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Red Paratroopa


Since: 03-04-06

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Posted on 04-27-06 12:20 AM Link | Quote
In 100 years... we will have space technology and we will colonize space.

That or we'll see the end of the human race, global warming or no.

Red Cheep-cheep


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 04-27-06 02:12 AM Link | Quote
mattp: we already have "space technology" .... you know those things that have the big rockets on them.... those are spaceships

anyway.... global warming is a science of fearmongering.... whoever scares the most gets the most money to try and prove he's right


Since: 11-18-05
From: A room

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 04-27-06 02:21 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by geeogree

anyway.... global warming is a science of fearmongering.... whoever scares the most gets the most money to try and prove he's right

Got a link to that?

Red Cheep-cheep


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 04-27-06 04:07 AM Link | Quote
sorry Ziff... I was kinda hoping you did

Raging Venom

Since: 11-18-05
From: Final Fantasy Fire

Last post: 6362 days
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Posted on 04-27-06 09:29 PM Link | Quote
Ziff, look at any conservative political website. Almost all of them feel the same way. Ever listen to Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, etc.?


Since: 11-18-05
From: A room

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Posted on 04-27-06 09:37 PM Link | Quote
No, I'd like a link to funding for projects on this. If the one that "scares the most gets the most money" then there would have to be some evidence.

Show me it. Go on.
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 04-27-06 09:51 PM Link | Quote
Global warming is bound to happen. It's nothing we should worry about though. It shouldn't happen in OUR lifetime at least.

What we SHOULD worry about is Aliums, and Space Creatures.

The ONLY way to abate global warming is to cool down the Earth. Thus, Solar cars etc. Our planet has so many flaws, it's not even funny. Space colonization probably won't happen for a while, so if Global Warming ever DOES happen in our lifetime... we'll most likely be effected if not killed.

(edited by ||EyeL E Ss|| on 04-27-06 08:52 PM)

Red Koopa

Since: 04-06-06
From: Canada

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Posted on 04-27-06 09:56 PM Link | Quote
We could always push the Earth a bit farther from the sun with nuclear technology (This statement is NOT to be taken seriously, just joking here)

Seriously, I don't really know what to think about the whole Global Warming thing : it's seems both plausible AND exaggerated (by the medias mostly) so I can't exactly say if that's BS or another one of humanity's mortal bane on it's already long and big list.

Affected by 'Princess Bitch-Face Syndrome' ++++!!
Persona non grata


Since: 11-17-05
From: Adelaide, Australia

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Posted on 04-27-06 09:56 PM Link | Quote
The idea that funding for projects is based on "scariness" seems a little suspect, I'd be interested in seeing some kind of evidence for that claim too.

I've certainly seen incidences where funding for projects was based on political bias (ie, they've wanted to prove a particular point about something and have funded projects in an effort to prove that point), but I don't think I've seen any evidence on such things being based on the "scariness" of an issue.

I don't deny that fearmongering goes on, I'm sure it does (it goes on in a LOT of things, why not science?) but I would really like to see some evidence to back up your claim that those who scare people the most get the most money.

Raging Venom

Since: 11-18-05
From: Final Fantasy Fire

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Posted on 04-27-06 10:11 PM Link | Quote
You guys do also realize that the sun is a rather young star, and will continue to grow in size and heat. The earth is bound to heat up because of this.
Snow Tomato

Snap Dragon

Since: 12-31-05
From: NYC

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Posted on 04-27-06 10:19 PM Link | Quote
I hate when people say "it won't happen in our lifetime... bathe in oil". So basically fuck your children and your grandkids? You're fine with that? I can't settle for that.

Just why would you want to shorten humans existance on earth for any longer than it's shortened. Conservatives preach and preach about preserving human life.. anti-abortion... yet they're so quick to shirk their responsibility in contributing to global warming which could threaten all life on the planet. I don't get it at all.

Anyways... global warming will cut years off of our existance. Maybe it won't affect you, but it'll affect other people. Why would you want to condemn them? Why conduct an experiment on the only earth that we have?

Raging Venom

Since: 11-18-05
From: Final Fantasy Fire

Last post: 6362 days
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Posted on 04-28-06 01:52 AM Link | Quote
Did you see South Park last night, Raina? While I hate to be a dick about it (because you're a cool person), I must say that it pretty much summed it up.
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 04-28-06 07:02 PM Link | Quote

Snow Tomato, do you think that's something I didn't consider? The thing is, what are WE supposed to do about it. You are basically telling me NOT to have kids. Right? [don't answer]. How am I supposed to evade Global Warming? I'd rather live a good life. I think someone would rather have SOME life, than none at all. You can't yell at me for wanting to live and give life. If my descendants die from Global Warming, as harsh as it may come out to you, what was I supposed to do to stop it? That statement "I hate when people say..." well, I hate when people say THAT.

Red Koopa

Since: 04-06-06
From: Canada

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Posted on 04-28-06 07:09 PM Link | Quote
Snow Tomato just said in an angry way that we should stop sitting on our arses and do something about the stuff, so that future generations won't have to suffer. (correct me if I'm wrong here, ST)

And, as for what you can do, well you could reduce your personal energy consumption and drive less and/or use non-polluting transportation systems among other things. That's if what I hear about global waring is true though.
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 04-28-06 08:18 PM Link | Quote
But one using less energy is like trying to move a Semi-Truck by blowing on it.

As for oil ST.........wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, water, etc.

(edited by ||EyeL E Ss|| on 04-28-06 07:20 PM)

Red Koopa

Since: 04-06-06
From: Canada

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Posted on 04-28-06 08:36 PM Link | Quote
By energy I meant electricity and/or gas (for heating and the like).

Raging Venom

Since: 11-18-05
From: Final Fantasy Fire

Last post: 6362 days
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Posted on 04-28-06 11:05 PM Link | Quote
For everyone that complains about "global warming:"

You sit here and whine and whine and whine some more, yet you're just as bad with contributing to global warming as the rest of us. If you're going to complain, stop using cars, stop smoking, and stop burning your fossil fuels. Let's see you live life so easily when you take these things away.

Affected by 'Princess Bitch-Face Syndrome' ++++!!
Persona non grata


Since: 11-17-05
From: Adelaide, Australia

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 04-28-06 11:22 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Vyper
For everyone that complains about "global warming:"

You sit here and whine and whine and whine some more, yet you're just as bad with contributing to global warming as the rest of us. If you're going to complain, stop using cars, stop smoking, and stop burning your fossil fuels. Let's see you live life so easily when you take these things away.

Vyper -- don't assume that people aren't trying to lessen their contributions. You don't know WHAT other posters are doing in regards to this -- so to make a blanket attack like that is unfair.

Nobody's said if they car-pool or take public transport, if they deliberately cut down electricity use, plant a tree every year, etc, or what.

Also, I don't think anybody believes that this issue means we need to give up everything modern -- I don't think people will do that.

The issue (I think) is more that we need to work out ways of making things more efficient and environmentally friendly, and cutting down on those things that are known to be unhealthy. Like we cut down on (and pretty much eliminated AFAIK) CFC's in spray cans when I was growing up, in preference for alternatives Like we're looking at alternatives -- like solar and wind power, electric vehicles, etc.

And then what I find disappointing is that progress in some of these areas seems to come up against various roadblocks in preference to continuing to use fossil fuels. Some of these roadblocks are technological, but some of them... well... aren't.

Raging Venom

Since: 11-18-05
From: Final Fantasy Fire

Last post: 6362 days
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Posted on 04-28-06 11:41 PM Link | Quote
Problem is, that will never happen. Oil brings in way too much money. There will always be exceptions, but the larger picture will remain.

Armos Knight

Since: 02-18-06
From: Stanford, CA

Last post: 6618 days
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Posted on 04-29-06 12:23 AM Link | Quote
Speaking of people not exactly doing their part while talking about it...

This from 1997 when Gore went to the Kyoto summit.

Gore's plane, a Boeing 707 gas guzzler burns on average 4.1 gallons a mile.
The complete Washington to Florida to Washington to Alaska to Japan and
return to Washington trip calculated from commercial air mileage tables is
just over 16,000 miles total. Gas gallons needed for AIR FORCE II to go
16,000 miles: 65,600. Applying the average price of $2.01 per gallon of
Jet A to the 16,000 mile r/t -- the fuel cost alone passes $131,000.00.
There are 6.7 pounds per gallon of jet fuel. Total pounds of fuel burned on
Gore's Global Warming express -- 439,500.

If he was really that serious...couldn't he have delivered the message via satellite or something, to prove a point, rather than contributing to the problem?
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - World Affairs/Debate - Global Warming? |


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