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Chaos Force
Posted on 03-11-07 05:38 PM Link | Quote | ID: 13871

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Posted by Smallhacker
That Bony Beetle hack with the bone hovering above the "super beetle" inspired me to look for this:

How to make Super/Fire/Cape Mario have a 16x16 interaction field (like Small Mario):

Change 06D79 to A900, 1B87C to A900 and 0B6C0 to A000.

The first one is for level interaction, the second one is for sprite interaction and the third one is for fixing a problem with solid sprite interaction.

Changing the values to A901, A901 and A001 instead should do the opposite: make all Mario sizes use a 16x32 field. NOTE THAT THIS HAS NOT BEEN TESTED. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.

This would of been great information when I was making The Castle, with the hatless Mario :/

Posted on 03-12-07 09:01 AM Link | Quote | ID: 14281

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Crazy as it sounds, I wonder if it is possible to use Mario's animations from when he uses the hammer to destroy one of the towers. Like a hammer powerup or something.

Of course I do not expect it to work, but since it is coded already, I just wonder.

Posted on 03-13-07 05:22 PM (rev. 2 of 03-15-07 04:49 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 14759

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Since: 02-25-07
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All right, so x124DF is the Hammer Tilemap. By default, the values here are 08 6D 6D 08 08 6D 6D 08. You can change the 08's to your heart's content, but if you change the 6D's, it majorly screws up the flipping of the bone Dry Bones throws. I don't suppose there's a work around for this... 6D's a pretty annoying position for the Hammer graphics to occupy, being offset from the 16 x 16 grid. That's where the flip data for Dry Bones' bone is, anyway.

EDIT: Well, crap... I thought maybe I could fix the problem by repointing where the Hammer's Tilemap was. I found the pointer for the Hammer Tilemap at x12528 and changed it from DF A2 to EC B5 to redirect the graphics to a block of FF's at 137EC. But I guess the Bone's attributes got moved over, too, because that didn't fix anything. I guess I'll just have to live with either the Hammer tile being at 6D or the bone looking kind of wonky.

Posted on 03-18-07 07:55 PM Link | Quote | ID: 16574

Red Birdo
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Just posting this since BMF was interested in it, and in case anyone else is too. AFAIK this is the routine that controls when Layer 3 is cut off at (which scanline)

// Super Mario World IRQ vector routine - $8374, PC Headered $574

REP #$30
SEP #$30
LDA $4211
BPL 4211Branch
LDA #$81
BMI 0D9BBranch
STX $4200
LDY #$1F
JSR Sub1 //$843B / $73B
LDA $22
STA $2111
LDA $23
STA $2111
LDA $24
STA $2112
LDA $25
STA $2112
STA $2105
LDA $40
STA $2131
REP #$30
STZ $4300

// $8439 / $639
LDY #$20
Sub1: // $843B / $63B
BIT $4212
BIT $4212
BVC 4212Loop

Posted on 03-19-07 08:16 AM Link | Quote | ID: 16882

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Porcu-Puffer fish data:

0x1872D: [10 F0]
Horizontal speed of the Porcu-Puffer fish.

0x18780: [94 AA 22 1A 80 01]
Change 94 to 74 and change 1A to 2A to make the Porcu-Puffer fish go in a straight line and also float on air.

Grey Castle Block data:

0x19071: [00 F0 00 10]
Horizontal speed of the Grey Moving Castle Block.

0x19075: [40 50 40 50]
Time in position of the Grey Moving Castle Block.

40 is the time it waits until it goes to the other direction.
50 is the length it travels (6 blocks).

Posted on 03-20-07 02:29 AM Link | Quote | ID: 17168

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Since: 02-25-07
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A couple of small tilemap related things I've been looking for for awhile:

0x11F30: [98]
Tile used by Wiggler's Flower once it falls off his head

0x14D17 [1C]
Tile used by Chargin' Chuck's shoulder while charging (value is the left tile. The tile to the right is automatically chosen to complete the arm)

Raccoon Sam
Posted on 03-26-07 08:50 PM Link | Quote | ID: 19529

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Since: 02-19-07
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Posted by icegoom
0x14D17 [1C]
Tile used by Chargin' Chuck's s
houlder while charging (value is the left tile. The tile to the right is automatically chosen to complete the arm)

I remember looking for this ages ago. Thanks a bunch.
I hate Chargin' Chuck tilemaps too much anyway.


Posted on 03-31-07 12:48 PM Link | Quote | ID: 21338

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Since: 02-25-07
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I've got most of Chuck's tilemap documented. I really ought to type that up some time. Here, I don't think these have been found before:

0x9E65 [AE AC 8C 8E]
Rip Van Fish Tilemap (2 swimming frames, 2 sleeping frames)

0x10FD7 [F1 F0 E1 E0]
Rip Van Fish's Z's (pop, large Z, medium Z, small Z)

Posted on 04-13-07 09:21 AM Link | Quote | ID: 26297

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Since: 02-20-07

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Turn Block Bridge data:

0xB89F: [20 00]
Length of sprites 59 and 5A

0xB8A1: [01 FF]
X offset of sprites 59 and 5A

0xB8A3: [40 40]
Time of sprites 59 and 5A

40 Tile used by sprites 59 and 5A

Posted on 04-21-07 10:03 PM Link | Quote | ID: 28574

Red Cheep-cheep
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Since: 04-21-07
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C31B [80] How long the bonus star number stays on the screen
C364 [32] Palette/priority/flip of Goal tape tiles
3F2C8-3F333 X-coordinates of bonus star numbers (FF terminates the string)
3F334-3F39F Y-coordinates of bonus star numbers (read the note above)
3F3A0-3F3A9 Relative pointers for each star number formation's tilemap (0-9)

1449F [2E: Throw block] 1st type of block Chargin’ Chuck can smash through,
144A3 [1E: Turn block] 2nd type of block Chuck can smash through, -0x100
144BE [02] What top row of blocks become when Chuck smashes through them
144DB [02] What bottom row of blocks become when Chuck smashes through them


Posted on 04-23-07 12:20 AM Link | Quote | ID: 28965

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0xFA8E: [18 E8]
Vertical speed of the Eerie (sprite 39)

0x15799: [E8]
Horizontal speed of the Banzai Bill

If you change it to 18 it will go left.

Ninji data:

0x1C575: [60]
Time it takes to jump

0x1C548: [D0 C0 B0 D0]
Vertical speed when jumping

Posted on 04-23-07 12:46 AM Link | Quote | ID: 28972

Red Paragoomba
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0x5545 Mario 'acceleration' while walking and heading left
0x5547 Mario 'acceleration' while running and heading left(added to the value for walking)
0x5549 Mario 'acceleration' while walking and heading right
0x554B Mario 'acceleration' while running and heading right(added to the value for walking)

Posted on 04-24-07 09:02 PM (rev. 4 of 04-24-07 09:20 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 29559

Red Cheep-cheep
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Since: 04-21-07
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Be prepared for a post chock full of sweet addresses!

7559 [1C] Dragon Coin sound
755E [01] How many regular coins a Dragon Coin gives you
7564 [18] What object overlaps Dragon coin after it is collected

Yoshi Stuff
4FA9 [20 21 27 28] Mario riding on Yoshi animations
4FC5 [1D] Animation frame for Mario crouching on Yoshi
53AE [29] Animation frame for Mario entering horizontal pipe on Yoshi
5429 [21] Animation frame for Mario entering vertical pipe on Yoshi

ECA8 [00] Yoshi's standing animation
ECE7 [02] Falling animation frame
ECED [05] Jumping animation frame
ECF6 [03] Turning animation frame
ED01 [07] Eating animation frame
ED09 [06] Eating animation (while holding up)
ED1D [04] Crouching animation frame
ED2D [04] Waiting animation frame

ED79 [01] Change to 00 to make Mario walk even when riding Yoshi
EDC2 [0C 0B 0C 0B 0A 0B 0A 0B] Growing animation sequence
EE3C [03] Yoshi's thank you message

EFE4-EFED Y-position of Mario on Yoshi (1 byte for each frame; 10 bytes)
EFEE-EFF0 Walking animation frames
EFF1-EFF2 [02 FE] Base X-position of Yoshi (1st byte facing right; 2nd facing left)
EFF3-EFF4 [00 FF] ?
EFF5-EFF7 [03 02 01] Animation speed of walking frames
EFF8 [00] Animation speed while running
EFF9-F005 Yoshi's head tiles (points to table at 9E47-9E57)
F006-F012 Yoshi's body tiles (points to table at 9E47-9E57)
F013-F01F X-position of Yoshi's head (facing right; 13 bytes)
F020-F02C X-position of Yoshi's head (facing left; 13 bytes)
F02D-F039 ? Yoshi's head (facing right; 13 bytes)
F03A-F046 ? Yoshi's head (facing left; 13 bytes)
F047-F053 Base Y-position of Yoshi (13 bytes)
F054-F060 Y-position of Yoshi's head

F337 [00 00 01 02] Table for abilities given to Yoshi upon eating a shell
01=Stomping dust clouds, 02=Flying, 03=Stomping dust clouds & flying
(This table doesn't cover the fire-spitting ability. The first two bytes are unused.)

F345 [03 02 02 03 01 00] What ability each color of shell gives to Yoshi
(This table points to the table at F337)
(In the order of: brown[unused], gray[unused], yellow, blue, red, green)

F50A [12] Change to 00 to keep Yoshi from sticking out his tongue
F51E [20] Length of Yoshi's tongue (about 2.5 blocks)
F529 [08] Amount of time Yoshi's tongue stays at its maximum length
F648 [04] X-shift of tongue segments
F665 [04] How many tiles comprise Yoshi's tongue (doesn't change collision)
F688 [76] Tile for Yoshi's tongue
F68C [66] Tile for end of Yoshi's tongue
F694 [09] Pal/flip/etc. of Yoshi's tongue
F698 [40] Value to add to Pal/flip/etc. of Yoshi's tongue when facing right
F6E8 [FC] Y position of sprite grabbed by Yoshi's tongue

12FD9-12FDC [01 02 03 05] Lives given by 1-UP, 2-UP, 3-UP, and 5-UP sprites
12FDD-12FE1 [05 0A 0F 14 19] Coins given by the x5, x10, x15, x20, and x25 coin sprites
12FE2-12FE3 [04 06] Attributes of 2-UP & 3-UP score sprites

The unused 5-UP and coin addition sprites have no palette attributes. To make room for them, change the pointer at 130DD-130DE.

Overworld Map Stuff
2776F [48] X location of Mario on lives exchange
27770 [78] Y location of Mario on lives exchange
2777B [0A] Tile to use for Mario on lives exchange
2777C [34] Pal/flip/etc. of Mario
27775 [90] X location of Luigi on lives exchange
27776 [78] Y location of Luigi on lives exchange
27781 [0A] Tile to use for Luigi on lives exchange
27782 [36] Pal/flip/etc. of Luigi

27C6D [40] Flip to use when approaching from left
27C6F [12] Base Pal/flip/etc. of Cheep-Cheep
27C74 [24] Maximum height Cheep-Cheep can jump
27C79 [0E] Sound Cheep-Cheep makes
27CB2 [4A] Tile to use for Cheep-Cheep (1)
27CB8 [48] Tile to use for Cheep-Cheep (2)

27CFB [2A] Tile to use for Piranha Plant (1)
27D01 [2C] Tile to use for Piranha Plant (2)
27D03 [32] Pal/flip/etc. of Piranha Plant

27D38 [02] X speed of clouds
27D3D [FF] Y speed of clouds
27D65 [32] Pal/flip/etc. of cloud (left half)
27D76 [72] Pal/flip/etc. of cloud (right half)
27D79 [44] Tile to use for clouds

27F38 [68] Tile to use for Bowser in clown car
27F2E [00] Pal/flip/etc. of Bowser (facing left)
27F35 [40] Pal/flip/etc. of Bowser (facing right)

27FB0 [60] Tile to use for Boo
27FA6 [34] Pal/flip/etc. of Boo (facing left)
27FAD [44] Pal/flip/etc. of Boo (facing right)

621ED [38] X-position of Mario (Credits)
621F2 [8F] Y-position of Mario (Credits)
621F9 [01] Powerup of Mario (Credits)
621FD [08] X-Speed of Mario (Credits)
62205 [52] X-position of Yoshi (Credits)
6220C [8F] Y-position of Yoshi (Credits)
6221E [51] X-position of Peach (Credits)
62235 [A0] Y-position of eggs (Credits)
6228F-622B8 Yoshi's House decoration tiles
622B9-622E2 Yoshi's House decoration palettes
622EA [2F] Y-position of Yoshi's House decorations
628FB [9F] Y-position of Peach waving after eggs hatch
62992 [01] Direction Yoshi faces
629B0 [01] Change to 00 to make Yoshi invisible for the credits sequence
629D5-629E0 Red Yoshi(Cheering) Tiles
629E1-629EC Yellow Yoshi (Cheering) Tiles
620A9-62A14 Red Yoshi(Cheering) Palettes
62A15-62A20 Yellow Yoshi (Cheering) Palettes
62AD8 [68 26 24 6A 28 64 26] Palettes of Baby Yoshis
62B06 [86] Tile of eggs
62B0B [21] Palette of eggs
62B18 [EA] Tile of Baby Yoshis
62B3A-62B45 Red Yoshi (Watching) Tiles
62B46-62B51 Yellow Yoshi (Watching) Tiles
62B52-62B5D Red Yoshi (Watching) Palettes
62B5E-62B69 Yellow Yoshi (Watching) Palettes
62B6A-62B75 Red Yoshi (Watching) Tile X-coords
62B76-62B81 Yellow Yoshi (Watching) Tile X-coords
62B82-62B8D Red Yoshi (Watching) Tile Y-coords
62B8E-62B99 Yellow Yoshi (Watching) Tile Y-coords
62B9A-62B9D [00 06 0C 12]
62BF5 [00] Tile size of 8x8 tiles (Red/Yellow Yoshi watching)
62C0B-62C10 [C4 E4 E6 E8 CE EE] Blue/Green Yoshi Tiles
62C11-62C12 [36 36] Blue Yoshi Palettes
62C13-62C14 [3A 3A] Green Yoshi Palettes

Edit: If you change a Koopa or Buzzy Beetle's pointer in the sprite initialization routines table (837D) to 8B 96, it will spawn as an invincible shell!

Edit 2: In the same table, applying 9A 83 makes enemies that are unstompable, but don't do damage to Mario. (He just bounces off of them)


Posted on 04-24-07 10:05 PM Link | Quote | ID: 29579

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Since: 02-25-07
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Wow! Awesomeness overload! I remember searching for all those Yoshi animations once upon a time. The Yoshi shell abilities should be useful, but it's too bad there's no red shell data. (I'd like to give fire-breathing to yellow shells and make red shells like ordinary greens shells)

Posted on 04-25-07 03:20 AM (rev. 2 of 04-25-07 07:27 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 29843

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Since: 03-25-07
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That is awesome, but something seems wrong here.
Posted by Mattrizzle87
F337 [00 00 01 02] Table for abilities given to Yoshi upon eating a shell
01=Stomping dust clouds, 02=Flying, 03=Stomping dust clouds & flying
(This table doesn't cover the fire-spitting ability. The first two bytes are unused.)

F345 [03 02 02 03 01 00] What ability each color of shell gives to Yoshi
(This table points to the table at F337)
(In the order of: brown[unused], gray[unused], yellow, blue, red, green)
You seem to have swapped yellow and blue.

[edit] I can't add.

Posted on 04-25-07 04:00 AM (rev. 4 of 04-25-07 04:18 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 29895

Red Cheep-cheep
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Since: 04-21-07
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HH: Just tested the address again. The second 02 (at F347) does correspond to the yellow shell, so they weren't swapped. It points to F339 (F337+02), which is set to 01, giving Yoshi the ability to stomp dust clouds.

icegoom: I did find the data for which color of shell and Yoshi gain fire breath, but I forgot to post it. You should be able to find the settings at F470 and F479, respectively. It does seem pretty wasteful that Nintendo didn't put the fire ability in those tables in the first place.

Some of the things that have been hiding from me for a long time are those darned addresses that tell what tile and palette the Yoshi egg uses in the Castle destruction sequence. In my hack, elusive coins have been stolen, so I don't want no more stinkin' eggs.

I would post some more of the addresses I found during the long time period without the Internet, but I'm too lazy to keep browsing through SMW Central to find out how much of it was already posted.


Posted on 04-25-07 06:52 AM (rev. 2 of 04-25-07 06:53 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 29959

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Since: 02-25-07
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Post whatever you have, if you feel like typing it up. I'm sure nobody would mind seeing a bit of repeat information if it meant there was some new stuff.

OK, I got a red shell to act like a green shell by changing F470 from 08 to 00, but I can't figure out what exactly the value at F479 controls.

Posted on 04-25-07 07:28 AM Link | Quote | ID: 29963

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Since: 03-25-07
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Tsk, I was thinking of the flashing invincible shell. Is that not in these tables?

Posted on 04-25-07 07:31 AM (rev. 3 of 04-25-07 07:37 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 29964

Red Cheep-cheep
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Since: 04-21-07
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icegoom: F479 controls what color of Yoshi always gets the fire breath. Also, if you want to make the Yellow shell give fire breath as you said earlier, just change F470 to 04.

HH: It's very possible that the invincible shell abilities code is near the fire breath code.

Whew...it's nearly past 1:30 AM here, so I really should be getting to bed now.


Posted on 05-01-07 04:53 PM Link | Quote | ID: 31915

Red Cheep-cheep
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Since: 04-21-07
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So, should I post my entire document here, or should I create a link to it? It's kinda messy, and its size is 123 KB. The document I'm referring to has every address I've ever posted on this board, and more.

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