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Since: 10-10-06
From: Northern VA

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 10-26-06 04:27 PM Link | Quote
All right! I finished demo two of my hack.

I've included a readme with the IPS Patch so I'm not going to explain everything here. The demo may seem long, spanning 30 levels and 41 exits, but I'm going to go back and actually change around a lot more in the first two worlds so they aren't just a bunch of levels from SMW with minor changes to them. If I release a demo 3, I'll make it with less levels than now.

Just a note, you can actually go fight Bowser and beat the game because all of the Star Road except the Special World entrance is accessible. Bowser's Castle has not been edited at all so expect nothing new there. The only thing new there are the credits at the end, and even then I only added a very small bit to them.


POW Staircases.

The new Top Secret Area.

This was my first entirely overhauled level. I even made the background different to fit the level's name: Pipe Atmosphere.

My first redone castle: Lemmy's Castle.

This is Vanilla Dome 4, except harder. I challenge you to make it through without flying or getting hit by Bullet Bills.

Thought you were done did you?

Spearmint Ghost House. Those are Goal Posts by the way. The pallettes for them have always looks sort of minty to me so I decided to use them as the platform columns. You still go behind the dark blue ones though.

This is a fun little level.The exit to Special World is currently here but it is unaccessable at the time.

Another of my overthauled levels. Ever heard of spelunking?

This is later on in Lemmy's Castle. Be careful!

An old pic, it's just something in the way on Yoshi's Island 2.

I hope that from the pallette change you can tell that the level is frozen. I like the pallette change here; it's very wintery.

Hope you enjoy the hack. I had fun making it and testing it.

If there you find any glitches not listed in the readme, e-mail me about them at ctrlalxdel@aol.com


SMW Déjà Vu Demo 2.zip (179923b) - views: 55



Since: 08-10-06
From: Altoona, Iowa

Last post: 6388 days
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Posted on 10-26-06 05:28 PM Link | Quote
I always like seeing purple and blue on dark levels. It adds a cool effect.

(edited by ibz10g on 10-26-06 04:29 PM)
Chef Stef^n


Since: 10-09-06

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Posted on 10-26-06 07:06 PM Link | Quote
Comments on the screenshots alone:

1) Interesting idea.
2) Hmm, are those powerups meant to be inaccessible? Unless some of those cement blocks are in the background...
3) Ooh, complicated. Looks pretty nice.
4) I think the palatte looks good, it's a nice change. Good layout of platforms and enemies, too.
5) If you're going with the "Deja Vu" theme, then this more difficult twist should fit in well, I suppose.
6) Heheh... I personally like that kind of humor in levels.
7) Hmm, I'm not sure if I like this change. The goal post pieces really stick out.
8) Wow, this looks odd. What's with the unfilled blue switch blocks? Also, you should try to make the background more interesting, or at the very least try to get rid of the wierd garbage tiles at the bottom of the screen.
9) When you "stack" platforms, you should try to eliminate the little imperfections, like unfinished sides and the corner tile with space around it.
10) Again, nice palatte change; I, at least, like some of the less-used palattes in SMW.
11) Seems a little pointless (but that's just me)
12) This palatte change seems to fit particularly well with the theme you're using in this level. Again, you should try to eliminate the spacing between rope and platform tiles, or just use them in different places altogether.

Overall, this looks like an interesting change to SMW (I like some of the palatte changes), but I can't really tell without playing it. I'll download it later tonight and give more feedback.

You should also think about starting an original hack instead of just basing it off the original game. I personally believe that great hacks can be made without ExGFX; there are plenty of interesting possibilites with the game you start out with.



Since: 07-21-06
From: Swifton

Last post: 6342 days
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Posted on 10-26-06 09:52 PM Link | Quote
0) I just now downloaded the demo, I'll play it later, hoping for good results!
1) I'm guessing it has to do with a cape and a POW, right?
2) To Chef Stef^n, it points to powerups you can get, they're only meant for looks.
3) YES.
4) I'm not quite used to the darkened blocks. It won't be a factor if the background doesn't scroll with it, though.
5) Done.
6) Tricky, I bet I still could, though.
7) I'm not sure, but would using Map16 work or is that it?
8) I KNOW Map16 was used here. 9 seconds!
9) Umm...are those supposed to look like that? It seems...wierd.
10) Grape Soda.
11) Nothing new here.
12) Blueberry Mushrooms. With Koopa/Berries. Nah, its an iceberg.

Yes, this looks promising. Especially the grape soda.



Since: 10-10-06
From: Northern VA

Last post: 6345 days
Last view: 6342 days
Posted on 10-26-06 10:24 PM Link | Quote
I thought I'd answer to some of what's been mentioned.

Picture 7: I'm not sure if the Map16 will work. I could try making a custom pallette and then importing it. Then I could use the normal level blocks with different colors instead of the Goal posts.

Picture 8: Yeah, I know I need to get rid of the Garbage at the bottom. I'm unsure how to get it right but I'm guessing it has to do with BG Scrolling. I'll try some different BG Scrolls and see if that fixes it. The unfilled switch blocks are legit ones and are unfilled because I haven't hit the Blue Switch yet. Those two filled ones are there just to block access to the Special World.

Picture 9: My reasoning behind the ledges being the way they are is that in real life, not all ledges touch the ground. Some just jut out from the cliff face they are on. That's kind of what's going on here. It's just my way of doing those ledges. As for the corner tile with the space, there was no Map16 tile for a tile of that style with a filled in corner. There was none in the original game either. Just look at the water in Vanilla Dome 2. I guess I could open the 16X16 Editor and try my luck at it.

Picture 11: Yeah this is pointless now that I realize it. Expect it to be gone for the final version and Demo 3 (if there is one.)

I like some of the pallette changes I've done too. I especially like the "Grape Soda" pallette in the castle. I originally thought of it as boiling licorice and so that's what you'll read it as in the Castle 3 ending text.

I'm considering starting my own original game. I'm just not very good at editing the overworld yet so until I learn to do so well, I won't be changing it around much. Only levels for now.

Thanks for your comments on the pictures and I hope you enjoy playing the game!



Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6355 days
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Posted on 10-26-06 10:43 PM Link | Quote
If your hack is called "Deja Vu", why not add a pipe or two (or more) that lead to past levels, but in parts you never could get to before? That way, you can call it "deja vu". Remember: Deja vu is when you feel like you've been somewhere before, but haven't really, like in a dream. I get deja vu a lot. Think about it...

Edit: Also, about pic 7, do this:

1: In Map16 editor, find the Dark Blue Gaol Post piece and copy it.
2: Find an empty spot and click on 16x16 Properties.
3: If the Layer Priority box is checked, uncheck it. While you're there, set the block to act like Block 25 if it isn't already.
4: Right-click that empty spot.
5: Press F9 to save the block, and close the Map16 16x16 Editor.
6: Place the block in your level!

As an alternative, Mint is green. Use a VERY light-green color instead. Or use your blue. It doesn't matter, but Green is preferred Mint. Peppermint is an odd one for me... I only associate it with Candy Canes, which are Red-and-White.

(edited by pikaguy900 on 10-26-06 09:47 PM)



Since: 10-10-06
From: Northern VA

Last post: 6345 days
Last view: 6342 days
Posted on 10-26-06 11:39 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by pikaguy900
If your hack is called "Deja Vu", why not add a pipe or two (or more) that lead to past levels, but in parts you never could get to before? That way, you can call it "deja vu". Remember: Deja vu is when you feel like you've been somewhere before, but haven't really, like in a dream. I get deja vu a lot. Think about it...

Edit: Also, about pic 7, do this:

1: In Map16 editor, find the Dark Blue Gaol Post piece and copy it.
2: Find an empty spot and click on 16x16 Properties.
3: If the Layer Priority box is checked, uncheck it. While you're there, set the block to act like Block 25 if it isn't already.
4: Right-click that empty spot.
5: Press F9 to save the block, and close the Map16 16x16 Editor.
6: Place the block in your level!

As an alternative, Mint is green. Use a VERY light-green color instead. Or use your blue. It doesn't matter, but Green is preferred Mint. Peppermint is an odd one for me... I only associate it with Candy Canes, which are Red-and-White.
Thanks, I'll try that with the Goal post.

I've also thought of adding pipes that jump back to levels you've been to before like you mentioned, and I'm pretty sure I'll do it. Now to just implement it.

I actually was going to call the level Peppermint Ghost House and had changed the pallettes when I found out that the goalposts aren't the only objects to use those colors. I had strange red and white purple coins.



Since: 08-10-06
From: Altoona, Iowa

Last post: 6388 days
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Posted on 10-27-06 12:01 AM Link | Quote
You can set the goal post to use pallette 3 for red, like candy cane, or pallette 5 for a wintergreen feel. I'm using those in my hack, except for a different purpose.

Red Goomba

Since: 09-23-06

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 10-27-06 11:14 AM Link | Quote
Interesting screenshots! I'll try this later, but I have too much homework now...

Does that Thwomp in screenshot 4 fall into the pit and die? That always makes me laugh...



Since: 10-10-06
From: Northern VA

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 10-27-06 04:07 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Kiwisauce
Interesting screenshots! I'll try this later, but I have too much homework now...

Does that Thwomp in screenshot 4 fall into the pit and die? That always makes me laugh...
Actually, you have to jump up under the Thwomp before it lands on your head. You'll find a good deal of them in the castle. I found that I like using them.



Since: 10-10-06
From: Northern VA

Last post: 6345 days
Last view: 6342 days
Posted on 10-28-06 08:04 PM Link | Quote
Well, as of late last night, I officially started going back and re-doing all the levels that had only minor changes done to them.

First to go was Rex Flatlands, aka. Yoshi's Island 1. It's much different now. When you start, you go forward and fall down a shaft. As you fall you pass the goalposts but can't reach them because there are 'used' blocks in the way. You need to loop all the way around to find the POW and reach the end. Also, marking the halfway point is a building that has growth in it from lack of maintenance over time.

Second is the Yellow Switch Palace. It sports a bit more of a puzzle feel now.

I''ll try to post a picture of the new Rex Flatlands soon.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - SMW Deja Vu Demo 2 released! |


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