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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

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Since: 06-17-04
From: Kingston, RI, USA, Earth

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Posted on 03-04-05 10:14 PM, in I'm writing a book! Here's the official preview! Link
.........You're writing a dark and serious story, and you have NEVER READ ANIMAL FARM?

If you need some information about the inner workings of society, corruption, war, and greed, read Animal Farm. It'll definitely point you in the right direction, and if you're an avid enough reader, you're probably gonna finish it in under an hour.

All of Orwell's works are excellent bits of insight into society, and anyone who wants to write a story based around a world we cannot normally imagine should look into them.

As for the plot, you need more of a hook. Taking place in a world where food talks is good, but it seems kind of hokey, you'd really have to have some kind of extreme plot device to have the food make sense. Brian Jacques features anthropomorphosized animals in all of his Redwall novels, and he does so to place emphasis on the redundancy of size in his tales (i.e. a mouse can have the courage to stand up and defeat a cat or a badger or another animal that is many times its size). Make the secret idea REALLY important, or at least incredibly subtle so that when people discover it, they'll go "ah....." and commend your insight.
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

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Since: 06-17-04
From: Kingston, RI, USA, Earth

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Posted on 03-04-05 10:22 PM, in Chocolate Bars Link
Anyone ever heard of a Nestle's Coffee Bar?

Bitter, but not bad. In fact, I want one right now. Though, it's not really chocolate in that sense. More a little chocolate mixed with coffee flavoring and wafer inside. It's like those wafer cookies with the cream in them, but it's covered. And it rocks.
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

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Since: 06-17-04
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Posted on 03-04-05 10:25 PM, in If you had a clone... Link
One Grey is more than enough... I'd probably force everyone around me running away with frustration.

If you kill your clone, is it suicide?
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

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Since: 06-17-04
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Posted on 03-04-05 10:31 PM, in what job do you want to do when you are older Link
I want to be a math teacher, or a music teacher. They say the best way to remember things is to teach them to other people.

Also, most of the people I've idolized in my life have been my teachers, so it'd only make sense to want to rise to their level.

Failing that, I wouldn't mind being a police officer, either. But programming? I'd rather learn that in my spare time than spend countless hours at a desk each day.
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

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Since: 06-17-04
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Posted on 03-05-05 09:20 AM, in Lateral Thinking Puzzles... 20 questions edition Link
Would the company have gotten in trouble if they had continued pressing charges? I.E. would something bad have happened at all if they had continued pressing them?
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

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Since: 06-17-04
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Posted on 03-05-05 09:31 AM, in Sim-Battle Tournament Sign Up! Link

UGrey: "Gotta love those flashy entrances..."

User Grey cracked his knuckles and twisted his neck a bit as he blew a quick gust of air outward, scattering the dust and soot that was emitted by the rocking explosiveness of his entrance.

"Ehheh, any word from Silvershield yet? He's kinda.... holding us up. And I really don't want to see Dracoon drop out of the tournament, it just wouldn't feel right without him as a competitor..."
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

And yes. That means donuts.
Level: 82

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Since: 06-17-04
From: Kingston, RI, USA, Earth

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Posted on 03-05-05 09:32 AM, in Chocolate Bars Link
Coffee Crisp? Does Nestle make it? I might have gotten the name wrong. In any case, I think we need more mocha-type chocolate bars. Coffee owns.
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

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Since: 06-17-04
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Posted on 03-05-05 09:41 AM, in Strange, sinking feeling Link
It's mainly with my girlfriend. We've been going out for about 8 months or so now, and it's been a great time. A lot of ups and downs, but every up is worth a million downs. But it's hard to get her to open up to me sometimes, and I feel like she's not comfortable with me, and it's unnerving, especially considering how bad some of our arguments are, I feel like we'd just argue so much less if she were as open with me as I am with her.

Then there's my mother. She and I used to have an excellent relationship, but for the last year or so it's just been on a steady decline, because she thinks I haven't been doing anything to prepare for my future, when I have. I really have.

A little while ago I found out my father actually didn't believe I was his son for the first few years after he and my mother divorced (they divorced when I was about a year old). That's a bit of a crushing blow, not that I didn't hate him before, but that's still gonna add fuel to the fire.

There's more, but those three issues are pretty much what's eating at me the most now, and all three of them are things I just get so scared of when I try to think about confronting them.
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

And yes. That means donuts.
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Since: 06-17-04
From: Kingston, RI, USA, Earth

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Posted on 03-05-05 09:52 AM, in Global Warming, Fact or Myth? Link
I think the point of hearing it on the news is that you're allowing yourself to measure the heat in the same way we measure heat with a thermometer, which when it comes to global warming, you just can't do.

Ziff's claim that almost every scientist agrees is pretty solid. Everyone against it has some kind of relation to the energy industry. In 1997, coal produced about 56% of the U.S.'s electricity, and pumped a good 30000+ pounds of CO2 gas into the atmosphere per household per year. That doesn't really seem like much in the grand scheme of things, but when we consider that before the Industrial Revolution CO2 levels were about 3/4 of what they are now, it's a bit of a possibility that modern industry has contributed just a little bit to our warming problem, since CO2 is literally the most common greenhouse gas.

The coal-ition, of course, claims that amount of CO2 gas is a GOOD thing, saying that higher average temperatures will allow people to spend more time outside, and more CO2 will help plants grow.

What they don't admit is that the temperature that rises per year is an AVERAGE, meaning it could stay completely the same around here, and rise about a whole degree or two in the north pole, and people wouldn't notice a damn thing.

They also don't admit that CO2, while being a good plant fertilizer, is not necessarily entirely absorbed by the plants. In fact, many plants have a light phase, where they respire CO2 and breathe out O2, and a dark phase, where they breathe in O2 and breathe out CO2. That, coupled with the oh, say, 100 years it takes for the ocean to absorb released CO2 gas, leads me to believe that the greenhouse skeptics just might be bullshitting us.
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

And yes. That means donuts.
Level: 82

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Since: 06-17-04
From: Kingston, RI, USA, Earth

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Posted on 03-05-05 09:54 AM, in Sim-Battle Tournament Sign Up! Link
OOC: We're actually at even combatant numbers now, so chances are you might have to wait until someone drops out. The highest likeliness of that would be the absence of APH Striker, Rahl, or Dracoon dropping out to become a judge.
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

And yes. That means donuts.
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Since: 06-17-04
From: Kingston, RI, USA, Earth

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Posted on 03-05-05 06:41 PM, in Tuxydon vs. Grey: An Honorable Outcast Link
Kalar: "Go where?"

In the time it takes to dodge-roll forward and beneath the boomerang's first blow, Kalar has changed his weapon again: the scythe blade is more curved now, and has detached from the main shaft, which has shortened into a small weight and is attached to the blade by a chain, concealed within the weapon's previous shaft!

With a flick of his wrist, he sends the blade flying past Tuxydon, attempting to ensnare him in the chain. At the same time, he rolls himself forward (to give the chain an amount of tension to come wrapping around Tuxydon), pulling the chain around himself. If all goes right, the end result will be that the two of them are tied together by the chain, more or less face to face, as the boomerang heads back to slice both of their heads off...

Kalar grins at Tuxydon, and seeing his eyes closer than ever suggests that he is in an extremely wrong presence of mind at this point.

Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

And yes. That means donuts.
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Since: 06-17-04
From: Kingston, RI, USA, Earth

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Posted on 03-05-05 06:52 PM, in Strange, sinking feeling Link
Actually, you're on a good track there. Problem is, a few years ago I tried getting back into my faith. I really can't do it for some reason, there's just something more I seek when I think about religion. There's too many questions.

Rather than do that, at that time what I did was just read the New Testament. Though I don't actually follow any real religion, I find that many of the things Jesus says in it are things we all should pay attention to.

I've been considering reading Buddhist texts, as well as Taoist, just to get a different perspective. Maybe I will give it another try, if it works out well.

My Superintendent came into school yesterday to deliver a presentation on the brain. He talked about medication, as well. He said there's really no such thing as "happy pills", and what the meds actually do is help you regulate and supress unbalanced levels of chemicals in your body so that your body stops overproducing the counterchemicals. It happened to his son, who had hypoglicemia (sp?), and it's often used to treat chronically depressed patients not by forcing them to be happy, but by suppressing the chemicals that make them stressed or sad.

If multireligious study doesn't work, I could always try that. But I've been afraid of medications, for the longest time I've always believed in the abilities the human body has to help itself, although I recognize the miraculous things modern medicine has done for our health, and I'm sure I'd undergo any treatment that was needed to repair my body, as far as changing it goes I'm still sort of iffy on chemical imbalance medication.

(edited by Grey on 03-05-05 09:53 AM)
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

And yes. That means donuts.
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Since: 06-17-04
From: Kingston, RI, USA, Earth

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Posted on 03-05-05 07:02 PM, in Welcome to River City... Link
OOC: Jeez, sorry for the wait.. I've kinda been off the cuff lately on schoolwork.

Grey took his shot. The nine and 13 balls flew into their holes, and the game was on. Stripes. Grey didn't like the thought of that.

Grey: "Simple matter, Miss Wong. It's an in-out job. All we need is wit, determination, and a bottle of water."

As Ada's confused face stared into his, Grey smiled keenly.

"Coke's a commodity in the drug industry. Shipped in small amounts, taken in small amounts, and sabotaged in small amounts. We're going to take the shipment that's coming into the harbor tomorrow night and give it a nice bath. I imagine the mobsters will be quite surprised to find their precious cocaine shipment reduced to a very wet pulp."

He circled the table, his eyes flashing.

"That's where you come in. I need someone stealthy. Someone to sneak into the ship and steal its cargo, so that I can give it the proper treatment. Of course, there's gonna have to be a diversion, which I'll be able to cover quite easily. I assure you, I'm not nearly as silent as you, but I can definitely kick up a ruckus. While everyone's trained on me, you should be able to sneak into the ship. You'll have to get your feet wet, but I'm sure you can handle that, right?"

Before Ada could speak, Grey let in one final remark.

"Ah, but I forgot something. Just in case, you'll need these."

He produces from his coat a briefcase and a gun. Upon opening the briefcase, one could discover that it's packed to the brim with white powder!

"Relax, it's just baking soda. You'll have to replace the coke case with this stuff anyway, to keep from arousing TOO much suspicion. And the gun is specially loaded with flare shells. Use them how you like, I'm sure they'll hurt if you shoot someone, but the real reason would be to alert me if you get in any trouble."

He picks up his drink, sips it, and looks back at Ada.

"So, that's your mission. Any objections?"
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

And yes. That means donuts.
Level: 82

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Since: 06-17-04
From: Kingston, RI, USA, Earth

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Posted on 03-05-05 07:14 PM, in March 2005 ACS Rankings Link
Spree McSpree!

I got four points. I feel more manly now.
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

And yes. That means donuts.
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Since: 06-17-04
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Posted on 03-05-05 07:16 PM, in Acmlm's Board: 2020. Link
If I stay here for 15 more years, chances are I'm either going to be gone, banned, or adminned.

15 straight years as a local mod of a roleplaying forum... I'm cool.
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

And yes. That means donuts.
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Since: 06-17-04
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Posted on 03-05-05 07:18 PM, in Fuckhead Link
Originally posted by Kitten Yiffer
"A Fuckhead Must Keep Coming Back Without Mending His/Her Ways"

...and that's so annoyingly true. ;

From my experince, fuckheads is little more common on chat rooms than message boards. But do exist on both.

tRO! tRO!!!!! They're just EVERYWHERE! On the board, in the chat, in the game, there's just no stop to the fuckheaddery. There is literally not a moment that goes by in it that SOMEONE is not being a fuckhead. Hell, I've been a fuckhead on tRO once or twice, and whenever someone's a fuckhead it's always over the littlest things...
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

And yes. That means donuts.
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Since: 06-17-04
From: Kingston, RI, USA, Earth

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Posted on 03-05-05 07:21 PM, in Chocolate Bars Link
No, no, no, it's entirely possible to like chocolate bars with coffee in them and still classify them as chocolate bars. They have chocolate in them, it's just with a little coffee flavoring.

Not only that, but I like other kinds of chocolate too. Especially dark chocolate. I guess it's really just bitter candies that I like the most. For example, I love those little round truffle balls that you can get at the Lindt stores.
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

And yes. That means donuts.
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Since: 06-17-04
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Posted on 03-05-05 07:26 PM, in Abbreviation game! (Acronym: BUSY) Link
Zebra Emissions May Lurk In Kangaroo Excrements: Can Australia Tell Someone?
Grey the Stampede

Don't mess with powers you don't understand.

And yes. That means donuts.
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Since: 06-17-04
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Posted on 03-05-05 07:42 PM, in Battle of the Bands | Rock 3 | Battle 3: Winner: Pink Floyd Link
Well, at least he's still ghosting...

In any case, I don't normally participate in this stuff... But Talking Heads is just plain good to me, and Pink Floyd had the whole Wizard of Oz/Dark Side of the Moon thing, so I've got a good reason to vote for both of them. I gotta go with Talking Heads, though.
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