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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - Super Mario in Yoshi Heaven - Demo 1 New poll | |
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Red Koopa

Since: 02-10-06

Last post: 6354 days
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Posted on 09-30-06 02:00 AM Link | Quote
I should start this off by saying this is my first attempt at ROM hacking, but I think it came out pretty well...

Known Bugs:
- Mario Start! doesn't appear before one of the levels in this demo.
- Overworld graphics glitches may occur in 2 player mode.

- Several ExGFX backgrounds (and some foregrounds)
- 12 Exits (10 Completed levels including all of world 1)
- A lame story


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Gameplay Video:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Download Link:
Scroll down to find the fixed patch

(edited by wtfweb on 09-30-06 01:02 AM)
(edited by wtfweb on 09-30-06 01:03 AM)
(edited by wtfweb on 09-30-06 01:31 AM)
(edited by wtfweb on 09-30-06 03:39 PM)

Free Ice Man!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Ireland

Rate me

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 09-30-06 06:40 AM Link | Quote
I can't play it now cause I'm at work, but I'll comment on the screenshots.

1. Very nice font. There's not enough happening in the foreground, but background looks great.
2. Not bad. A little square but a good layout.
3. ... Wow, really nice work. The graphics are ripped perfectly, and good use of the parabeetles.
4. I like, I like. Very creative, and the background looks perfect (That lamp better be animated )
5. A night swim, nice idea.
6. Leveldesign looks pretty fun. Why don't more people use that background!

I'm liking this so far.

7. Original idea; I wonder how it'll feel to play in...
8. Backwards level, eh? I have a few of those in my hack, a refreshing change.
9. Okay, but I don't like how the lava doesn't wrap around the pipes. Good work on the background palette; it's a nice effect.
10. Looks like nice design, but the background palette could use some tweaking.
11. Alright.
12. ... Love it!
13. That looks pretty fun, and the background is refreshingly bigger.

Great work, wtfweb. I can't wait to try this out.

Since: 11-18-05
From: Your mom's bed

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 09-30-06 08:18 AM Link | Quote
Doesn't look too bad overall, but you get a big minus in my books for mixing very different graphic styles.

Screen 3: Yoshi Island style platforms
Screen 4: SMB1-3 (SMAS) style background
Screen 6: Mega Drive/Genesis looking background

Red Koopa

Since: 02-10-06

Last post: 6354 days
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Posted on 09-30-06 01:08 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Stifu
Doesn't look too bad overall, but you get a big minus in my books for mixing very different graphic styles.

Screen 3: Yoshi Island style platforms
Screen 4: SMB1-3 (SMAS) style background
Screen 6: Mega Drive/Genesis looking background

Yeah I couldn't resist ripping Yoshi's Island graphics. And I knew they didn't fit with the rest so I figured I'd restrict them to the levels in Warp Zone and add that little bit about the Yoshis building it. (Lame excuse, I know)

Originally posted by Pac

4. I like, I like. Very creative, and the background looks perfect (That lamp better be animated )

It is

(edited by wtfweb on 09-30-06 12:10 PM)
Ice Man



Since: 11-18-05
From: Germany

Last post: 6443 days
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Posted on 09-30-06 04:27 PM Link | Quote
I like the hack until I came out from this pipe.

A suggestion: Don't put piranha plants in pipes where Mario comes out. Otherwise, quite nice hack.

Red Koopa

Since: 02-10-06

Last post: 6354 days
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Posted on 09-30-06 04:38 PM Link | Quote
yeah i just noticed that glitch this morning and fixed it by lowering the piranha plants on those pipes. i emailed boom.dk the fixed patch to replace the old one. i'll try to attach the fixed patch to this post...


yoshi_heaven.zip (233925b) - views: 89

blue boar boobies
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Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 09-30-06 08:23 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Stifu
Screen 6: Mega Drive/Genesis looking background

Actually... that background was ripped from SMA4..


Since: 09-08-06
From: St. Louis, MO

Last post: 6453 days
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Posted on 09-30-06 09:59 PM Link | Quote
Looks pretty good. The transparency on Vacation Paradise bugs me though...

Red Paragoomba

Since: 05-30-06
From: China

Last post: 6353 days
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Posted on 10-01-06 12:13 AM Link | Quote
I think there is one more problem:
You did't edit the status bar. Orginal SMW status bar is overused. And what does"toadstool manor" mean? Is it"toadstool mansion"?

edit: Seeing all of you critisizing me I'm deleting all of the above.

(edited by 3.14159265358979323846 on 10-05-06 12:38 AM)


Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 10-01-06 12:17 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by 3.14159265358979323846
IAnd what does"toadstool manor" mean? Is it"toadstool mansion"?

dictionary.com is your friend

Star Mario
Finally being paid to code in VB! If only I still enjoyed that. <_<
Wii #7182 6487 4198 1828


Since: 11-18-05
From: Canada, w00t!
My computer's specs, if anyone gives a damn.

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Posted on 10-01-06 10:53 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by 3.14159265358979323846
I think there is one more problem:
You did't edit the status bar. Orginal SMW status bar is overused. And what does"toadstool manor" mean? Is it"toadstool mansion"?

It's amusing how shortly after a tool is released to edit something in SMW, any hack that hasn't edited that something is criticized for it. HAY GUYZ SMW HAX THAT DON'T LET U WALK ON UNREVELED OW PATHS R OVERUSED, LOL.

Red Koopa

Since: 02-10-06

Last post: 6354 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 10-01-06 04:21 PM Link | Quote
thanks for everyone who gave feedback so far. (all two of you)

does anyone have any comments or suggestions about level design? too easy for world 1? too hard? etc...


Since: 07-03-06

Last post: 6361 days
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Posted on 10-01-06 06:11 PM Link | Quote
I played through it, and I definitely like the level design (and your intro video was amusing). I especially liked the puzzle in the yoshi house (I actually had a level planned with that exact same idea) and the intro to the area past the yellow switch. I only saw a few issues of note

1) Yoshi wings are WAY too easy to get. The fact that you get a blue yoshi from that, and that it lets you skip an otherwise interesting level, are irritating. Blue Yoshi means you essentially kill the difficulty of every future yoshi enabled level that includes koopas.

2) You might want to change your sprite settings in the first level. My first run through it, the two flying koopas who are essential to the secret exit didn't show up (I came back thinking that the blue yoshi was a necessity).

3) I know its just a short demo, but IMO you're slightly overusing the forced movement levels. Frankly I'd rather be able to go at my own pace, and a one in 5 ratio of forced movement levels is quite painful.

4) cute trick with the yoshi coins in Vacation Paradise, but raise the goal post if possible because as is its impossible to get to them while riding yoshi. I don't like having to throw yoshi past the goal post in order to keep him.

5) nice bonus area, quite interesting to see all the different bonuses you pick from, but is there really a way to get that 1up at the top right corner without yoshi? I can't get back up to it after hitting the silver pow without jumping off him, and if I have yoshi why wouldn't I just eat it through the nippers? nm, invisible note blocks FTW. Only gripe is that the cement blocks don't really fit but that's a minor issue.

I definitely enjoyed the first demo, good luck continuing with it.

*EDIT* As for solving that problem, I dunno. I definitely like the concept you're using, the only thing I can really think of is that other sprites are in the memory spot. Maybe if you moved things around a little and kept the blue koopa and his shell, the jumping piranha, and/or the paragoombas where they wouldn't be onscreen at the same time it might prevent those turtles from disappearing. Oddly enough, I haven't managed to recreate their disappearance, so I dunno if it was a rare occurance or what (my first run through they were BOTH gone, since then I haven't had a time where even one was missing).

(edited by x1372 on 10-01-06 08:40 PM)

Red Koopa

Since: 02-10-06

Last post: 6354 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 10-01-06 07:56 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by x1372
1) Yoshi wings are WAY too easy to get. The fact that you get a blue yoshi from that, and that it lets you skip an otherwise interesting level, are irritating. Blue Yoshi means you essentially kill the difficulty of every future yoshi enabled level that includes koopas.

I think you're right here. I'll be dropping the yoshi wings there and saving them for a harder level.

Originally posted by x1372
2) You might want to change your sprite settings in the first level. My first run through it, the two flying koopas who are essential to the secret exit didn't show up (I came back thinking that the blue yoshi was a necessity).

Yeah I've noticed this problem and I dont think it can be corrected by changing sprite settings. I think I just need to make a different (easier) way to get to that pipe. Any ideas?

Originally posted by x1372
4) cute trick with the yoshi coins in Vacation Paradise, but raise the goal post if possible because as is its impossible to get to them while riding yoshi. I don't like having to throw yoshi past the goal post in order to keep him.

I'll be fixing this for the next release.

Red Paragoomba

Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6349 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 10-04-06 12:28 AM Link | Quote
Hey, this is a pretty good hack, but I have to agree with what someone else said about mixing the graphic styles. I suppose it's ALMOST all right since it's just for the one area or whatever, but still!

Anyway, the level designs are really good. I don't know what your plans are exactly, but if I were you I would save most of these levels for a later world -- they're a bit challenging for world one stuff.

Other than that, I see no major problems -- good luck, and keep us posted!
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - Super Mario in Yoshi Heaven - Demo 1 |


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