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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - What uses 8x8 Tile 7F in GFX00? New poll | |
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Since: 08-10-06

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Posted on 12-12-06 04:12 PM Link | Quote
^ Like the title says. GFX00.bin ends with an odd graphic that has two arrows pointing left and right. As far as I know, there's not a single sprite that uses that tile. If there is, what is it? I want to know if it's safe for me to place squished Goomba GFX there. (I don't like the Squished Goomba using Squished Koopa GFX.) Thanks in advance!

Super Koopa
I AM A Group Of Officially Frustrated Younglings, G.O.O.F.Y. MEMBER

Since: 11-17-05
From: Söderhamn, Sweden

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Posted on 12-12-06 05:18 PM Link | Quote
The tile itself is never used. However, the tile space is.

In other words, that tile is replaced with extra Mario tiles (parts of the cape, IIRC) in-game.

Related question: Is the exclamation mark (tile 1D) in GFX00 used?

(edited by Smallhacker on 12-12-06 04:20 PM)


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 12-12-06 05:24 PM Link | Quote
I'll take a stab at that one and say it's the exclamation point that appears above Mario's head in one of the castle-clear cutscenes. I don't know which one.



Since: 08-10-06

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Posted on 12-12-06 05:25 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Smallhacker
Related question: Is the exclamation mark (tile 1D) in GFX00 used?

XD I was wondering that myself, and it was my next question. XD It looks like a part of the ! Switch Blocks, though. (Which reminds me, does the dialogue for Switch Palaces when you hit a switch use Tiles or Sprites when showing the ! Outlines and ! Blocks?)

Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 12-13-06 06:42 AM Link | Quote
It uses sprites. I actually came across the code for this while dissecting the message box routines last night.

Also, it might interest some of you to know that Mario's flying poses can use up to 5 sprites (3 16x16, 2 8x8), as illustrated by the colored squares in this image:

(edited by BMF54123 on 12-13-06 05:43 AM)

Super Koopa
I AM A Group Of Officially Frustrated Younglings, G.O.O.F.Y. MEMBER

Since: 11-17-05
From: Söderhamn, Sweden

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 12-13-06 08:51 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by BMF54123
It uses sprites. I actually came across the code for this while dissecting the message box routines last night.

Got any interesting information to share? More specifically, got any information about the loading routine? I'd like to modify it to make which message to show to depend on other things than level number and X position.

Originally posted by BMF54123
Also, it might interest some of you to know that Mario's flying poses can use up to 5 sprites (3 16x16, 2 8x8), as illustrated by the colored squares in this image:

Am I the only one who really dislikes that the extra sprites were stored in GFX00? A routine that uploads the currently necessary tiles to GFX00 from, like... GFX32 would have been a lot better. It would have wasted less space in GFX00 and would prevent the extra tiles to suffer from the 3bpp syndrome.

Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 12-14-06 05:27 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Smallhacker
Got any interesting information to share? More specifically, got any information about the loading routine? I'd like to modify it to make which message to show to depend on other things than level number and X position.
Why yes, I do! I just finished my own custom message system a couple nights ago, actually.

$1BDD8: load 16-bit text pointer from table at $1C080 (later transferred to X)
$1BE0A: load text from $address,X (LM changes this, so you'll need to add your JSR immediately afterwards)

Messages are 18x8 tiles in size, and are stored as one long, unbroken string. #$FE terminates a message (I don't think you need to use this if your message fills the entire box).

Basically, all you need to do is intercept these two instructions and plug in your own pointer/text address. With my system, I just store a message number (00-FF) to RAM before calling the message box routine.

The main drawback to all this, of course, is that you have to edit your custom text with a hex editor. I prefer to set up the text in Notepad before copying it into Translhextion, where I use a Thingy table to map the text to standard ASCII. A little tedious, but the end result is so worth it.

Star Mario
Finally being paid to code in VB! If only I still enjoyed that. <_<
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Since: 11-18-05
From: Canada, w00t!
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Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 12-14-06 06:42 AM Link | Quote
Hmmmmm, so your new system lets you choose from 256 messages for each message box?

Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 12-14-06 07:33 AM Link | Quote
Actually, it's designed to be triggered by a custom routine (i.e. a custom block), but with a little hackery I could make it work with the message box sprites as well. I don't really plan on using the sprites much anymore, though.


Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 12-14-06 08:20 AM Link | Quote
Hm. I was thinking of doing the same thing, only a little more complicated.

My version would've used a long address to load the text from instead of an 8-bit pointer, and if possible I was going to add a special 'wait for button press and load next message' command.

Of course, I've been too busy with other things to actually do any work, so.. moot point I guess.

Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 12-15-06 08:48 AM Link | Quote
The existing message system already uses a 16-bit index with a 24-bit address, both of which you can intercept and change at will, as I mentioned earlier. Somehow I doubt you'll need more than 32K for your message box text.

As for the "wait for button press" idea: as long as your code runs only once per frame, all it needs to do is trigger the message box code, exit, then immediately trigger it again on the next frame (make sure it also updates the message number each time). Repeat for any subsequent messages. This is what I did for the "storybook" scenes in SMO.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - What uses 8x8 Tile 7F in GFX00? |


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