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Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6355 days
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Posted on 09-29-06 03:34 PM Link | Quote
Nevermind. I found the exit. Now I have no idea where to go. I'm just a few rooms away from the Grappling Beam (the farthest I've been is to a room with a Giant Norfair Sidehopper), but the last room I've been to has a Locked Door, so I can't get through. There's absolutely no way for me to get to the Grappling Beam. Am I on the wrong side of Norfair to get the Grappling Beam? If so, how do I get over there? The FAQ says that I need to take the secret path at the bottom of the tube after Kraid to get to the Grappling Beam, but so far my path has been blocked. What do I need to do to get the Beam? (Also, I have looked at the map... But only to try to find a way to where I'm going. I get to the wrong places often, and I need to know the way through... I've seen Chozo Statues marked on it. What are they for? Does the nearest one to me have some meaning to how I get the Grappling Beam?)

(edited by pikaguy900 on 09-29-06 04:01 PM)

Double hammer


Since: 06-22-06
From: Ames, IA (United States)

Last post: 6353 days
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Posted on 09-29-06 05:09 PM Link | Quote
The Chozo statues don't have anything to do with getting items (well, the ones marked on your map, anyway). As far as the Grappling Beam goes, go as far left as possible and you should find a bunch of holes that you could fit into in ball-form. Roll through the left wall in one of them and you should find the beam...I think. I'm not at my home computer right now, so take this with a grain of salt.



Since: 08-10-06

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Posted on 09-29-06 05:16 PM Link | Quote
Okay, I'll try that. Wait, that's in the same room, right? Oh yeah, I also already knew about the pipe thing, but I had no idea what room it was. I though it was in the room right before the Grappling Beam...

Red Cheep-cheep


Since: 11-21-05

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Posted on 09-29-06 05:24 PM Link | Quote
kill big sidehoper, kill otehr enemies, go through locked door, go through pipes



Since: 08-10-06

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Posted on 09-29-06 05:27 PM Link | Quote
I can't defeat the Huge Sidehopper. For one, it takes more than 3 Super Missiles, which I do not have. Second, Power Bombs hurt it, but it hits me before I can get out of the way. Third, it hits me way too often. Lastly, I can't react fast enough to try any other weapons.

Edit: Sigh... Missiles worked, so I'm in the room with all the pipes. Do I have to use any Bombs or Power Bombs to get to the Grappling Beam, or do I just have to find the right pipe and roll through it? It seems like I've tried every pipe in the room, but I didn't get to a new room...

(edited by pikaguy900 on 09-29-06 04:33 PM)
Griff Morivan


Since: 06-10-06
From: St. Petersburg, Florida.

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Posted on 09-29-06 08:13 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by pikaguy900
I can't defeat the Huge Sidehopper. For one, it takes more than 3 Super Missiles, which I do not have.
HA HA HA HA! ...oh, wait, you're serious? HAR HAR HAR HAR!!!



Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6355 days
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Posted on 09-29-06 10:37 PM Link | Quote
Okay, I have the Grappling Beam, and now I'm off for the Speed Booster... No, I don't need help right now, but I'd like some tips:

Should I first go and find all available Missile, S. Missile, Power Bomb, and Energy Tanks as I can get right now? I'd like to be prepared for more Huge Sidehopper attacks, plus I know I'll need them anyways. This hack has because super-hard, and I'm not that far into it! Still, it's a great hack, and leaves me wondering how you ever managed to make those cool Wall-Jump Boots... Oh yeah, and yes, I can be stupid like that sometimes. Unfortunately for me (and many others), I tend to find my answers after I post them, so just ignore that, okay? Thanks. (And no, I don't mind you laughing at me. I'd laugh too if I was in your position.)


Since: 09-30-06

Last post: 6466 days
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Posted on 09-30-06 04:26 AM Link | Quote
Just finished Super Metroid Redesign for the first time. Truly exceptional. Drewseph, you have created a marvelous experience, on par with the best "professional" games I've played, and far exceeding most. Definitely in the top ten games I've ever played. Thank you for the time you've put into it.

I played on ZSNES for GNU/Linux, compiled from latest CVS (as of 9/20/2006) so that it would work with Redesign.

I've tried to avoid spoiling anything in my comments below, because everyone should experience this game for themselves; the only potentially spoily bits (comments on the escape, and a question) use black-on-black to avoid spoiling people. Drewseph, if you want me to edit anything out or make more things black-on-black, I will.

I particularly liked:

  • The item placement. You managed to place items such that you feel like you never have them when you *want* them, but you always have them when you *need* them.

  • "Hell's Run", the run through Norfair for the Ice Beam before you have the Varia Suit. Feels a bit like a No-Boss/Mini-Boss (NBMB) run on the original (which I've done in emulation, and have almost finished doing on the console), but as a natural part of the game, with tight-but-not-too-tight margins. In general, I like how you punctuated the big adventure-game explorations with epic boss battles and fun action sequences.

  • Room layout. The original Super Metroid, while wonderfully expansive and immersive, still felt somewhat "boxy" in room layout; with a few notable exceptions (like the big room in Brinstar near Spore Spawn), the rooms felt like "rooms". For example, the Craterian Gauntlet just feels like a bunch of obstacles in a linear room. You've made creative use of both dimensions simultaneously, connected areas (I hesitate to even call them "rooms") with a variety of means, and constructed morph-ball mazes better than those in Metroid Prime 1 and 2 (even despite their three dimensions to work with). Your Maridia really feels like a vast cavernous ocean; your Norfair feels rather like fiery torment caves, your Crateria feels craggy, and your Brinstar really comes alive.

  • The "Beam Combo", and the fact that you can't use more than charge and one beam without it. This makes you think about your beam more, and use an appropriate beam for the situation, rather than just treating each new beam like an ability that you always leave on. This, together with increasing average enemies somewhat in strength, makes regular enemies something more than just cannon fodder throughout the game, at least up until you get the Screw Attack (and by then you have other problems to deal with).

  • The escape sequence. To avoid spoiling people regarding what to expect, I'll put the following comments as black-on-black, so select them to see. "What the heck happened to all my gear? Oh, that beam must have really *hurt*. Twenty-five minutes; uh-oh! Whoa, dead end! Hey, wait a minute, a tunnel! Climb, climb, *gasp*, *puff*, *wheeze*. Hot foot, hot foot! Oh no, *water*?! Whoa, cave-ins! Oh, *more* water; no wonder he made Crateria flood earlier! Holy crud, my ship *moved*?! (pick up jaw)"

Completion screenshots attached: escape time left at ship before rescuing Dachola and the Etecoons (12:10 left), escape time left at ship after rescuing them (9:01 left), their ship escaping (the horizontal purple line to the right of the ring-like part of the late Zebes), completion time (11:23), item collection percentage (100.6%). Potentially spoily question in black-on-black: does the .6% come from the strategically placed 10-missle pack during a time you don't have missles and need them?

Full disclosure: I found all of the statues and items on my own, except that after reaching 298/30/30, I did use a map to find the last 2-missile upgrade, by marking off the ones I'd already collected. Turned out to reside beneath a super missile block in an otherwise unremarkable floor, which I probably would have found by the "X-ray every square inch of Zebes" approach.

[Edited because I realized that another part of my post talked about the escape in a potentially spoily way, so I made it black-on-black as well.]


(edited by Josh on 09-30-06 03:52 AM)

Red Cheep-cheep


Since: 11-21-05

Last post: 6349 days
Last view: 6342 days
Posted on 09-30-06 12:21 PM Link | Quote
Excelent review! although I would love to know what you didn't like as well =)

your compliments mean alot ot me, and I put all the energy into this hack for players like you to enjoy =)

also, I fixed the 100.6% bug the other day (shhhh, it was a uber secret update!) what happend was the perminently destroyed pb blocks use a plm to never come back. the power bomb next to charge beam has a barrier, that barrier had index of 95 00, when it should have been 95 01. the block uses the item bit array and so because the final % check looks at $00-$AF I had to change it

see, that powerbomb actually counted as 2 items accidently 1 for blowing up the block, another for actually getting it. but thats been fixed.

Also I want you to know about the water in crateria.
I didn't put that there because of losing everything to mb, well, I sorta did. but the mai reason is because it is storming on zebes, and as you noticed, it was night time for a very long time, all while still storming out. but when morning comes, the storm is over. but wheres all that rain water? it builds up in the lower portions of the exterior areas.

(edited by Drewseph on 09-30-06 11:26 AM)
(edited by Drewseph on 09-30-06 11:26 AM)


Since: 09-30-06

Last post: 6466 days
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Posted on 09-30-06 06:37 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Drewseph
Excelent review! although I would love to know what you didn't like as well =)

Very little, but if you insist:

  • Getting used to you blocking off almost all opportunities to sequence-break the major items, and resigning myself to just obtaining a few energy tanks and weapon capacity upgrades earlier than I suspect you intended, or differently. I did find the "early screw attack" shinespark method someone posted rather interesting, and I may have to try that at some point; however, screw attack just makes things easier, it doesn't really open anything up.
    I may have to try and see if you can bomb-jump up to the Varia Suit, as well, but I don't really *want* to skip Hell's Run

  • Getting used to not wall-jumping everywhere, which somewhat goes with the above. I understand why you did it (blocking off wall-jumping sequence-breaks would require lots of gratuitous ledges and barriers which would detract from the game), and I don't actually think you should change it, it just took some getting used to compared to Super Metroid. If you had had a spare spot for a collectible, I think that universal wall-jump boots ("wall-grip boots" or similar) some time before space jump would have made things interesting, but I obviously don't think you should redesign that now.

  • I really enjoyed the Lost Caverns, but one thing that made it much harder to figure out the pattern:
    IIRC, after you make the correct first move, the second move goes in the same direction, making the indicators identical. Or something like that.

Oh, that reminds me: I had tons of fun with shinespark charging in this game, thanks for that. For example, I suspect you didn't actually intend someone to break the barrier around the Super Missle item near the Crateria/Brinstar elevator by charging in Brinstar and carrying the charge up the elevator.

I also really loved the multiple sizes of ammo packs.

Originally posted by Drewseph
your compliments mean alot ot me, and I put all the energy into this hack for players like you to enjoy =)

Out of curiosity, by the way, why not add yourself to the game credits, and/or modify the title screen?

Originally posted by Drewseph
also, I fixed the 100.6% bug the other day (shhhh, it was a uber secret update!) what happend was the perminently destroyed pb blocks use a plm to never come back. the power bomb next to charge beam has a barrier, that barrier had index of 95 00, when it should have been 95 01. the block uses the item bit array and so because the final % check looks at $00-$AF I had to change it

see, that powerbomb actually counted as 2 items accidently 1 for blowing up the block, another for actually getting it. but thats been fixed.

Ah, that makes perfect sense. I really enjoyed the break-and-stay-broken blocks in this game, particularly when you involved them in puzzles, such as when you need to approach something from one side and later come back from the other side, or when you can break some speed-booster blocks that stay broken to give you a halfway-point for a long shinespark-charge adventure.

Originally posted by Drewseph

Also I want you to know about the water in crateria.
I didn't put that there because of losing everything to mb, well, I sorta did. but the mai reason is because it is storming on zebes, and as you noticed, it was night time for a very long time, all while still storming out. but when morning comes, the storm is over. but wheres all that rain water? it builds up in the lower portions of the exterior areas.

I actually caught the in-character reason for the water, I just didn't realize until the escape that it had an important gameplay reason as well.
Oh, and I didn't know about the [ spoiler ] tag, thanks; I had used



Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6355 days
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Posted on 09-30-06 08:30 PM Link | Quote
Wow. What you did with the Speed Booster was evil. You made use have to bomb our way across those tiny platforms, and then you had use go back through two rooms (one of which is huge), using our new Speed Booster to escape the climbing lava. I barely got out of the second room, but I did. I wonder why Nintendo only made us outrun the lava in the room before the Speed Booster in the original? Maybe one day someone will want to make this hack an official Nintendo game. It should be. That's how great this hack is. In fact... It could bring a lot of people to like Super Metroid!


Since: 08-29-06
From: C.T.

Last post: 6461 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 10-01-06 03:57 PM Link | Quote
Good, now go search Norfair some more. Don't worry, after finding the next item with your new Speed booster, you don't have to come back until awhile. Be sure to get as many expansions as you can at this point. Especially Super Missiles as where your going, your going to need alot and these guys are worse than Sidehoppers.



Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6355 days
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Posted on 10-01-06 05:49 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Deathbringer
Good, now go search Norfair some more. Don't worry, after finding the next item with your new Speed booster, you don't have to come back until awhile. Be sure to get as many expansions as you can at this point. Especially Super Missiles as where your going, your going to need alot and these guys are worse than Sidehoppers.

Oh, I already have the Wave Beam and High-Jump Boots, and disabled the first Chozo Guardian in Crateria. Go me. So... Now I'm stumped on where to go. All I'd need is a just a push in the right direction, like if I'm supposed to go back to where I found the Bombs or what... No, don't tell me. I'm going to check everywhere I can first. Oh yeah, and I already have the X-Ray Scope. I decided to get it early, since I knew how to get to it, thanks to that FAQ I've been reading. Please don't tell me that I shouldn't have done that- I've been needing help looking for blocks to destroy so I can continue previously, but with this, I don't anymore! I feel better now that I have it. Thanks for all the help you guys gave me, even if it came later than I needed it.

Edit: I've found a large room in Crateria with water that plays the Brinstar 2 music. I believe I'm supposed to find the Lost Caverns (which I believe leads to the Wrecked Ship- It's gotta be in this hack! ...Right? PLEASE let it be in this hack!! Oh please! Where else would Phantoon be?!) next, but I'm not sure if this room leads there or not. I passed it by, but if it does lead to the Lost Caverns, please tell me so. If not, please don't tell me where to find it- I like exploring.

(edited by pikaguy900 on 10-01-06 08:57 PM)


Since: 08-29-06
From: C.T.

Last post: 6461 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 10-02-06 01:22 AM Link | Quote
A map would be nice. Phantoon is very nearby and the Wrecked ship is not in the hack. Look back a few pages and you'll know why it couldn't have made it in. The Lost Caverns though is in Southwestern Crateria. It should if I remember correctly be shown on your map.
Just keep looking around in Southwestern Crateria and good luck againest the Purple Pirates. Note that the purple ones that shoot beams at you like a normal pirate are only weak to the Plasma beam/Screw Attack. And the fact that you don't get them until quite awhile later. You know you are on the right way when you start seeing purple ninja pirates. Hope you got alot of Super Missiles, your going to need them.

Red Cheep-cheep


Since: 11-21-05

Last post: 6349 days
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Posted on 10-02-06 10:53 AM Link | Quote
South EAST!! its the sounth EAST not west, south west would be the brinstar elevator!

and no Wrecked ship is not in the hack, sorry dude =P



Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6355 days
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Posted on 10-02-06 04:43 PM Link | Quote
SO I AM IN THE RIGHT ROOM! I saved in the first room with those Golden Pirates. I left the room, thinking it was the wrong way, but then, after getting off the computer for the night, I realized that the doors in the room could possibly be opened by defeating them. I planned on doing so today, so... Thanks for saying that I'm going the right way. Now, how to defeat them without taking too much damage? ...Don't answer that, please.


Since: 08-29-06
From: C.T.

Last post: 6461 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 10-02-06 05:40 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Drewseph
South EAST!! its the sounth EAST not west, south west would be the brinstar elevator!

and no Wrecked ship is not in the hack, sorry dude =P

Ah, this is the second time you pointed that out.

Originally posted by pikaguy900
SO I AM IN THE RIGHT ROOM! I saved in the first room with those Golden Pirates. I left the room, thinking it was the wrong way, but then, after getting off the computer for the night, I realized that the doors in the room could possibly be opened by defeating them. I planned on doing so today, so... Thanks for saying that I'm going the right way. Now, how to defeat them without taking too much damage? ...Don't answer that, please.

There are no real golden pirates except those in Norfair. The ones in underwater Crateria pirates should pose little to no trouble if you gather some more expansions. Heed my advice. How to fight them properly is something I won't answer. I will tell you that you need to go east. Not west.



Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6355 days
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Posted on 10-02-06 05:53 PM Link | Quote
Alright. Oh yeah, I can't get all the Tanks I can possibly get at this moment right now. The whole "charge-your-Speed-Booster-and-keep-it-going-for-a-lot-of-rooms" thing seems... overly complicated, and I still have trouble Shinesparking. It's not the hack- it's my keyboard. When I try to press down to stop running and hold a Shinespark, I usually end up either stopping the speed boost and kneeling or aiming diagonally-down in the direction I'm going. And yet, I'm really good at doing the same thing in Metroid: Zero Mission (I got every item in it once, even the Tank that you acquire from the long Speed Booster run. So, let me ask a question: Is Phantoon's room not marked on the map as a Boss Room? I just want to be prepared- The last time I faced Phatoon on an emulator on the original game... I lost. Over and over again. I know I lose more this time....


Since: 08-29-06
From: C.T.

Last post: 6461 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 10-02-06 09:06 PM Link | Quote
You know you can charge your Shinesparks like you do in ZM in this hack right? By shinesparking into ground that isn't flat. And Phantoon is at the end of the Lost caverns. It isn't marked on the map but the Lost caverns is.



Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6355 days
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Posted on 10-02-06 09:51 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Deathbringer
You know you can charge your Shinesparks like you do in ZM in this hack right? By shinesparking into ground that isn't flat. And Phantoon is at the end of the Lost caverns. It isn't marked on the map but the Lost caverns is.

Yes, I know you can do that. I read previous posts and I read that you need to hold two buttons to keep the charge, and they're the obvious ones. Let me guess- Run and the direction you're Shinesparking in? Oh yeah, I need major help. I beat the so-called "Kung-Fu Pirates" at the bottom of the shaft with the Save Station, but... I went right, and found a locked gate. There's no switch to open it. Seeing as all enemies in a room are reset upon re-entering the room, the Pirates were back and killed me. How do I open the gate? I have these items:

Morph Ball
Wall-Jump Boots
Super Missiles
Ice Beam
Varia Suit
Power Bombs
Grappling Beam
Speed Booster
Wave Beam
High-Jump Boots
X-Ray Scope
Spazer Beam

...Yeah. I read that I was supposed to get my fourth Energy Tank in Norfair, in the big Morph Ball maze that looks like the one in Magmoor Caverns, but... How in the world can I get that?! If I lay a bomb, the platform beneath me blows up, so it's impossible to do any more than ONE bomb jump! Please don't tell me to try infinite bomb jumping- I've never been able to do that, not even by following what I'm told. So, instead, help me figure out how to open the annoying gate near me. Do I go right instead? Or did I miss something? I've only disarmed one Chozo Guardian. I found another in Maridia, but... It said "Access Denied. Find and disarm 11 Chozo Guardians", or something like that. I'm guessing it's the last Chozo Guardian you activate, the one that blocks access to Tourian, right? Must I disarm more Chozo Guardians before I can get to the Lost Caverns? I'm looking forward to that, and I really want to hurry up and fight Mother Brain- I liked that fight. So much so that if I ever reach it again, I'm instantly making a save state so I can fight it again and again, but not the "Brain-in-a-jar" part. ...That was silly, the way I said that.
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