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Since: 08-10-06

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Posted on 11-02-06 06:53 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Glyph Phoenix
Come to think of it, a falling platform that falls up would be really awesome. Like a grey platform set to reverse.

You know, the only thing that could make that better is if another custom sprite were to continuously spawn it, like in SMB. Sure, not many people would like to recreate SMB, but why not use the platform idea anyways? Just because it was in SMB doesn't mean it should only be used in a recreation of SMB. After all, it could help you hide secrets from players...

(edited by pikaguy900 on 11-02-06 06:04 PM)



Since: 08-10-06
From: Altoona, Iowa

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Posted on 11-02-06 06:57 PM Link | Quote
Recreate SMB? Nope. That's what SMAS was for. But your platform dealy might be a good idea.

Come to think of it, I'd like to see a basic game of SMW using only graphics and pallette styles from SMB. Maybe I'll do that if I ever get done with ACMLM adventure.



Since: 08-10-06

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Posted on 11-02-06 07:03 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by ibz10g
Recreate SMB? Nope. That's what SMAS was for. But your platform dealy might be a good idea.

Come to think of it, I'd like to see a basic game of SMW using only graphics and pallette styles from SMB. Maybe I'll do that if I ever get done with ACMLM adventure.

Uh, you misunderstood me. I meant that not many people would like to recreate SMB, but just because of that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to make a sprite that continuously spawns a platform that goes up. I'll edit my post to reflect that...



Since: 08-10-06
From: Altoona, Iowa

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Posted on 11-02-06 07:06 PM Link | Quote
I understood what you meant. I was just thinking. Then removing ideas. Then contemplating new ones. Sorry for any misunderstanding.
MadMikeXP 3


Since: 11-24-05
From: Georgia

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Posted on 11-06-06 01:05 AM Link | Quote
I have a ASM hack request.

Do most of you remember in SMB2 if you collected 4 or 5 cherrys you would get one star ? I want to take that feature and put it in SMW. for example, if you collect 4 dragon coins you get a star or turn invincible for about 30 seconds and then your back to square 1 again. I want to almost take away starman powerup from the players if they want a star go find the dragon coins but though they would have to be conversative and save 3 coins and collect the 4th coin for an emergency keep in mind though I will scatter those dragon coins in necessary places. is this possible to do ?

I ran the debug zsnes emulator for my hack, but it doesn't give me live feedback data when actually playing my hack or any other game,

last qiestion when a player collects 50 coins I want mario to go from super to fire or fire to cape mario is this possible to do also ?


Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 11-06-06 08:41 AM Link | Quote
I don't know much about the ZSNES debugger, but seeing as the SNES processor has a theoretical top speed of nearly 1.8 million calculations per second, I'd wager realtime feedback would be kinda pointless.
Hell, a single frame is about 5500 lines of code, and that's without any sprites on the screen. At 60 frames per second, you're looking at over 300000 lines of code, being updated in realtime?

So, yeah. Get Geiger's SNES9x debugger and learn how to use breakpoints (I'm actually working on a tutorial for that. I should hurry up and post it..)

Finding the info you need for the Dragon Coins should be easy enough, but do try and keep in mind that very few people actually bother collecting Dragon Coins, so you'll want to make sure to actually point out their new purpose a few times in the actual game.
Perhaps a level that starts in a narrow tunnel with four Dragon Coins in a row would make a lasting impression.
Also keep in mind that people might accidentally get the coins in the wrong order and get completely screwed over. It would probably be best to give them an item box star, rather than actually generating a star or setting the star timer.

As for the coins, I posted a full disassembly of the coin routine a few pages up. The rest should be simple. It's actually pretty similar to the example hack I'm using for the afforementioned tutorial.

(edited by Kailieann on 11-06-06 07:42 AM)
MadMikeXP 3


Since: 11-24-05
From: Georgia

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Posted on 11-07-06 12:02 AM Link | Quote
Actually kailieann the reason why I need a emulator debugger to give me live feedback, 1.Sprites moving performing certain functions or certain game events in different parts of the game.

Was this the information you wanted me to look at ?

-Found this on page 17-

8D is an STA command. The BF0D afterwards is $7E:0DBF (the address where the current player's coins are stored).

The actual code, which I believe starts at $00:8F1D, is this:

LDA $13CC -- Load 'add a coin' address
BEQ #$19 -- Branch over the coin code if the 'add a coin' address is empty
DEC $13CC -- Decrement 'add a coin' address
INC $0DBF -- Increment current player's coins
LDA $0DBF -- Load current player's coins
CMP #$64 -- Check if current player has 100 coins
BCC #$0C -- Branch over the 1-up code if the player has less than 100 coins.
INC $18E4 -- Increment 'number of lives to add' address.
LDA $0DBF -- Load current player's coins
SEC -- Set Carry
SBC #$64 -- Subtract 100 coins
STA $0DBF -- Store result to current player's coins

Free Ice Man!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Ireland

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Posted on 11-21-06 04:50 AM Link | Quote
Mike, why not try requesting something that would actually be possible? Or even better, work with the features SMW has, and concentrate on level design?


Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 11-21-06 05:23 AM Link | Quote
PAC, level design can't prosper without a decent engine which, in my honest opinion, SMW does not have. Doing things like this to modify the engine are important, especially in a heavily hacked game like this. Coming in weeks after the fact to spam about that solves nothing.

Mike, if you're still interested in this at all, write a number to $7E:1490 and the star music to the appropriate address ($7E:1DFA, IIRC) to do an automatically timed invincibility. $00:8F2F might be a good place to start writing that code; HH posted this address as the Yoshi coin increment address a while back. ...you might have to hook the code and write a JSL, even, because it might just INC $7E:18E4 whereas you'd need to write to a couple of addresses to do the star timer music. You can't avoid doing the star music, either; it would cause various problems.

Other problems include the fact that stars max out at 16 seconds, not 30, and I know at the very least causes a glitch with the fishing boo and probably others so you'll have to be careful. Still, star at 5 coins adds a strategy element to the game, even. It's not a bad angle.

(edited by Glyph Phoenix on 11-21-06 04:54 AM)

Star Mario
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Since: 11-18-05
From: Canada, w00t!
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Posted on 11-21-06 05:51 AM Link | Quote
That's 16 seconds on the game timer though, which is like 45 real seconds.
Raccoon Sam

Boomerang Brother
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Since: 11-20-05
From: Correct

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Posted on 11-23-06 01:33 AM Link | Quote
I'd like a block that spews multiple coins just like the normal multi-block-coin.
However, if the spewed coin amount goes over 15, a Mushroom comes out.
Stephan Reiken


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 11-24-06 01:51 PM Link | Quote
Does anyone have a list of SFX and Music played in SMW, organized by their hex?

And a question...

JSL $028008

What does that do? Particularly, the 02?

(edited by Stephan Reiken on 11-24-06 01:13 PM)


Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 11-24-06 07:32 PM Link | Quote
JSL 02 80 08 jumps to address 80 02 in bank 08
Stephan Reiken


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 11-27-06 09:47 PM Link | Quote
Thank you, now I got JSLs down. Next question.. something more important.

$00/F606 LDA #$90
$00/F608 STA $7D [$00:007D]
$00/F60A LDA #$09
$00/F60C STA $1DFB[$01:1DFB]
$00/F60F LDA #$FF
$00/F611 STA $0DDA [$01:0DDA]
$00/F614 LDA #$09
$00/F616 STA $71 [$00:0071]
$00/F618 STZ $140D [$01:140D]

Where is the memory these instructions are Storing to, and is there a map similar to the RAM map at SMW Central for them? I do know one thing, skipping them stops little mario from dieing from a casual collision. (Haven't checked other methods of death.)

(edited by Stephan Reiken on 11-28-06 04:50 AM)


Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 11-27-06 09:51 PM Link | Quote
addresses $0000 - $7FFF in a program bank are mirrors of addresses $0000 - $7FFF in RAM bank $7E
So, $00:007D is $7E:007D, $01:1DFB is $7E:1DFB, and $01:0DDA is $7E:0DDA

Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 11-29-06 04:26 AM Link | Quote
Actually, only $0000-$1FFF mirror WRAM. The rest are either hardware registers or reserved addresses.

The only way to access $7E2000-$7FFFFF is to directly specify the bank byte, either via the opcode itself or by changing the data bank register.
Stephan Reiken


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 11-29-06 04:32 PM Link | Quote
Woo, I am full of ASM questions. I slowly get the Mario Hurt routine.

LDA $14C8,x[$02:14D1]

What does that do... the ,x ?

Also, A right now is 0C
Knight of Time

Red Tektite


Since: 11-18-05
From: Canada

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Posted on 11-29-06 04:39 PM Link | Quote

I just found a block in BMF's SMW hack Super Mario Odyssey, namely the block that has a random item in it when hit (it's the one with 2 "?"'s in it instead of one). This kind of block really sounds interesting to me, but I'd really like to know, what are the mechanics of this block? I know the item inside doesn't vary by the X or Y position, so how is the item inside determined, the frame of the block by chance?

Could I possibly have the offsets of this block please? I 'might' want to use it in my hack, if I could, please. I really like the randomness idea in it.

Star Mario
Finally being paid to code in VB! If only I still enjoyed that. <_<
Wii #7182 6487 4198 1828


Since: 11-18-05
From: Canada, w00t!
My computer's specs, if anyone gives a damn.

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Posted on 11-29-06 05:26 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Raccoon Sam
I'd like a block that spews multiple coins just like the normal multi-block-coin.
However, if the spewed coin amount goes over 15, a Mushroom comes out.

Well, you could use blocks that spit out a coin/shroom then change to the next Map16. Not the most efficient way, but it'd do.

Originally posted by Stephan Reiken
Woo, I am full of ASM questions. I slowly get the Mario Hurt routine.

LDA $14C8,x[$02:14D1]

What does that do... the ,x ?

Also, A right now is 0C

It means load A from ($14C8+X). So if X is 2 then it'd load from $14CA. It's used for tables mostly. The [$02:14D1] is just added by the disassembler to show you what address it will end up actually loading from.
Stephan Reiken


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 12-02-06 10:54 PM Link | Quote
Thanks for the help, and I have yet another question.

I need somewhere in the RAM that is not being used by SMW, and is never overwritten.

The RAM map at SMWcentral is inaccurate, those values are not all empty, in fact I was translating the assembly for the Mushroom Sprite and it was constantly refering to 'Empty' RAM. It rarely refered to the normal sprite tables. I could not understand what it was trying to do, even if I understood what it actually did.

Can someone tell me one such RAM byte?

If anyone happens to be interested, I have gone as far as interperting the Mario Hurt Routine Code, Modified the Dissassembled version, and JSLed the old Mario Hurt Routine to it. One problem I have is that I don't think the RAM byte I am attempting to use is actually empty. Once I have that guanteed, I can see if the rest works...

Actually, I just realized something... when Mario 'dies instantly' it would probably directly refer to the death part of the code... woo, I just found out why Mario isn't dieing when time runs out or he falls. Now I just program the original Code.. yea, I could branch always to the end at the beginning after the first JSL, and JSL to the New Code's Death routine at the old Code's Death Routine.

Now that I have mentally Debuged my code, I just need that RAM byte, and my work there is finished.

Well, let me summerize my now list of requests... because I just added two.. and they are ordered in need, 1 being the request I need most.

1. I need somewhere in the RAM that is not being used by SMW, and is never overwritten.

2. I need to know how to write to the Status Bar and make an HP counter, I need code that will check to see if the HP Byte has changed and if so write a number to the Status Bar. ASM with comments preferred..

3. I need a Custom Sprite that acts like a Mushroom but instead of granting a PowerUp, Checks the HP byte to see if it is 2 or less (00 counts as 1) and adds 1 HP to Mario, preferably pausing the game for a second and making a sound, with room for a JSL to the 'Write current HP to Status Bar' Routine. Again, ASM with comments preferred..

These things would facilitate my progress and make Mario have visible HP sooner. 3 HP is the limit for me too . With this system, I plan on keeping Mario above his Little Mario state forever, though he loses Fire and Cape when struck.

(edited by Stephan Reiken on 12-02-06 09:59 PM)
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - ASM hacks / Custom Blocks / Custom Sprites Requests |


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