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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - ROM Hacking - If you were to make a Super Metroid hack, what would you do first? New poll | |
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Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6355 days
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Posted on 09-30-06 09:52 PM Link | Quote
As the title states, if you ever wanted to make a Super Metroid hack, with features that weren't in Super Metroid, what would you do first? Yes, I want to make a Super Metroid hack, but I would like to know what I should do first (try to find ways to make new, custom Power Suit upgrades, change rooms, etc.). I just want to start easy, then work my way up eventually. Thanks in advance.
Koitenshin +∞



Since: 12-24-05
From: Misery

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 10-01-06 05:45 AM Link | Quote
If you want easy just start with simple room changes. All the custom weapons/items requires ASM work which can be a bit difficult for the newcomer.


Since: 09-04-06
From: Brazil

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 10-01-06 12:06 PM Link | Quote
Seriously, I'd like to "port" the original NES Metroid into Super Metroid engine. You know that a few pieces of rooms *are* available, but I'd like the entire game. I could do such hack, but SMILE still doesn't fit my wishes... ;;


Since: 08-29-06
From: C.T.

Last post: 6461 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 10-01-06 03:51 PM Link | Quote
I would try to change the physics around a little bit like Drew did....but he made alot of changes. Wait a minute, aren't you that guy looking for Tilesheets from Metroid Fusion?



Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6355 days
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Posted on 10-01-06 05:43 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Deathbringer
I would try to change the physics around a little bit like Drew did....but he made alot of changes. Wait a minute, aren't you that guy looking for Tilesheets from Metroid Fusion?

Uh, what? I don't need Metroid Fusion tilesheets... Say, how did he change the physics?


Since: 08-29-06
From: C.T.

Last post: 6461 days
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Posted on 10-02-06 01:14 AM Link | Quote
Kejardon can answer your question as I believe he did most of the physics. Or coded them.
Griff Morivan


Since: 06-10-06
From: St. Petersburg, Florida.

Last post: 6348 days
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Posted on 10-02-06 09:39 AM Link | Quote
I called in. I knew it wouldn't be long before the Imitation Drewsephs would arrive!

(edited by Griff Morivan on 10-02-06 08:43 AM)

Purple Leever

Since: 01-22-06
From: Syracuse

Last post: 6429 days
Last view: 6352 days
Posted on 10-04-06 10:26 PM Link | Quote
Well I figured it was only a matter of time before new Super Metroid hackers started to bloom after the godly hack Drewseph did.

But back on topic on what to do in a Super Metroid hack...

Hmmm... Personally the first thing I'd do is change the sprites around so they're better of different. An idea I have is maybe using the graphics from the Metroid Prme series as referense or something depending on how well a sprite artist you are. But something along of new sprites would be cool and something new in a Super Metroid hack.

Drewseph didn't leave much room for anything he didn't do but the only things I can think of are new sprites, tile sets, and music. Changing the music seems somewhat piontless half because its good already and also because I don't even think you can with the current editors out there but as far as new sprites and tilesets are conserened that would be something to really make a new hack look nice.

Just a little idea to throw out there but after what Drewseph pulled off I'm going to love how this new hacking community grows.



Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6355 days
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Posted on 10-04-06 10:32 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Megaman-Omega
Well I figured it was only a matter of time before new Super Metroid hackers started to bloom after the godly hack Drewseph did.

But back on topic on what to do in a Super Metroid hack...

Hmmm... Personally the first thing I'd do is change the sprites around so they're better of different. An idea I have is maybe using the graphics from the Metroid Prme series as referense or something depending on how well a sprite artist you are. But something along of new sprites would be cool and something new in a Super Metroid hack.

Drewseph didn't leave much room for anything he didn't do but the only things I can think of are new sprites, tile sets, and music. Changing the music seems somewhat piontless half because its good already and also because I don't even think you can with the current editors out there but as far as new sprites and tilesets are conserened that would be something to really make a new hack look nice.

Just a little idea to throw out there but after what Drewseph pulled off I'm going to love how this new hacking community grows.

Hmmmm... Okay, I'll think about that. Personally, I'm not good at drawing by hand without anything to reference by, but sometimes (very rarely), I manage to make an average graphic. Normally, everything I make looks terrible... I guess I just don't have any confidence in myself, and I'm worried that no one's going to like what I make. I need to get over that.

Link's Awakening

Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 10-04-06 11:02 PM Link | Quote
I am both shocked and appauled that the most important thing to do with any hack has not been said yet - plan. If you just go off and start making rooms or editing physics, there's bound to be issues late on. Why are you editing those rooms? Why are you editing those physics? You should at least get the preliminary planning down before you jump into it*. Otherwise, you'd end up with one big, inconsistant mess of a hack.

*Of course, fooling around to learn the ropes on how the editor works is an acceptable thing to do.



Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6355 days
Last view: 6342 days
Posted on 10-04-06 11:11 PM Link | Quote
Oh, I'm still planning. In fact, the only real thing I've done is change the size of the starting room on Crateria! I want to finish SM:R first, so I can clear my mind. It really has taken over my mind this past week...

Purple Leever

Since: 01-22-06
From: Syracuse

Last post: 6429 days
Last view: 6352 days
Posted on 10-04-06 11:20 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by pikaguy900
Hmmmm... Okay, I'll think about that. Personally, I'm not good at drawing by hand without anything to reference by, but sometimes (very rarely), I manage to make an average graphic. Normally, everything I make looks terrible... I guess I just don't have any confidence in myself, and I'm worried that no one's going to like what I make. I need to get over that

Hey don't sweat it no ones the best when they start nor when they stop. Over time we all get better at what we continuosly work on. And don't worry about people saying that people won't like what you make. Just start off small and find out what you need to do to make it better. And hell the way I see it "No one can say its bad unless theres something better to judge it with". And being that the only other sprite edit for Super Metroid is "uper Justin Bailey" I think we'll like whatever you give us. Besides no one heres stupid enough to put down a growing Super Metroid hacker anyone should know that you won't let the community grow that way.

Also I can't belive we all left out what asdf said to make a good rom hack you have to plan it out. Thae last thing you want is to be halfway through an idea and ask yourself "Why am I doing this". I great rom hack has to flow and to do that you have to know where you're going. sure it may seem like extra tedious work but it helps down the road and shows the effort you put in.



Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6355 days
Last view: 6342 days
Posted on 10-04-06 11:49 PM Link | Quote
Okay. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I don't get those. At all. But you know? I only use level editors for one purpose- To have fun. Isn't that what hacking should be about? It looks to me like it's about making the best hack the best hacker can make... Still... I'm still open for what to do first. Bear in mind, I won't do them right away- I still need to finish this hack I'm playing.

Mini Octorok


Since: 08-28-06
From: Sweden

Last post: 6472 days
Last view: 6472 days
Posted on 10-05-06 10:08 AM Link | Quote
If you are a good pixel artist, yes you should redraw the graphics. Why not first of all to make it more fun to work with for the rest of the hack. It's more pleasant to hack a game with new fresh grahics.
But I also think planning the game's map and other features such as items order and placement and physics is a good idea. Visualize how the game will look in the big picture is a great idea. I started work on a Zelda 1 hack and the first thing I did was to draw the new map on a paper. That gave me a lot more further ideas and the work instantly got more fun.

(edited by Arva on 10-05-06 11:41 AM)
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - ROM Hacking - If you were to make a Super Metroid hack, what would you do first? |


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