-12FE3 [04 06] Attributes of 2-UP & 3-UP score sprites

The unused 5-UP and coin addition sprites have no palette attributes. To make room for them, change the pointer at 130DD-130DE.

12B8B [04; Green Koopa] 1st sprite to change after beating Special Zone
12B8F [07; Yellow Koopa] What sprite the above becomes

12B91 [05; Red Koopa] 2nd sprite to change after beating Special Zone
12B95 [06; Blue Koopa] What sprite the above becomes

12BB1 [21] Sprite to use for those changed by Silver P-Switch
(only those which don't start out on the screen)

12BB5 [08] Status of sprite
(only those which don't start out on the screen)

12BC3 [02] Palette to use for sprites changed by Silver P-Switch
(only those which don't start out on the screen)

13BDA [21] Sprite to use for those changed by Silver P-Switch
(the ones that change while on the screen)

13BDF [08] Status of sprite
(the ones that change while on the screen)

13BEF [02] Palette to use for sprites changed by Silver P-Switch
(the ones that change while on the screen)

8535 [09 07 05 07] Colors of Yoshi Eggs (Red, Blue, Yellow, Blue)
8540 [03] How many types of Yoshi Eggs to allow, minus one

8655 [01] How many types of P-Switches to allow, minus one
8666-8667 [06 02] Colors of P-Switches (Blue, Silver)

E56A [31] Attributes of ledge-dwelling Monty Mole

EC69 [02] Palette of sprite Lakitu throws when silver P-Switch is active

1E0D7 [20 03 30 03 40 03 50 03] Can't remember what this stuff is...
1E13A [88 03]
1E194 [60 03]

10426 Ludwig BG Tiles
1045F Morton/Roy BG Tiles

Bowser Battle Sounds (some of these weren't found by me)
1937 [16] 1st Bowser Music
1A804 [09] Bowser dropping steel ball
1A902 [17] Bowser goes away
1A9A8 [1D] Bowser's fireball attack
1A9C2 [18] Bowser returns
1A9F7 [17] Primary flame sound
1AA41-1AA48 [2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34] Other flame sounds
1AA49-1AA4A [19 1A] Music for the other attack phases
1AAB3 [2A] Peach crying for help
1AAE4 [10] Peach throwing sound
1AD8D [09] Bowser's ship bouncing
1ADF4 [1B] Bowser's demise
1AE53 [1C] Peach appears
1B2B9 [01] Mario bumped by ship
1B32A [28] Bowser hurt
1B3A4 [25] Steel ball hitting ground
1B3B2 [01] Steel ball bouncing

1A7B8 [54] Amount of time between dropping Mechakoopas
1A800 [80] Timing of steel ball dropping
1A80F [60] Amount of time before dropping the Mechakoopas (after dropping the 2nd steel ball)
1A818 [20] Amount of time before dropping the 2nd steel ball
1A823 [A1] Sprite to use for steel ball
1A9E0 [60] Timing to start Bowser fireball attack
(For this, and most others, higher values make it occur sooner)
1A9FC [08] Status of sprite spawned by Bowser's fireball attack
1AA01 [33] Sprite spawned by Bowser's fireball attack
1AA65 [20] Timing of Bowser stopping clown car in foreground
(This one is reversed)
1AA6F [A0] Timing of Peach throwing the mushroom
1AA7C [01] How soon Bowser starts moving again
1AA80 [40] Timing of Bowser coming out of clown car
1AA84 [3F] Timing of music for next attack phase
1AAAF [E8] Timing of Peach crying for help sound
1AAE9 [08] Status of sprite spawned by Peach
1AAEE [74] Sprite spawned by Peach
1AE7F [47] Starting Y-coordinate of Peach sprite
1E10A [03] How many animation frames the propeller has, -1

1AE93 [01 11] Y-coords of blushing Mario face tiles (Super, small)
1AE95 [6E 88] Blushing Mario face tiles (Super, small)

1B643-1B646 [70 80 70 80] X-coordinates of Item box tiles
1B647-1B64A [07 07 17 17] Y-coordinates of Item box tiles
1B64B-1B64E [37 77 B7 F7] Item box palettes
1B66E [43] Item box tile

1B68C-1B69B X-coordinates of 1st and 3rd rows of castle roof
1B69C-1B6AB Y-coordinates of 1st and 3rd rows of castle roof
1B6B9 [10] How many tiles to load for 2nd row group, -1
1B6C0 [C0] Y-coordinate of 2nd row of castle roof
1B6D1 [10] Difference in X-coordinate for tiles in 2nd row
1B6D5 [08] Tile of 2nd row of castle roof
1B6DA [0D] Palette of 2nd row of castle roof
1B6F3 [0F] How many tiles to load for 1st & 3rd row group, -1
1B70D [08] Tile of 3rd row of castle roof
1B70F [06] How many tiles will use the address below
1B713 [03] Tile of 1st row of castle roof
1B718 [0D] Palette of 1st and 3rd rows of castle roof
The repeated data below is called for when Peach comes from Bowser's clown car
1B747 [08] Tile of 3rd row of castle roof (copy?)
1B749 [06] How many tiles will use the address below
1B74D [03] Tile of 1st row of castle roof (copy?)
1B752 [0D] Palette of 1st and 3rd rows of castle roof(copy?)

C39E [AC] Tile for Vine Piranha head(1)
C3A2 [AE] Tile for Vine Piranha head(2)
C3AE [F0] Y speed of vine growth

1110B [05] Change to 00 to give Invincible Mario coin sparkles
1111A [06] Palette of star sparkles

16085 [34] Palette of Sumo Bros.
160B6 [30] Y speed of lightning bolt
2A2E [0F] GFX File loaded for "MARIO START!," "GAME OVER," etc.
2C79 [31] GFX File loaded for enemies after Special World is passed
2D43 [27] GFX File loaded for Mode 7 objects

1385F-13862 [00 01 00 FF] X coordinates of Pokey animation
13863-13864 [02 FE] X speed (right, left)
1388D [8A] Pokey head segment tile (eaten)
13891 [E8] Pokey body segment tile (eaten)
1398C [E8] Pokey body segment tile
13990 [8A] Pokey head segment tile
13995 [05] Pokey tiles palette/GFX page

F805 [0A] Amount of time Yoshi's tongue stays out before he swallows an enemy

10/11/06 - 10/15/06
14660 [10 F8] Starting X-coordinate of baseball when thrown by Chuck
(Byte 1 facing right; byte 2 facing left)
14662 [00 FF] High byte X-coord?
14664 [18 E8] X-speed of baseball when thrown by Chuck
(Byte 1 facing right; byte 2 facing left)

Map16 tile replacement addresses
7453 [0D] What the remaining blocks become when hitting the incorrect block in a bonus area
7482 [02]
74CE [02]
BEB6 [02]
C3E6 [03] Tiles created from vine sprite
E53C [08] Tile spawned by ledge-dwelling Monty Mole
10981 [02]
113B9 [09] Tile spawned behind bouncing block sprite
13D03 [04] Tile spawned from eating a berry (using tongue)
144BE [02]
144DB [02]
14F61 [1B] Tile spawned from stepping on big ! switch
15408 [04] Tile spawned from eating a berry (w/o using tongue)
164D6 [06] Tile spawned by coin snake sprite

[A9 ?? 85 9C] Tile spawned instruction
426B-4273 MAP16 Tile spawned table pt. 1 (00-08)
42B2-42C0 MAP16 Tile spawned table pt. 2 (09-17)

150E4 [04] How many pieces make up the pea bouncer
1512C [3D] Tile of pea bouncer
15133 [0A] Attributes of pea bouncer tile
151FE [01 01 03 05 07] Bounciness of each part of pea bouncer

16720 [02 07 07 02] Tiles left behind by mushroom scale platforms
(in order of left platform sinking; rising, right platform rising; sinking)
16799 [80] GFX tile used by scale platforms (mirrored for right side)
16A3E [14 00 02 00 15 00 02] Tiles left behind by rising/sinking pipe
(in order of left side rising; sinking, right side rising; sinking)

17251 [0E] Palette cycling sequence
00-Palette 00; 2nd gfx page
02-Palettes 00,02; 2nd gfx page
04-Palettes 00,04; 2nd gfx page
06-Palettes 00,02,04,06; 2nd gfx page
08-Palettes 00,08; 2nd gfx page
0A-Palettes 00,02,08,0A; 2nd gfx page
0C-Palettes 00,04,08,0C; 2nd gfx page
0E-All palettes; 2nd gfx page

17258 [F1] Palette result? (tested w/17251 as 0E)
F0-Palette 08; 1st gfx page
F1-Palette 08; 2nd gfx page
F2-Palette 0A; 1st gfx page
F3-Palette 0A; 2nd gfx page
F4-Palette 0C; 1st gfx page
F5-Palette 0C; 2nd gfx page(changes palette cycling to 04,06,0C,0E; 2nd page)
F7-Palette 0E; 2nd gfx page(changes palette cycling to 06,0E; 2nd page)
FD-Palette 0C; 2nd gfx page(changes palette cycling to 0C,0E; 2nd page)
FF-Palette 0E; 2nd gfx page(disables palette cycling)
1736E [8C] Head tile

1739A [05] How many segments Wiggler has

173E4 [98] Flower tile
173EE [0A] Palette of flower
173F7 [00] Size of flower/angry eyes tile

173DF [08] X-coord of flower
173FC [05]
11E8F [34] Spin stomp star palette
11E94 [EF] Spin stomp star tile

3F33A-3F3C9 Bonus Star amounts for each y-coord
3F462 [50] What amount of Bonus Stars needed for a special bonus
3F466 [0A] Special bonus for above (3-UP)

C358 [D4] Goal tape tile (the other tiles are this value +1)

AC2E [09] State of Koopa when stomped
ACA0 [0A] State of Koopa shell when kicked

8E0D [08] Sprite number to start adding wings to 2-tile high sprites
981C [00 00 00 00 00 01 02 03] Sprites that come out of Koopa Troopas

122FB [28] Change to 0A to make other enemies die like Chargin' Chuck when hit by fireballs

9ED3 [00 08 00 08] X-coordinates of many sprites that are made up of 4 8x8 tiles
9ED7 [00 00 08 08] Y-coordinates of many sprites that are made up of 4 8x8 tiles

9A81 [64] Koopa eye tiles when in shell (open)
9A89 [4D] Koopa eye tiles when in shell (closed)

7D7E [0C] Sound for items given at goal point

8DCD [02] What animation frame most regular sprites use when turning around

40200 Default start of compressed graphics

175F [2F] GFX File loaded for Credits font
2348 [14] GFX File loaded for Animated map tiles

2590 Game over font-loading routine

1E20 Appears to be the button-press sequence for the demo
2B54E [01] Coin collection sound

8E31 [13] Sprite generated from Spiny Egg
EEFE [F0] Yoshi's hopping height in idle state

A3F0 [CA] Tile used when stunned
10314 [BC] Explosion star tile
Change 1031D to 06 and 1031F to 18 to make the explosion stars use the first gfx page

5843 [D0] Change to 80 to disable spin jump (The A button will just make Mario do a regular jump)

18CC [EB] Title screen level low byte
18CE [00] Title screen level high byte
1920 [E9] Which level has alternate music
1EB1 [E9] Intro level number

A9DA [0F 0D] What sprites Para-Goomba and Para-Bomb become

175DB [D2 D3 D0 D1 9B] Tiles for hopping birds from Yoshi's House
175E0 [71 31] Flip of tiles (byte 1 facing right, byte 2 facing left)
175E2 [08 04 06 0A] Palettes of hopping birds

176E7 [D4 AB BB 9A] Fireplace flame tiles
176F3 [B8] X-coords of flame tiles
176FB [B0] Y-coord of flame top
17700 [B8] Y-coord of flame bottom
17729 [35] Fireplace flame palette

1779E [08 18 F8 F8 F8 F8 28 28 28 28] Ghost House exit door tile X-coords
177A8 [00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00] Related to above
177B2 [5F 5F 8F 97 A7 AF 8F 97 A7 AF] Ghost House exit door tile Y-coords
177BC [9C 9E A0 B0 B0 A0 A0 B0 B0 A0] Ghost House exit door tiles
177C6 [23 23 2D 2D AD AD 6D 6D ED ED] Ghost House exit door tile attributes

17819 [F8 08 F8 08 00 00 00 00] No Yoshi signpost tile X-coords
17821 [00 00 10 10 20 30 40 08] No Yoshi signpost tile Y-coords
17829 [C7 A7 A7 C7 A9 C9 C9 E0] No Yoshi signpost tiles
17831 [A9 69 A9 69 29 29 29 6B] No Yoshi signpost tile attributes

178A0-178AB [00 10 20 00 10 20 00 10 20 00 10 20] Castle door tile X-coords
178AC-178B7 [00 00 00 10 10 10 20 20 20 30 30 30] Castle door tile Y-coords
178D5 [A5] Castle door tile
178DA [21] Castle door tile attributes

F46A Code that makes Yoshi spit out flames when he has the red shell in his mouth
F473 Code that makes Red Yoshi spit out flames no matter what color of shell is in his mouth

3B92-3BC3 Low byte of gfx file pointers
3BC4-3BF5 Middle byte of gfx file pointers
3BF6-3C27 High byte of gfx file pointers

2E800- Level BG assignments

Level BG tilemaps
65B00 Tall blue column-hills/clouds
65CB9 Water
65E71 2 hills/large cloud
65F44 Clouds
66054 Gradual hills
66159 Mountains
66303 Castle columns
66672 Steep hills/large cloud
66874 Bonus area
66884 Stars
669C0 Steep mountains
66AEE Blank
66AFE Cave
66E82 Forest
67180 Ghost House
67375 Sunken Ship
6765A Castle windows

615C1-615CE Backgrounds used during credits sequence (2 bytes each)
615CF-615DC What MAP16 page is used for each background (2 bytes each)
62DA4-62DAA [06 00 00 02 05 06 00] Back area color for each background
62DAB-62DB1 [03 03 07 00 01 02 00] Palettes used for each background(doesn't seem to work for the first BG)
2B8F-2B92 [19 17 1B 18] GFX files used for backgrounds
62F58-62F71 Level pointers for enemy screens (found by Smallhacker)
62F72-62F89 Backgrounds used for enemy screens

7A2 [80 93 0C]
7A5 [36 B6 0C] "THE END" tilemap pointer
00 F3 0D

21CC5-21E90 Level name pieces (unaltered ROM)
21E91 Pointers to 1st name values
21ECF Pointers to 2nd name values
21EED Pointers to 3rd name values
03-#1 IGGY'S
04-#2 MORTON'S
05-#3 LEMMY'S
06-#4 LUDWIG'S
07-#5 ROY'S
08-#6 WENDY'S
09-#7 LARRY'S



19F61 [D0] Change to 80 to make Dino-Torches only breathe fire horizontally

AB76 [02; Blue Koopa, no shell] Sprite that Super Koopa(73) becomes when stomped
16CFE[77; Cape Feather] Sprite spawned with above

FCC7 [AB CD AB CD AB CD F5 FA F5 FA 2A CD 2A CD] Pointers to each Koopa Kid's code

1DF78 [0B 0B 0B 21] GFX files to use for Morton, Roy, Ludwig, and Bowser
1DBDE Morton's tilemap

CF99 [00 09 12] Relative pointers to Morton, Roy, & Ludwig's gfx
D012 [1E CE 3E CE 5F CE 7D CF E0 CF 43 D0]
D065 [16 D1 16 D1 6B CE] 2-byte pointers to Morton, Roy, & Ludwig's behavior code
D072 [78 CE B6 CE FD CE] 2-byte pointers to Ludwig's behaviors (spitting fire, spinning in shell, jumping)
D0B0 [1B 1C 1D 1B] Spinning shell animation frames
D168 [06] Animation frame Ludwig uses when jumping
D172 [05] Part 2
D173 [02] Part 3

C238 [02 B9 03] Magikoopa palette pointer
C250 [F0] Starting index to use for Magikoopa palette

9A3F [30] Timing that enemies in a stunned state begin to shake

9888 [03] What color shell makes a shelless Koopa become invincible
(00:Green; 01:Red; 02lue; 03:Yellow)

1630E [0A] Palette of Jumping Piranha Plant leaves

Dino Torch
1A0F3 [04] Which segment is the Dino-Torch body
1A10E [04] Which segment doesn't flip like the fire

9B13 Start of invincible shell routine

B2A1 [02] Value to add for beached Cheep-Cheep animations
B30F [01] Change to 00 to switch the gfx pages used by the normal and beached statuses of Cheep-Cheep

16B9B [F8] Rising speed of Pipe Lakitu
16BE3 [08] Sinking speed of Pipe Lakitu
16BCA [22 19 EA 01] Subroutine to jump to when Pipe Lakitu throws a Spiny

18FB0 [C0] Tile to use for Message Block

650D [03] How many palettes to cycle through when Mario/Luigi is invincible, -1
2646 [A0 64] Where to replace row 1 of Cape Mario pieces, sparkles, & stunned Koopa tiles
2652 [F6 0B]
2668 [A0 65] Where to replace row 2 of Cape Mario pieces, sparkles, & stunned Koopa tiles
266E [B6 0C]

11656 [00: 100 pts] Score added for hitting an enemy from below or smacking an enemy with the cape

1112B [D7 C7 D6 C6] Lava splash tiles(1)
11176 [05] Lava splash palette/GFX page(1)
12082 [D7 C7 D6 C6] Lava splash tiles(2)
120D5 [05] Lava splash palette/GFX page(2)
1217A [04] Yoshi fireball tile (1)
1217E [2B] Yoshi fireball tile (2)
1218B [35] Yoshi fireball palette/GFX page

1777F [20 59 F7] Jump to Ghost house door routine
17787 [20 6E F6] Jump to Castle door routine
1778F [20 39 F6] Jump to No Yoshi sign routine
17798 [20 D0 F5] Jump to Ghost house exit door routine

9A07 [06] Default animation frame to use for the shell
9A0E [08] Animation frame to use for the shell when Mario is turning around while holding it
9C22 [06 07 08 07] Animation frame assignments for the shell
9C26 [00 00 00 40] Flip of each animation frame
9C34 [03] How many animation frames the spinning shell has, -1


Phoenix Yoshi
Posted on 05-01-07 07:18 PM Link | Quote | ID: 31943

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Posted by Mattrizzle87
8535 [09 07 05 07] Colors of Yoshi Eggs (Red, Blue, Yellow, Blue)
8540 [03] How many types of Yoshi Eggs to allow, minus one

So, basically, if one were to change one of those 7's to, say, a 3, we'd get a Gray/Grey Yoshi Egg that spawns a Gray/Grey Yoshi, right? But what if one wanted more Yoshi Eggs? Would they have to change the value at 8540, AND relocate the pointer to 8535? Or what?

Does anyone happen to know the pointer to the tiles used by the top half of the Ground-Dwelling Monty Mole digging out of the ground? It seems to use part of the Dying Lakitu tiles, but I'd like to use both Lakitus and Monty Moles in the same level. This means I have to remap the aforementioned tile used by the Monty Mole's digging sprite.

Posted on 05-01-07 11:19 PM Link | Quote | ID: 32023

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Since: 02-25-07
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Loads and loads of useful addresses there, Mattrizzle. Thanks a lot!

Posted by Phoenix Yoshi
Does anyone happen to know the pointer to the tiles used by the top half of the Ground-Dwelling Monty Mole digging out of the ground? It seems to use part of the Dying Lakitu tiles, but I'd like to use both Lakitus and Monty Moles in the same level. This means I have to remap the aforementioned tile used by the Monty Mole's digging sprite.

x09E71 [CE CE 88 89 CE CE 89 88]
Ground-dwelling Monty Mole's Dirt (2 Air tiles, 2 Dirt Tiles)


Lakitu Tilemap (three frames, two bytes each. Order: head, body. Idle, throwing, then dying)

x16BE6 [EC A8 CE EE EE EE]
Pipe-Dwelling Lakitu Tilemap (idle head, dying head, throwing head, then three body tiles)

Posted on 05-01-07 11:22 PM Link | Quote | ID: 32025

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Posted by Phoenix Yoshi
Posted by Mattrizzle87
8535 [09 07 05 07] Colors of Yoshi Eggs (Red, Blue, Yellow, Blue)
8540 [03] How many types of Yoshi Eggs to allow, minus one

So, basically, if one were to change one of those 7's to, say, a 3, we'd get a Gray/Grey Yoshi Egg that spawns a Gray/Grey Yoshi, right? But what if one wanted more Yoshi Eggs? Would they have to change the value at 8540, AND relocate the pointer to 8535? Or what?
Yes, that's exactly what they'd have to do.
Here is the pointer:
8543 [35 83] Location of Yoshi Egg color table

Posted by Phoenix Yoshi

Does anyone happen to know the pointer to the tiles used by the top half of the Ground-Dwelling Monty Mole digging out of the ground? It seems to use part of the Dying Lakitu tiles, but I'd like to use both Lakitus and Monty Moles in the same level. This means I have to remap the aforementioned tile used by the Monty Mole's digging sprite.
This is what you're looking for, right? Just change all four occurrences of CE to something else:
9E71 [CE CE 88 89] Tiles to use for frame 1 of Monty Mole digging out of ground
9E75 [CE CE 88 89] Tiles to use for frame 2 of Monty Mole digging out of ground(mirrored)


Phoenix Yoshi
Posted on 05-02-07 12:03 AM Link | Quote | ID: 32049

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Posted by Mattrizzle87
Yes, that's exactly what they'd have to do.
Here is the pointer:
8543 [35 83] Location of Yoshi Egg color table

This is what you're looking for, right? Just change all four occurrences of CE to something else:
9E71 [CE CE 88 89] Tiles to use for frame 1 of Monty Mole digging out of ground
9E75 [CE CE 88 89] Tiles to use for frame 2 of Monty Mole digging out of ground(mirrored)

Oh, THANK you! Erm... BTW, is there any possible way to change what abilities each Palette will give a Yoshi?

Posted on 05-02-07 01:18 AM Link | Quote | ID: 32079

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Posted by Phoenix Yoshi
Erm... BTW, is there any possible way to change what abilities each Palette will give a Yoshi?
Yes, I posted it earlier in the thread, in the post that has all of the Yoshi data. Well, at least you can change what the first six palettes give a Yoshi.


Phoenix Yoshi
Posted on 05-02-07 01:25 AM Link | Quote | ID: 32086

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No, I mean like, custom abilities or something, like maybe a Gray/Grey Yoshi could jump higher than all other Yoshis or something. That'd be cool to see. But anyways, thanks for your help. ...You wouldn't happen to know where the address for getting lives from Yoshi Coins is, would you? I want to disable getting lives from those things...

Posted on 05-02-07 10:08 AM Link | Quote | ID: 32267

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While I was looking at the sprite code from Magikoopa's Magic, I found this:

LDA $185F
SBC #$11
CMP #$1D

0xBE67: [AD 5F 18 38 E9 11 C9 1D]
Code that only allows the turnblocks to be changed into sprites when touched by Magikoopa's Magic.

If you change it to EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA, then every Map16 block will also change into sprites when touched by Magikoopa's Magic.

Raccoon Sam
Posted on 05-02-07 09:50 PM (rev. 2 of 05-02-07 09:51 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 32325

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1739A [05] How many segments Wiggler has

Hahaha. Gotta love this one.


Posted on 05-02-07 11:33 PM Link | Quote | ID: 32350

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4EDA[A9 0F 8D E0 13] Code that tells what animation frame Mario uses when 'disable movement' RAM address is set (0F is the animation frame; change this string to [EA EA EA EA EA] to make Mario keep his current animation frame)


Posted on 05-03-07 12:58 AM Link | Quote | ID: 32372

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Posted by Davros
While I was looking at the sprite code from Magikoopa's Magic, I found this:

LDA $185F
SBC #$11
CMP #$1D

0xBE67: [AD 5F 18 38 E9 11 C9 1D]
Code that only allows the turnblocks to be changed into sprites when touched by Magikoopa's Magic.

If you change it to EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA, then every Map16 block will also change into sprites when touched by Magikoopa's Magic.

Heh, but that would include tile 0x25, the "blank" tile, so he'd just be spawning sprites in front of himself.

Posted on 05-03-07 02:25 AM Link | Quote | ID: 32400

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Posted by HyperHacker
Heh, but that would include tile 0x25, the "blank" tile, so he'd just be spawning sprites in front of himself.

It only works on solid Map16 blocks, I was just testing it.

Also, at 0xBEB5 I found out that JSL $00BEB0 goes to a subroutine that is similar to the Map16 subroutine from the Donut Lift custom sprite and block. That's probably the original Map16 subroutine where mikeyk disassembled the code and did a few changes to it.

Posted on 05-03-07 04:07 AM Link | Quote | ID: 32427

Jizz Danmaku
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Posted by Raccoon Sam

1739A [05] How many segments Wiggler has

Hahaha. Gotta love this one.

there is a maximum of 5 at a time.... it gets all glitchy after that... but.... it's still awesome...


Posted on 05-03-07 08:00 AM Link | Quote | ID: 32531

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Aww, the floating Wiggler head looks so lonely. I've been wondering for a while if there's a similar value you can change for the number of Pokey segments. (It would be nice to give Pokey four segments regardless of whether Mario was riding Yoshi)

Here are a couple of tilemaps I had to serch for this afternoon:

0x9E69 [CE EE] Vertical Dolphin Tilemap

0x1C45B [E0 C2 C0 C2] Chainsaw's Motor Tilemap

Posted on 05-03-07 08:29 AM Link | Quote | ID: 32541

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The problem about learning how to hack these ROM addresses is how there is so many that it is overwhelming.
Somehow we should make some kind of file that makes these easier. Like a help file that has category click friendly such as enemy movements, colors, etc.

But that is just me.

Posted on 05-03-07 03:43 PM Link | Quote | ID: 32578

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Posted by Sgraff87
The problem about learning how to hack these ROM addresses is how there is so many that it is overwhelming.
Somehow we should make some kind of file that makes these easier. Like a help file that has category click friendly such as enemy movements, colors, etc.

But that is just me.
If I remember correctly, someone was making an editor that worked with any type of ROM. Though you wouldn't be able to do anything as in-depth as changing enemy movement, you could at least modify all of the posted addresses in a more user-friendly way. In this editor, you could input a list of addresses and tables with descriptions in a text file, and this editor would read the text file when the ROM was opened. You could then edit the ROM data directly form the editor. Unfortunately, this was on one of the previous incarnations of the board, and I don't think this person came back.

Posted by icegoom
I've been wondering for a while if there's a similar value you can change for the number of Pokey segments. (It would be nice to give Pokey four segments regardless of whether Mario was riding Yoshi)
I could try looking into that for you, if only Pokey's code wasn't so scattered. There would be two separate values, 03 when Mario/Luigi is by himself, and 05 when he's riding Yoshi.


Posted on 05-04-07 01:10 AM Link | Quote | ID: 32680

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Posted by Mattrizzle87
I could try looking into that for you, if only Pokey's code wasn't so scattered. There would be two separate values, 03 when Mario/Luigi is by himself, and 05 when he's riding Yoshi.

It's not really that important. Don't knock yourself out looking for it. I was just curious if anyone had happened upon such a value.

I have already done some searching in the area around Pokey's face and body tiles for 03's and 05's, but none of the values I've changed have done anything. I also tried changing some 02's and 04's and 04's and 06's in case the head didn't count as a segment or the actual value was a -1 deal. I've been looking around the upper 13000's. Where else is Pokey code located?

Posted on 05-04-07 05:40 AM (rev. 5 of 05-04-07 06:49 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 32777

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Actually, I was wrong about the Pokey data being scattered. The Dry Bones data, on the other hand... The Pokey code starts at 13836.
I found the data that tells how many segments Pokey is spawned with in its sprite initialization routine.
874C [1F; 5] How many segments Pokey has when Mario is riding Yoshi
8753 [07; 3] How many segments Pokey has when Mario isn't riding Yoshi

EDIT: I don't know why I didn't see this before! Each bit equals 1 segment, so the possible values are:
01- 1 segment
03- 2 segments
07- 3 segments
0F- 4 segments
1F- 5 segments

Mario Animation
4C39 [14] Victory stance while riding Yoshi
5079 [2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F] Cape Gliding animation
5163 [3C] Crouching
516A [1D] Crouching while holding item
5175 [3F] Throwing fireball
517B [16] Throwing fireball in midair
517F [0E] Kicking item
5190 [0F] Turning around while holding item
51B4 [09] Holding item in midair
51CE [03] Looking up
5211 [07] Value to add for holding item animations
5219 [03] Value to add for running animations
5225 [10] 45-degree angle running
522F [11] Value to add for running up wall animations
52B9 [3E] Dying
531D-5328 Growing/Shrinking
53AE [29] Entering a horizontal pipe while riding Yoshi
5429 [21] Entering a vertical pipe while riding Yoshi
5B80 [16] Default swimming pose
5CDB-5CDC Climb Fence Animation (1st Back, 2nd Front)
5CDD-5CDE Punch Gate Animation (1st Back, 2nd Front)
657D9-657E8 Swing Hammer Animation (Castle Destruction)
65963 Crouched down w/Mop(Castle Destruction)
659B6 Standing w/Mop(Castle Destruction)


Posted on 05-04-07 06:45 AM Link | Quote | ID: 32796

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Posted by Mattrizzle87
I found some data related to how many segments Pokey is spawned with in its sprite initialization routine.
874C [1F] How many segments Pokey has when Mario is riding Yoshi (Change to 07 to give it 3 segments)
8738 [07] How many segments Pokey has when Mario isn't riding Yoshi (Change to 1F to give it 5 segments)

Ah, thanks a lot. Did you mean 8753 for the number of segments when Mario isn't riding Yoshi? The value at 8738 was 10 for me. I was playing around with values and tried 0F at both addresses, which made it so that Pokey always had four segments. But I'll try 15, too.
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