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Since: 11-21-05
From: Amarillo, TX

Last post: 6350 days
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Posted on 07-20-06 06:38 PM Link | Quote
Received an odd phone call earlier. Read the script here and tell me what you make of it:

Me: Hello?

Him: Is Kris Fredrick there?

Me: This is him.

Him: Hi Kris. I am calling today to reward you for being such a loyal credit card holder. We have three $25 gas cards and two $25 Wal Mart gift cards waiting to be sent to you. All you have to do is say the confirmation code, which is the last 4 digits of your credit card, at the end of our conversation when I ask for it. Do you have that number with you now?

Me: I don't have a credit card, never have.

Him: Really? Are you sure?

Me: Yep

Him: Well, we work with Visa, Mastercard, American express, and Capital One.

Me: Nope, never had one.

Him: Alright Kris, in that case, your code is ####.

Me: OK.....

Him: Do you still receive mail at (insert address here)?

Me: Yep

Him: Alright Kris, I am now going to record our conversation so we can have confirmation of you wanting to receive these gift cards. Is that OK?

Me: Yep

Him: Alright Kris, would you like the three $25 gas cards and two $25 Wal Mart gift cards sent to you at (insert address here)?

Me: Yep

Him: Alright Kris, now I will ask you to tell me the last 4 digits of your credit card number.

Me: #### (Same numbers from above)

Him: Alright Kris, those will be in your mailbox within three business days.

Me: Ok....

Him: Thanks Kris!


WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? Who knows, may be some error. Anyone else had a strange call like this?
Prince Kassad

As you wish.

Since: 06-30-06
From: nowhere

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Posted on 07-20-06 07:14 PM Link | Quote
That's typical telephone spam. I got those earlier. Just ignore them and they'll go away after a while.
It's nothing to worry about.

Red Paratroopa


Since: 03-13-06
From: Georgia

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Posted on 07-20-06 07:25 PM Link | Quote

Telephone spam.

Back when I first got my cell phone, I put the number on the national do not call list, and this number kept calling me and I didn't know who it was (I'm super anxious about screening calls; if I get a phone call from someone I dont' know, I will NOT answer it)).

So, finally they called back after ten times of me NOT answering it and I answered. 'YOU WON A FREE VACATION TO YADDA YADDA"

and I was like "Oh yeah? You do know that my number is on the do not call list and it's illegal for your stupid ass to call this number, right?'

And then the girl was like "OOOOKAY BYE"



Since: 11-17-05
From: California
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Posted on 07-20-06 11:21 PM Link | Quote
I usually hang up immediately when I hear that they aren't calling about something important... like if someone called me about my credit card (which I don't have!) I'd just hang up. They usually don't call back.
Fearless Moderator Hero

Since: 11-17-05
From: An apartment by DigiPen, Redmond, Washington

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Posted on 07-20-06 11:34 PM Link | Quote
I just don't answer the phone whenever it's a telemarketer.


Since: 11-17-05
From: Ontario, Canada

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Posted on 07-20-06 11:46 PM Link | Quote
Kinda hard to do that when you don't have caller ID

I got those calls a lot. They don't normally leave you alone unless you nasically tell them to fuck off on the phone. Which half the time they call back right after and say "liek, FREE SURVEY!!!111"
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Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 07-20-06 11:48 PM Link | Quote
When I get calls from people like that, I'll call them terrorists or make fun of them sometimes. Doing that has helped to keep people like that from calling me. I don't have caller ID so I can't scan the calls.

Kario, why should you care the much? You get $75 for gas and $50 for Wal-Mart that all you had to do was repeat something the man said. I would be happy, except I can't drive so the $75 for gas wouldn't really do me any good.



Since: 11-17-05
From: LaSalle, Quebec, Canada

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 07-20-06 11:55 PM Link | Quote
There's usually a catch to those things. ALWAYS a catch.

The problem with a lot of telemarketers here is that they have private numbers - and I can't NOT pick up the phone then because we have friends whose numbers don't display on the phone.
Black Lord +



Since: 11-17-05
From: Where indians still roam...

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Posted on 07-21-06 09:29 AM Link | Quote
I'd be careful with anyone whom I'd be giving personal information too... identity theft is a huge problem these days. I've had several friends get their identitiy stolen.


Since: 11-21-05
From: Amarillo, TX

Last post: 6350 days
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Posted on 07-21-06 10:03 AM Link | Quote
Thats the thing, I didn't give any information at all. I just confrimed my name and address. I'm not concerned at all. I don't see how it could be a spam phone call. Spam doesnt just annoy people, it tricks n00bs into doing something they don't really want to do. "Free Ring Tone! Just buy an Xbox 360." This is different though. "Here, have some gift cards at no cost to you!" I will update the thread if I actually get the stuff in the mail. Normally I don't answer numbers I don't recognize, especially 1-800 numbers, but this person had called 5 times that day and 11 times the day before. I just wanted to make it stop.

Gamma Ray

Since: 11-17-05
From: Montreal, Canada

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Posted on 07-21-06 10:06 AM Link | Quote
When people don't stop calling me, I slap them.

(it does involve some work from me, like locating them and teleporting, but it's worth it)


On a more serious note, I answer the phone once a week.


Since: 11-27-05
From: Teh Sweden

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Posted on 07-21-06 10:13 AM Link | Quote
Technically they only need the 3-4 last numbers of your card to shop for stuff, and the other numbers are probably public in one way or another. We only get a few salesmen and stuff here, and at least here it's illegal to steal/scam credit card numbers :p.



Since: 11-17-05
From: LaSalle, Quebec, Canada

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 07-22-06 12:43 AM Link | Quote
OK, update it when you get the stuff. Because I can't see a company sending those gifts to you at no charge for doing nothing. Boggles the mind.

Waddle Doo

Since: 11-18-05
From: San Diego

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Posted on 07-22-06 04:02 AM Link | Quote
Well, they used to bug me, before I had caller ID.

I was moving, and me and my step dad were packing the last of our stuff. Of cource, the phone we have hooked up still rings.

Me: Hello?

Her: Yadda blah blah timeshare blah.

Me: Listen, I don't have time for you people. I'm in the middle of moving.

Her: But sir, this will only take a few minutes.

Me: I don't think so. *Hangs up*

*Phone rings again after I lift entire computer desk which is pretty heavy, forgetting to take it apart*

Me: Hello?

Her: Sir, this will only take a few minutes. Blah blah timeshare blah (in a rapid voice)

*Hangs up*

*Phone rings*

Her: Sir?

Step dad: Listen. We don't have time for your bullshit telemarketing. Stop calling here, WE ARE BUSY.

*Disconnects phone*

That's what's happened to me. Those people can really get on your nerves.


Since: 04-27-06
From: Los Angeles,CA

Last post: 6347 days
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Posted on 07-22-06 04:25 AM Link | Quote
Well, today I had a pretty weird phonecall. It kinda went like this.

*telephone rings, the number is (000) 000-0000*

Me: WTF....*answers*

Weird # : Hello sir, this is [something, something], what is your name?

Me: Umm...Carlos why?

Weird # : Carlos did you know this is the time of year when robberies happen?

Me: Nooooo....

Weird # : Oh, well this is the time when you should be getting house insurance.

Me: I can't get insurance, im only 14. *Hangs up*

Well, that really wasen't weird but, the number creeped me out .
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 07-22-06 04:27 AM Link | Quote
How to really get them to go away is to say something crazy.

You: Hey.
Douche: Hello, this is (name) from (place)...*interrupted by you*
You: Sorry, I don't know anyone named (name) from (place). Good bye.

Then, right before you hang up, say something completely out of line. Call them a terrorist or insult them based on what they are supporting and that'll make them shut up. If they do call back, say that they're breaking the law or something and that'll also scare them. If they call back after that, be as disturbing as you can be. Not necessarily in a sick sense, but just be evil. Try yelling at them while chewing on food.

Waddle Doo

Since: 11-18-05
From: San Diego

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Posted on 07-22-06 04:28 AM Link | Quote
I've only seen that number one other time, when I pranked myself with "The Ring Prank 2.0". You fill out this thing, then you send the link. They click it, it plays the ring video, says personal information on the video, and then after they get a phone call from that number.
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 07-22-06 04:36 AM Link | Quote
I have to include a good one me and a friend did once. The lady was obviously foreign, so we joked with her to get her to finally shut up after calling 3 times.

My friend: Hello?
Douche: Hello, I would like to have a moment of your time please.
Me: We do not negotiate with terrorist.
Douche: I'm not a terrorist. I just want to know...
Me: Where we hide our bombs?
Douche: I just would like...
Me: To bomb us? You'd like that wouldn't ya.
Douche: It's just a quick...

It wasn't the BEST one I've had. My part was kinda bad. The whole you have the wrong number thing is probably what made her not call back. That often times works quite well. Either way it made her stop calling. Waste my minutes will ya.

(edited by Syn on 07-22-06 03:36 AM)


Since: 11-17-05
From: California
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Posted on 07-22-06 04:38 AM Link | Quote
Or you could really get them, and put on a real sad voice and tell them that the person they're asking for died last week. ;D

Waddle Doo

Since: 11-18-05
From: San Diego

Last post: 6356 days
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Posted on 07-22-06 04:39 AM Link | Quote

That's got to be the funniest Weird phone call story I've heard so far. Next time something like that happens, I suggest someone gives them a scare and says something like "This is the FBI. How did you get this number, and just make it hilarious! God, I should do that next time.
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