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Since: 11-17-05
From: Cloud Nine, Turn Left and I'm There~

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 04-22-06 02:39 AM Link | Quote
How did you come to accept your current faith?
What aspects of it appeal to you?
With what aspects do you disagree?
What aspects of other faiths do you find deficient?
What is the primary purpose of religion in your life?

Red Paratroopa


Since: 03-04-06

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Posted on 04-22-06 07:17 PM Link | Quote
Another question:

How can you justify faith knowing that, by its very nature, you can never verify its truth?
Rom Manic

Since: 12-18-05
From: Detroit, WHAT?!

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Posted on 04-22-06 08:52 PM Link | Quote
How did you come to accept your current faith?

I eventually came to realise that Organized Religion is a ridiculous concept about the same time I realised what all those quotes from the bible mean. I don't go to church, but I follow God's footsteps anyway. I sin, but I have my faith in the Lord to protect me from evil.

What aspects of it appeal to you?

I like to know that whatever I do in this life, Jesus will forgive me if I repent for my sins. This applies to all people on this Earth, no matter what sins you have commited. If you repent then you will be saved.

With what aspects do you disagree?

Aspects of Christianity, like Catholicism and Orthodoxy, bother me because a bunch of old men try to run everything and decide what is right to do and wrong to do, like Homosexuality issues, cellibacy, and (For Catholic priests) not being able to marry. You notice that it is the Catholics who took little boys behind the Altar, not the Orthodox, and that is a large factor that played behind the scandals.

What aspects of other faiths do you find deficient?

Every faith has it's rewards and losses, just like Christianity does. Buddhists are taught to be pacifists and philosophical, and for some it can be nice, but for others they might find it boring. It all depends on what kind of lifestyle you want to have, and what kind of lifestyle you're willing to accept.

What is the primary purpose of religion in your life?

It helps console my fears when I am afraid, my doubts when I cannot judge, and my sadness when I am depressed. All I have to do is send a mental note up above, praying for help and forgiveness, and I feel better.

How can you justify faith knowing that, by its very nature, you can never verify its truth?

You just answered your own question.


Since: 11-18-05
From: A room

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 04-22-06 09:20 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rom Manic
You notice that it is the Catholics who took little boys behind the Altar, not the Orthodox, and that is a large factor that played behind the scandals.

There are incidents of ALL forms of Christianity doing this. Orthodox priests have done this. Not just Catholic clergy. The problem was that the Vatican decided to cover it up.



Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 04-23-06 01:26 AM Link | Quote
How did you come to accept your current faith?
I found some information through books, websites, and first hand accounts, and read into it. After a year of study, I decided to accept Wicca, as it appealed to my philosophical state of mind more than Christiannity or anything else.

What aspects of it appeal to you?
Love the environment, love nature, harm no one and have faith in the God and Goddess. Simple enough.

With what aspects do you disagree?
The need to do rituals. It's not an essential need for the religion, though, but I just kinda wish I had the time to actually do a formal ritual =\

What aspects of other faiths do you find deficient?
I do not have an answer at this time.

What is the primary purpose of religion in your life?
Maintaining sanity, giving me something to believe in so I don't lose all hope for my life or anyone else's.
Lordly? No, not quite.

Since: 11-17-05
From: Kansas

Last post: 6346 days
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Posted on 04-23-06 01:30 AM Link | Quote
How did you come to accept your current faith?

A wise man learns from other's mistakes and histories.

What aspects of it appeal to you?

There are no aspects, you do what you realize is the right thing to do.

With what aspects do you disagree?

None, I pick and choose, I'm certainly going to some hell or another.

What aspects of other faiths do you find deficient?

I don't really care about other faiths, I know about them and if people want to follow them, it's their choice completely.

What is the primary purpose of religion in your life?

To get me through day to day with my sanity intact?
C:/xkas bio.asm
Compiled ASM code

Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 04-23-06 01:43 AM Link | Quote
How did you come to accept your current faith?
I didn't choosed my faith yet, part of me is purely atheist, while other part of me like the greek religion. but I do believe the universe is way too imperfect to have been create by one god
What aspects of it appeal to you?
the greek religion have a lot of different story and character, each of them is interesting and explain many stuff that was unexplainiable at this time
With what aspects do you disagree?
the fact that most of greek religion is dead, but there is still some movie or TV show about it
What aspects of other faiths do you find deficient?
the auto-mutilation, like the fact jews can't eat some food and that some people crusified themself. this and war caused by religion
What is the primary purpose of religion in your life?
don't have any yet, since I didn't choosed my faith yet

also why you guy saying that religion is essential for sanity?most of religious fanatic don't look sane to me

(edited by Bio on 04-23-06 12:45 AM)

Red Paratroopa


Since: 03-04-06

Last post: 6609 days
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Posted on 04-23-06 02:24 AM Link | Quote
Rom- How did I answer my own question?

And why are all of you ignoring it? come on, I want to know this
C:/xkas bio.asm
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Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 04-23-06 02:46 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by mattp
Rom- How did I answer my own question?

because the answer is in the question
Rom Manic

Since: 12-18-05
From: Detroit, WHAT?!

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 04-23-06 03:44 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by mattp
Rom- How did I answer my own question?

Because you cannot justify faith. It is an emotion, like love. People can follow love so passionately that it sometimes runs parallel to obsession. The same can be applied to faith, with the exception that rationalization is not needed to feel it. You just do, because it feels right to you.

Red Paratroopa


Since: 03-04-06

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Posted on 04-23-06 11:40 AM Link | Quote
But you can justify an emotion. I can say, "I'm happy", and someone can ask why and I can respond. I can say, "I love you", someone can ask why, and I can answer.

So can any of you justify your faith? If you can't, then why do you feel so secure in it?

Red Koopa

Since: 04-06-06
From: Canada

Last post: 6565 days
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Posted on 04-23-06 02:41 PM Link | Quote
How did you come to accept your current faith?
After countless readings, discussions and self-questioning, I decided to completely eliminate religion and spirituality out of my life and never care about it from there, seeing it as more problematic for myself than helpful. So, agnosticism here.

What aspects of it appeal to you?
I'm more comfortable that way, that's all.

With what aspects do you disagree?

What aspects of other faiths do you find deficient?
Seeing how a lot of people led awesome lives and got so happy thanks to religion, there's not much I can bitch them about except a few things: Extremism, religions trying to influence politics, religious intolerance toward minorities (racial, spiritual or whatever) and some more stuff, but the most important is there.

What is the primary purpose of religion in your life?
There's no religion or spirituality in my personal life since I don't care about the stuff. Otherwise it makes interesting readings and good source material for creative writing.

I don't think I need to answer mattp's question
C:/xkas bio.asm
Compiled ASM code

Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 04-23-06 03:20 PM Link | Quote
another question:

What would do if sience partially/totally disprove your current religion?

my answer would be:
meh, most of greek religion already been disproved, but that not make the story less interesting
Snow Tomato

Snap Dragon

Since: 12-31-05
From: NYC

Last post: 6365 days
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Posted on 04-23-06 08:25 PM Link | Quote
How did you come to accept your current faith?

With alot of thinking. I came to realize that organized religion wasn't gonna work for me... as I'd like to think that people need to take an active part in their faith. I believe in reincarnation so I believe that our beliefs are with us from birth.. and if you turn yourself off to nurture and let nature course through you... you'll feel like you're a part of something.. and you'll feel what you personally truly believe. I kind of got my own beliefs doing this... but if you're hung up on labels.. I'm somewhat Wiccan/Buddhist.

What aspects of it appeal to you?

The freedom to reason with yourself. I think that if you don't question your faith.. that if you don't question the world around you... then something is seriously wrong. So what I believe allows me the freedom to believe what I want without any convictions or controversy. I believe what I feel in my heart.

With what aspects do you disagree?

None really.

What aspects of other faiths do you find deficient?

The only one I can think of is that religion has become mass produced... people don't take an active part in their faith anymore. They show up on Sunday for an hour or so and get lectured. Uncool. Form your own opinions and beliefs.

What is the primary purpose of religion in your life?

Just for the piece of mind... to know that I'm not a speck of dust in an endless void.

How can you justify faith knowing that, by its very nature, you can never verify its truth?

It's a feeling.

What would do if sience partially/totally disprove your current religion?

Science does NOT work against religion. People who take the bible literally word for word are morons. It's metaphors.. guidelines for life. That's how I took it in when I read it. Science is there so we can question the world around us... and I think that with religion we are supposed to question things as well. The mythological figures can be innacurate, and adam and eve may have never existed.. but you can never kill an idea. The ideas behind the figures are more important. I'm not even talking about my religion right now... but I don't think the names and dates are important really in any religion.. just the ideas and the faith and the beliefs. There's no need to get extremely secular with religion at all. Silly.

(edited by Snow Tomato on 04-23-06 07:25 PM)
Rom Manic

Since: 12-18-05
From: Detroit, WHAT?!

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 04-23-06 10:36 PM Link | Quote
Science, like Snow Tomato said, cannot disprove a religion. It is not the people you put your faith into, it is the ideals that you devote yourself to. Christ may not have really existed, but it is taught that if you ask him for forgiveness of sin, you will go to the kingdom of heaven.

Thats what alot of statements in the bible are supposed to point out. The bible may seem like a story to some, but I think it preaches good morals through the subconscious, and telling a story makes it easier to remember how to make a good decision rather than stating a list of rules.
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