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Since: 05-15-06
From: USA

Last post: 6374 days
Last view: 6367 days
Posted on 05-20-06 07:05 PM Link | Quote
Wow, apparently i'm just plain not good enough with the speed booster to break through all the blocks in one dash to escape from the rising lava. (the part right after the booster is recieved) I just tried the same running jump for 15 minutes straight.

(edited by Amano on 05-20-06 06:09 PM)
Dude Man



Since: 11-18-05
From: Wareham MA

Last post: 6394 days
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Posted on 05-20-06 11:46 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Amano

Obviously Drewseph wanted to make it more difficult then the original. What else could someone do to increase the difficulty using the resources already in the rom other then stuff like putting more spikes and increasing the damage of enemy hits?

In terms of level design, agian, using the resources of the rom you can only use so many different textures. What makes the level design so smart and original is the way that the obstacales were set up, not it's visuals.

There are other ways to make something harder besides making enemies stronger. And I never made any comment on bad visuals. I actually like them. Don't get me wrong. I like this hack more then most others, it's just that having to know the glitches in and out and dodging thorns is kind of a drag.

Originally posted by Drewseph

none in maridia or tourian, a few spikes in norfair, mostly IN lava.

Thank you. That makes reaching those areas a bright future for me

Since: 05-19-06

Last post: 6616 days
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Posted on 05-20-06 11:53 PM Link | Quote
Is nobody going to help me?

I am stuck in Maridia. I am not sure where the secret item is.
I got the space jump, is that the secret item? There is still one spot on my item screen empty. Is there two items in Maridia?
There are still 3 areas I can't get past.
1) 4 gate room, I don't know how to get above the gate room to dissable the other two gates.

2) In a tall wide room with two red missle gates. In a lower part of the room on the left hand side there is a gate, but I can't see the button to open it?

3) In North Easter Maridia there is a room that has a flashing door that was opened from killing Draygon. I go in, and then I have to follow a path in morph ball mode. I get to a section where I have to jump and some rocks are blocking my way. But I can't move to the left. It seems like I can't fit in the space. What the hell?
Is this a glitch?

4) I need one more Maridia guardian. I have the one in eastern Maridia, and the one in the room left of the glass tube that breaks on its own.

Help me please. I have been stuck here for so long.



Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6352 days
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Posted on 05-21-06 01:17 AM Link | Quote
I absolutely hate Gravity-suitless underwater travel. >.<

I think I am going in the right direction, but I can't figure out how I can progress to the unexplored area to my right. I saw some air in the room to my right, but found no way to reach it. I think you were almost on as many hallucinongens as the author of Metroid Reverse while making this hack. The level design is absolutely maddening.

Red Cheep-cheep


Since: 11-21-05

Last post: 6349 days
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Posted on 05-21-06 01:25 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Dude Man
There are other ways to make something harder besides making enemies stronger. And I never made any comment on bad visuals. I actually like them. Don't get me wrong. I like this hack more then most others, it's just that having to know the glitches in and out and dodging thorns is kind of a drag.

Actually you don't need to know any glitches in my hack at all. mockball is not a real glitch, physically, it makes sense, and thats only needed for one item. other than that you don't need to know ANY glitches what so ever, in fact, I pretty much removed all the really annoying glitches

Samusx: I would like to see a screenshot of this "glitch" so I can fix it, I don't recall any mazes where you have to go through blocks and then jump, but can't fit.... so a screenshot would help. as for the 4 gate puzzle, use your imagination, and realize that if theres a maze on the top and bottom of the halway than there as to be a place to get there from underneath and above

(edited by Drewseph on 05-21-06 12:29 AM)

Since: 05-19-06

Last post: 6616 days
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Posted on 05-21-06 02:05 AM Link | Quote
Here is the section with the glitch. I can not get passed. What the hell. Damn.

And about the 4 gates. I am stumped. I have searched the room above so many times I am going crazy. I found the switches on the lower part of the 4 gate room, but it is the upper switches that have me stumped.




Since: 05-14-06

Last post: 6530 days
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Posted on 05-21-06 02:18 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Drewseph
Actually you don't need to know any glitches in my hack at all. mockball is not a real glitch, physically, it makes sense, and thats only needed for one item.

Uhh, yes it is. Or did you forget about Kejardon already saying three times that it's impossible to say that the mockball was there intentionally? Mockball does not exist in any future sequels as far as I know. There are many reasons why this bug exists:

1: Oversight - there are two speeds of rolling, and both are easily achievable well before you ever get speed booster. Speed booster speed could've been forgotten about. It's not the first time a concept escaped a programmer.
2: Deadline - might not have been enough time to do adequate bug testing.
3: Bad testing - the bug might not have even been found at all.

Drew: quit trying to sell that bullshit as purposeful until you get some written proof from Nintendo that it was intentional.

Red Cheep-cheep


Since: 11-21-05

Last post: 6349 days
Last view: 6342 days
Posted on 05-21-06 02:45 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by samusx
Here is the section with the glitch. I can not get passed. What the hell. Damn.

And about the 4 gates. I am stumped. I have searched the room above so many times I am going crazy. I found the switches on the lower part of the 4 gate room, but it is the upper switches that have me stumped.

have tested at passage and I have no trouble springballing up and continuing left, I don't know whats wrong.

also, where did you find your sig, I'd love that pic!!!


Since: 05-21-06

Last post: 6343 days
Last view: 6342 days
Posted on 05-21-06 02:46 AM Link | Quote
I did say you couldn't be sure mockball was intentional, but I ALSO said you couldn't be sure mockball was unintentional. There's simply not enough evidence either way to say if mockball is a glitch unintentional or not.
If you asked me a year ago, I would have said 'Yes, mockball is an unintended glitch'. But since then, I've *accidently* made mockball impossible twice while programming various stuff (one of which took me a *long* time to track down how it fixed the mockball). There are several oddities required that exist in the Super Metroid game engine to allow the mockball.
It's either a huge string of coincidences that allow the mockball, or an intentional oversight (with possibly a few intentional tweaks to insure it worked). Either one seems equally likely to me at this point.

"I pretty much removed all the really annoying glitches"
That's only your definition of annoying.

Since: 05-19-06

Last post: 6616 days
Last view: 6616 days
Posted on 05-21-06 02:49 AM Link | Quote
Well it would seem that I a screwed then. Because I get to that spot and I can not move left from that point. I can jump, but not move left. DAMN. All this time, and now what. Is there anything good to get or just a bomb upgrade?

I found that pic a long time ago. Do you want me to mail you that Samus pic in my avatar?

Red Cheep-cheep


Since: 11-21-05

Last post: 6349 days
Last view: 6342 days
Posted on 05-21-06 02:52 AM Link | Quote
I'm gonna look into the issue now, as for the pic, if you have the full resolution then I'd love to see it, PM me a link to imageshack or somehting =) thanks in advance

also, try downloading the most recent patch

**EDIT** i just checked and I could enter the hole to the left by springballing or double bj

(edited by Drewseph on 05-21-06 01:58 AM)

Since: 05-19-06

Last post: 6616 days
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Posted on 05-21-06 03:32 AM Link | Quote
Well, I can't figure out how to private message, but here is the photobucket link I just made for you. I hope you enjoy it. It is not super high res, but it is ok.

Here are some other favs.



And about that spot I am stuck. I guess, my game is screwed, because I can NOT get through. I have bombed, jumped, bomb/jumped, super bombed. I tried everything, damn.

Am I missing anything worth while if I just skip going that path?


Since: 05-21-06

Last post: 6616 days
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Posted on 05-21-06 04:14 AM Link | Quote
I must be dumb, or blind or something... I'm WAY behind everyone else here, I just picked up the game the other day.

I've got 2E 15M, morphball and bombs. And I swear I've looked EVERYWHERE and don't know where to go next. Any hints?


Since: 05-10-06

Last post: 6616 days
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Posted on 05-21-06 04:15 AM Link | Quote
hehe, I just found the spazer right after the wave beam. Didn't have to do the shinespark or anything for it. Definately didn't abuse any bugs or discrepancies in mapping either, I'm sure

EDIT: Woops, I confused the Spazer with the Plasma beam. While I did get the Spazer, I was thinging it had the power of the Plasma beam. My bad.

(edited by Sethram on 05-21-06 03:42 AM)


Since: 05-15-06
From: USA

Last post: 6374 days
Last view: 6367 days
Posted on 05-21-06 04:49 AM Link | Quote
I feel terribly disapointed in myself to ask for help, but i'm in a complete standstill and i really have no other choice.

I know this should be easy but for some reason i can't seem to speed boost through all of the blocks right after recieving the speed booster: (i know it's pathetic)

Should i just completely give up because i suck, or should i be trying to do it in a different way?

Also, out of curiosity, do you happen to know who "Tenacious D" are Drewseph?

Red Cheep-cheep


Since: 11-21-05

Last post: 6349 days
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Posted on 05-21-06 05:05 AM Link | Quote
No idea who teneecious D is, anyways you speedboost, crouchs and horizontal spark through that wall. you do this by (after crouching) when samus flashes, hold jump and press left (all while standing still)


Since: 05-15-06
From: USA

Last post: 6374 days
Last view: 6367 days
Posted on 05-21-06 01:26 PM Link | Quote
Thanks for the help, much appreciated. I can't believe i forgot how to boost charge (i haven't played SM in a long time) for fuck sake, with those instructions i was able to pull it off on my first try.
Fearless Moderator Hero

Since: 11-17-05
From: An apartment by DigiPen, Redmond, Washington

Last post: 6342 days
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Posted on 05-21-06 02:45 PM Link | Quote
I am hopelessly stuck with six guardians left to activate. I've got three in Crateria, and one each in Maridia, Norfair, and Brinstar, though I know the location of another in Brinstar (I just can't seem to figure how to get to it).

I was SO SURE there was a guardian beyond those four gates in Maridia, but no, it just had to be a single power bomb

Edit: Wow, that was stupid. Sector 1 Maridia secured... And I'm up to 13 energy tanks.

By the way, I have a question. After you get the space jump, in northwest Crateria, you can super missile a block in the ceiling of a room and get in there, and you come across another morph ball maze type thing. But, not too far in, you fall and roll right off of a sensetive brick (or fall back to the starting room) and you get to the bottom of an area far too tall to get up since you can't morph out. What the heck are you supposed to do to get up there and get the power bombs there?

(edited by Hhllrssstttxaaeioy on 05-21-06 01:47 PM)
(edited by Hhllrssstttxaaeioy on 05-21-06 01:50 PM)

Red Cheep-cheep


Since: 11-21-05

Last post: 6349 days
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Posted on 05-21-06 03:48 PM Link | Quote
Yes there is a guardian after the 4 gate hallway. as for the powerbomb maze in crateria you need to ibj up the far right vertical passage, the one just t the right of the crumble block
Fearless Moderator Hero

Since: 11-17-05
From: An apartment by DigiPen, Redmond, Washington

Last post: 6342 days
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Posted on 05-21-06 04:21 PM Link | Quote
Ah dang it, I thought you said you never had to infinite bomb jump... I suck at it

Well, time to go back to the 4-gate hallway and look for the guardian, because I pretty obviously missed it.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - ROM Hacking-Related Releases - Super Metroid: Redesign OFFICIALLY RELEASED, Keep all the related questions here |


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