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Juggling Joker


Merry Christmas!


Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6373 days
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Posted on 10-14-06 08:37 PM Link
Some advice concerning OW palettes that I've found helpful in designing my own hack, as you mentioned fiddling with them earlier (forgive me if this is repeat information for you):

- Avoid using the first 4 palettes. Why? They've always acted screwy for me, so I find it best to just steer clear if I can. They're not exactly... consistent in how they appear in game. As in, they're not always the same colors...
- Avoid using the last 8 colors of the palettes. Why? They don't animate with the events correctly. They either appear black or the wrong color. You can work around this by making all your event tiles (paths, etc) use the first 8 colors, and any fixed objects (buildings, water, etc) use the last 8. If someone has released a patch to fix this, please let me know.

If this is poor or outdated advice, let me know. I'd hate to be doing things the archaic way if there are fixes made by better hackers than me floating around.


Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 10-15-06 01:21 AM Link
Ha, I forgot about Counter Break Y. Icegoom, if you should have any particular powerup hacking done, I'd be happy to make a special-order Counter Break or something.

Red Cheep-cheep

Since: 11-18-05
From: IRELAND!!!

Last post: 6355 days
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Posted on 10-15-06 09:25 AM Link
I'm not sure if I got to even comment on this hack yet. Anyway, spectacular hack icegoom There's not alot of hacks like this, none if I'm correct.


Since: 03-06-06
From: United States

Last post: 6352 days
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Posted on 10-23-06 05:03 AM Link
Originally posted by Juggling Joker
Some advice concerning OW palettes that I've found helpful in designing my own hack, as you mentioned fiddling with them earlier (forgive me if this is repeat information for you):

- Avoid using the first 4 palettes. Why? They've always acted screwy for me, so I find it best to just steer clear if I can. They're not exactly... consistent in how they appear in game. As in, they're not always the same colors...
- Avoid using the last 8 colors of the palettes. Why? They don't animate with the events correctly. They either appear black or the wrong color. You can work around this by making all your event tiles (paths, etc) use the first 8 colors, and any fixed objects (buildings, water, etc) use the last 8.

Ah, I figured there would be something preventing me from using all 16 colors in a single tile, since I've never seen anyone else doing that. OK, I'll just have to be a little more creative with my palettes, I guess.

Anyway, I've finally started work on a new Mario sprite:

He's wearing a Hawaiian shirt instead of his overalls. I tried making his head more of a 3/4 view, but I could only move him so far out of profile before he didn't look right. I'm going the SMB3 route and having his head turn towards and away from the camera as he runs instead of having one static head frame.

This doesn't animate as well as I'd like, so I'll probably need to work these frames some more. I'm using NSMB frames as a sort of reference, but it's hard with SMW's lower frame count and strict 16 x 32 size limit. His hat kind of fluctuates in size when he switches from one jump frame to the other, and I don't really like the way a fist raised in front of his face looks on his turning frame.

I'm trying to decide if I want to do anything different with power-ups. I might try using Raccoon Mario instead of Cape Mario, because I like that method of flight better. I'm also thinking of making Fire Mario into Snow Mario. This would probably just be a cosmetic change, but I guess I could change affected enemies with Tweaker and maybe make Snowballs fire straight...



Since: 11-17-05
From: West Virginia-USA

Last post: 6350 days
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Posted on 10-23-06 07:21 AM Link
He looks kind of angry, perhaps after his vacation got ruined? Mario also looks kind of, dare I say it, hip? I don't know if you were going for that though, as you said it was a vacationy hawaian shirt, while it kind of looks like street clothes, maybe because of the kind of angry looking face and the general shirt jeans style. I still love the way you did them though.


Since: 09-04-06
From: Brazil

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Posted on 10-29-06 09:43 AM Link
Awesome work, nice graphics!
There are a few gameplay aspects I dislike in SMW. In other words, I'm quite retro, much like a SMB3 gameplay.

Keep up the good work.



Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6357 days
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Posted on 10-29-06 12:12 PM Link
Those sprites look fine, but they'd look better if Mario's shirt used different colors. In SMS, Mario's special "Shine Shirt" was blue-green. Perhaps you can use a different color?


Since: 03-06-06
From: United States

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Posted on 10-30-06 09:36 AM Link
Originally posted by Someguy
He looks kind of angry, perhaps after his vacation got ruined? Mario also looks kind of, dare I say it, hip? I don't know if you were going for that though, as you said it was a vacationy hawaian shirt, while it kind of looks like street clothes, maybe because of the kind of angry looking face and the general shirt jeans style. I still love the way you did them though.

Originally posted by pikaguy900
Those sprites look fine, but they'd look better if Mario's shirt used different colors. In SMS, Mario's special "Shine Shirt" was blue-green. Perhaps you can use a different color?

I think he looks angry because I tried to make his head a little bit smaller than my older Mario sprite and I had trouble cramming all his features in. I tried giving him a blue shirt in an earlier incarnation of this sprite and it didn't work, but I could try it on this one:

It's not bad, but it's kind of hard for me to differentiate the shirt from his pants and gloves, since they're all using the same colors. I think the yellow spots (whatever they're supposed to represent... Shines Sprites?) get kind of lost, too. He probably is more street clothes than vacation mode, but so long as the sprite looks decent, I can't bring myself to overhaul it.

Free Ice Man!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Ireland

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Posted on 10-30-06 01:36 PM Link
Originally posted by icegoom

To be honest, icegoom, I don't like either of the new ones. They look too stiff. I think you should stick with the one you were using previously.

By the way, the shirt looks good, but as you pointed out yourself, it's hard to identify as a shirt.

(edited by Pac on 10-30-06 12:38 PM)


Since: 03-06-06
From: United States

Last post: 6352 days
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Posted on 11-05-06 03:41 PM Link
Originally posted by Pac
To be honest, icegoom, I don't like either of the new ones. They look too stiff. I think you should stick with the one you were using previously.

Nothing in SMW is ever going to animate as smoothly as I'd like, but in general, I think this sprite's looking a little better than the one from SMW Redrawn. This is getting pretty close to done:

Cut scenes and flying frames remain. I'm hoping I don't have to do cape frames, but I'm having trouble with the Raccoon Mario patch...

I patch a clean ROM with Raccoon Mario and it won't let me insert ExGfx for some reason. I can work around this by putting ExGfx in before I patch, but I still get weird bugs where I enter levels and the game immediately crashes. This patch also adds some primitive Hammer Bros and Classic Goombas, right? Sprite Tool's caused those to become obsolete, and I wonder if they're what's causing problems... Does anyone have a version of the Raccoon patch that just affects flight physics and nothing else? Or if you've got offsets for me, I could make the changes myself.

I'm not absolutely positive I'm going to use Raccoon Mario even if I can get him to work, though. I really prefer holding a button to fly and float with the cape instead of tapping with the tail. If there's a way to just prevent the cape from opening and the player doing extended flight, that might be preferable. I do like the way Raccoon Mario looks, though.

Here's a few actual level screenshots:

Added a bunch more detail to the underwater sections of this level.

Meh. Enemy palettes are slightly darker in night and underground areas. Man, I really need to clean up that cave background...

Working on a new background for my boneyard areas. (It's not perfect yet. I need to redraw several tiles so they'll actually tesselate) I'm going to put more skeletons and stuff buried in the foreground rock, too.

Star Mario
Finally being paid to code in VB! If only I still enjoyed that. <_<
Wii #7182 6487 4198 1828


Since: 11-18-05
From: Canada, w00t!
My computer's specs, if anyone gives a damn.

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 11-06-06 02:13 AM Link
A program called IPSelect can pick and choose data from IPS patches, which would let you make a Raccoon patch without the other changes.


Since: 11-19-05

Last post: 6411 days
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Posted on 11-06-06 09:00 AM Link

Your current Mario gfx look awsome, and I love the way your water screens look/work. The boneyard was quite an original idea to.


Happy B-Day!


Since: 03-06-06
From: United States

Last post: 6352 days
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Posted on 11-06-06 05:46 PM Link
Originally posted by ZTaimat

Your current Mario gfx look awsome, and I love the way your water screens look/work. The boneyard was quite an original idea to.


Happy B-Day!

Ha ha! For a minute there, I was trying to figure out how you knew that. I'm not very observant about things like the birthdays being plastered at the top of the board...

The boneyards are going to replace the Ghost Houses as my haunted areas, as they fit in better with my overall prehistoric theme.

Originally posted by HyperHacker
A program called IPSelect can pick and choose data from IPS patches, which would let you make a Raccoon patch without the other changes.

OK, I'll see if I can figure out how to use this... Wow, 1424 hunks of data are different from a clean SMW ROM. This is going to take some trial and error, I guess.

(edited by icegoom on 11-06-06 04:56 PM)
Dragon Master Luigi

Red Goomba
I'll avenge my brother if he is hurt! -zap-zap-zap-

Since: 06-26-06
From: Mushroom Kingdom

Last post: 6412 days
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Posted on 11-06-06 09:45 PM Link
awesome job, icegoom! I can't wait to play a demo of your game.



Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 11-07-06 12:03 AM Link
I don't know if this was answered before.
Icegoom, please tell me that you're going to extend overall frames of animation so the sprites move smoothly to match the graphics (like Yoshi's Island smooth), because without that, I hate to say it, but it will utterly kill any appeal I had for the graphics



Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6357 days
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Posted on 11-07-06 10:37 AM Link
I don't think that's a good thing to say about graphics. I mean, you can't already have everything you want, and you're prepared to dis this hack just because the animations aren't like those from Yoshi's Island? That's cruel.

All that aside, I'm starting to like this even more! I mean, that background looks kinda like what the backgrounds in some Sonic games do- Change perspective depending on where you are. Like, for example, in Launch Base Zone from Sonic 3, the water would kinda go "diagonally" angled the higher up you went. That's the idea that water-area background is giving me. And I like it! Also regarding backgrounds, I absolutely despise your new boneyard background. Oh, the tiles are fine. It's just creepy. It makes you feel like one of the skeletons is about to jump out and bite/eat you. Ugh. Still, it's obviously SUPPOSED to be creepy, but man, that's ALMOST overdoing it! Note that I said ALMOST. That means it's okay the way it is.



Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 11-07-06 04:34 PM Link
Don't get me wrong; I like his graphics. It just won't fit though, when many animations are comprised of 2 to 4 frames.

(edited by Clockworkz on 11-07-06 03:34 PM)

Giant Red Paratroopa


Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 11-07-06 04:51 PM Link
There tend to be various issues that arise when you increase Mario's animations, though. No matter how many frames any particular animation uses, the next one still starts the same place it did before; I've yet to see any information on repointing that, either.

Oh, and if the walking animation overlaps the running one, there's a bit of garbage that shows in his picture in the world map where his arm extension would be.

I'm still in awe of those Dry Bones. They're... beautiful.



Since: 10-10-06
From: Northern VA

Last post: 6347 days
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Posted on 11-07-06 07:14 PM Link
I've been paying silent attention to this for a while.

I have to say that your work is amazing, Icegoom. I could never make graphics anything like what you have done.

As for your game, I'll say that it looks really great so far. It also looks very difficult. I saw those two videos that you made and all I have to say is *whew.*

Those. Look. Hard.

Treetop Tussle looks crazy difficult, yet at the same time, a blast to play.

Looking forward to a demo!
rm -rf /



Since: 11-07-06

Last post: 6447 days
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Posted on 11-07-06 10:04 PM Link
Wow, these are amazing. Just wanted to point something out though. In the second picture the water's surface looks funny. The top is highly detailed while the bottom is plain, and the fish is in front of it. Can you not make the fish change colour like the rock to have an underwater look?
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - Mario's Lost World, first screens | Thread closed


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