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10-05-24 09:30 AM
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Since: 06-11-06

Last post: 6480 days
Last view: 6468 days
Posted on 01-07-07 04:26 PM Link | Quote
Hello, I got into rom hacking about 4 years ago, then after that I got into game designing. But now I'd like to start hacking super mario world again, because I always found it fun no matter what, and I'm having some problems and questions. And as I came back to Acmlm, I also discovered that Hacking Super Mario 64 was possible, and I want to get into that. This is the only place I know that I'll be able to get rom hacking help on and I'd really like to start contributing and getting my much needed help.
Thank you, and have a nice day,
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Approval Request Forum - need aprovel |


Acmlmboard 1.92.999, 9/17/2006
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