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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - World Affairs/Debate - WAR! Israel at war with Lebanon New poll | |
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Broom Hatter


Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 07-26-06 02:44 AM Link | Quote
What does this conflict portend? I don't believe that this conflict will directly lead to a major war, but it seems that the world is becoming less peaceful and more dangerous than it was in the last century. Conflicts like this make me nervous; could such a conflict occur in our home countries (if none of you are in Israel or Lebanon)? What direction do we seem to be going in this century?

Raging Venom

Since: 11-18-05
From: Final Fantasy Fire

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Posted on 07-27-06 10:18 PM Link | Quote
My dad (who's huge on politics)'s view:

We need to support Isreal's decision to go to war because they are protecting their sovreignty. Two words: Hezbollah and Hamas, two of the largest terrorist organizations in the world and by proxy, the Iranian army.

Isreal, well within her rights I might add, is in the process of destroying Hezbollah and Hamas' ability to wage war against Isreal. It is unfortuante that you don't hear about the hundreds, dare I say thousands, of innocent Israelies slaughtered on a daily basis by these two despicable, cowardly terrorist organizations.

These terrorists wear no uniforms, fly no flag, and target civilians on a regular basis without conscience or mercy. They deserve whatever Isreal decides is fitting.

If Hezbollah did not hide their rockets and long-range weapons in civilian housing, in mosques, in schools, in grocery stores, in open-air markets, or in residential neighborhoods, Isreal would not be killing civilians; they would be killing terrorists. Unfortunately, however, these terrorist organizations do not have the courage to face their so-called enemy; instead they hide behind the skirts of women and children, and cry foul when they are found.

(edited by Vyper on 07-27-06 09:25 PM)



Since: 06-07-06

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Posted on 07-28-06 03:24 PM Link | Quote
Its single digit Israelis that die every day from rocket fire.

These terrorists (Hezbollah) DO wear uniforms.

Your dad needs to sit down and actually read about the situation before making pointless conjecture.

Red Cheep-cheep


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 07-29-06 02:42 AM Link | Quote
Ziff: if it were single digit Canadians that died everyday would your response be different?

or Americans, or anyone else but Israel?



Since: 06-07-06

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Posted on 07-29-06 08:48 AM Link | Quote
So, are you accusing me of anti-semetism? Because that "anybody but the [Jewish State]" comment sounds an awful lot like it.

Red Cheep-cheep


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 07-31-06 02:28 AM Link | Quote
not so much accusing, as suspecting.

It just seems like if it were a different country then the responses in this thread might be a little different too.



Since: 11-18-05
From: Randwick, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 07-31-06 03:02 AM Link | Quote
That's just retarded, really. Do you seriously think people who criticise Israel are anti-semetic?

I think Tony Judt in Haaretz nailed it in this article in Haaretz talking about the complete reversal in Israel's image in the world and its loss of moral credibility and sympathy between 1967 and 2006:

Today only a tiny minority of outsiders see Israelis as victims. The true victims, it is now widely accepted, are the Palestinians. Indeed, Palestinians have now displaced Jews as the emblematic persecuted minority: vulnerable, humiliated and stateless. This unsought distinction does little to advance the Palestinian case any more than it ever helped Jews, but it has redefined Israel forever. It has become commonplace to compare Israel at best to an occupying colonizer, at worst to the South Africa of race laws and Bantustans. In this capacity Israel elicits scant sympathy even when its own citizens suffer: Dead Israelis - like the occasional assassinated white South African in the apartheid era, or British colonists hacked to death by native insurgents - are typically perceived abroad not as the victims of terrorism but as the collateral damage of their own government's mistaken policies.

Such comparisons are lethal to Israel's moral credibility. They strike at what was once its strongest suit: the claim of being a vulnerable island of democracy and decency in a sea of authoritarianism and cruelty; an oasis of rights and freedoms surrounded by a desert of repression. But democrats don't fence into Bantustans helpless people whose land they have conquered, and free men don't ignore international law and steal other men's homes. The contradictions of Israeli self-presentation - "we are very strong/we are very vulnerable"; "we are in control of our fate/we are the victims"; "we are a normal state/we demand special treatment" - are not new: they have been part of the country's peculiar identity almost from the outset. And Israel's insistent emphasis upon its isolation and uniqueness, its claim to be both victim and hero, were once part of its David versus Goliath appeal.

(edited by Arwon on 07-31-06 02:04 AM)

Raging Venom

Since: 11-18-05
From: Final Fantasy Fire

Last post: 6361 days
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Posted on 07-31-06 02:55 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by ziffhasnoaim/password
These terrorists (Hezbollah) DO wear uniforms.

Please, show me their uniforms. I'm dying to see them.



Since: 06-07-06

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Posted on 07-31-06 06:58 PM Link | Quote

Hezbollah marching

Raging Venom

Since: 11-18-05
From: Final Fantasy Fire

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Posted on 07-31-06 09:52 PM Link | Quote
Ok, so there's one flawed point in my argument. The rest of it still stands.
Sin Dogan


Uoodo Original Blend Armored
Trooper Votoms Canned Coffee!


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 07-31-06 11:09 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Vyper
Ok, so there's one flawed point in my argument. The rest of it still stands.

Pwned Again:

Originally posted by Vyper
It is unfortuante that you don't hear about the hundreds, dare I say thousands, of innocent Israelies slaughtered on a daily basis by these two despicable, cowardly terrorist organizations.

Maybe because there aren't HUNDREDS of Israelis killed everyday! Seriously, where do you get your facts?

I just love how the US is speeding up delivery of these bombs for Israel to rain down upon Lebanon and still tries to come across as an intermediary.
Rom Manic

Since: 12-18-05
From: Detroit, WHAT?!

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 07-31-06 11:27 PM Link | Quote
If they do happen, it's probably not JUST by those organizations. Those numbers could appear from anywhere, and it still seems unlikely to me they are realistic.

Raging Venom

Since: 11-18-05
From: Final Fantasy Fire

Last post: 6361 days
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Posted on 07-31-06 11:56 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Jin Dogan
Originally posted by Vyper
Ok, so there's one flawed point in my argument. The rest of it still stands.

Pwned Again:

Originally posted by Vyper
It is unfortuante that you don't hear about the hundreds, dare I say thousands, of innocent Israelies slaughtered on a daily basis by these two despicable, cowardly terrorist organizations.

Maybe because there aren't HUNDREDS of Israelis killed everyday! Seriously, where do you get your facts?

I just love how the US is speeding up delivery of these bombs for Israel to rain down upon Lebanon and still tries to come across as an intermediary.
My father was referring to a cumulative number.



Since: 06-07-06

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Posted on 08-01-06 12:53 AM Link | Quote
Cumulative on a daily basis?

Raging Venom

Since: 11-18-05
From: Final Fantasy Fire

Last post: 6361 days
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Posted on 08-01-06 01:09 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by ziffhasnoaim/password
Cumulative on a daily basis?
So I worded it wrong. Sue me.
Sin Dogan


Uoodo Original Blend Armored
Trooper Votoms Canned Coffee!


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 08-02-06 05:55 PM Link | Quote
The bottom line is that Israel's goal is to stop Hezbollah missiles from hitting Israel(so they say), not to crush Hezbollah entirely. With all those attacks, Israel still only has 19 civilians dead as opposed to the death toll in Lebanon nearing 1,000(at about 750 now). How at all is this worth it?

Red Cheep-cheep


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 08-03-06 02:07 AM Link | Quote
worth it?

if your country had soldiers kidnapped what would it do?

go kick some ass and get them back. Israel is defending itself and probably trying to wipe Hezbollah off the map in the process. Israel has the right to be doing what it is doing. Armed militants in the south of Lebanon declared war when those soldiers were kidnapped. If the war is to end, those soldiers have to be returned and Hezbollah needs to disband. Otherwise Israel will continue to attack until to reaches those same goals it's way resulting in more death but eventual victory for Israel.



Since: 06-07-06

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Posted on 08-03-06 02:35 AM Link | Quote
So is it wrong for the militant organizations that have formed following this new incursion into Lebanon to fight?
Sin Dogan


Uoodo Original Blend Armored
Trooper Votoms Canned Coffee!


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 08-03-06 08:17 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by geeogree
worth it?

if your country had soldiers kidnapped what would it do?

go kick some ass and get them back. Israel is defending itself and probably trying to wipe Hezbollah off the map in the process. Israel has the right to be doing what it is doing. Armed militants in the south of Lebanon declared war when those soldiers were kidnapped. If the war is to end, those soldiers have to be returned and Hezbollah needs to disband. Otherwise Israel will continue to attack until to reaches those same goals it's way resulting in more death but eventual victory for Israel.

Hahaha! Oh please, you think an attack like that is warranted for the capture of two soldiers? It's just an excuse to attack Lebanon.

I guess the attacks on Palestinians because of that ONE soldier were also called for. I mean who cares if the Israelis have captured countless Palestinian civilians including women and children?

Red Cheep-cheep


Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6358 days
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Posted on 08-03-06 01:22 PM Link | Quote
this is not the first thing that Hamas or Hezbollah has done to Israel.

Think about the analogy of the straw that broke the camel's back. When you look only at the straw, the reaction of the camel seems silly, since only a single straw was added and it broke the camel's back. However, when looking at the entire bundle of straw on the camel, the reaction is justified.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - World Affairs/Debate - WAR! Israel at war with Lebanon |


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