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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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The Exile
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Posted on 02-05-05 12:13 PM Link | Quote
I thought it was just my compy going nuts on me, but now that I'm on another one, that theory has been tossed out.

Yea, I'm one of the few that'll look at the bios/profiles, and when I click on "show bio" it crashes my IE.
Kitten Yiffer

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Posted on 02-05-05 04:33 PM Link | Quote know what's funny? It crashes IE for me too, but Firefox opens it up fine. And before anyone goes IE fanboy like, yes I do use the latest version of IE, and this computer is spyware free as far it goes. Still crashes on me too.

And you didn't say where, but I guess you mean show bio in the memberlist.

Thought well, it asks me about installing the quicktime plugin. (which I recently installed, but it wanted a restart, which I hadn't done yet. Way to go Apple...)

The Exile
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Posted on 02-05-05 07:55 PM Link | Quote
Oh, sorry....yea, its the first page in the memeber list. And both of my computers have anti-virus software and all that crap. So it has to be someone's bio doing it, between 1-50.

Green Birdo

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Posted on 02-05-05 07:57 PM Link | Quote
Same thing happens here.... Thank god that I switched to FF.

The Exile
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Posted on 02-05-05 08:04 PM Link | Quote
I have Firefox on the other compy but honestly, I don't like it.
Kitten Yiffer

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Posted on 02-05-05 08:07 PM Link | Quote
It actually dosen't crash if I turn scripts off... which bascially means I turn off plugins, Javascript, Java and such.

So apparently, it's just some pretty stuff that is screwing up in IE. Well, IE is very unstable but it shouldn't crash becuse of some wierd code someone have inserted in their Bio.

Green Birdo

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Posted on 02-05-05 08:08 PM Link | Quote
The crash have probably got something to do with the music that plays when you're viewing it in FF.

Snap Dragon
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Posted on 02-05-05 08:08 PM Link | Quote
When I view all the bios in the memberlist, IE freezes, but actually does come to life when you leave it for a while. Personally, I think it's knuck's bio. The quicktime movie thing in his is what causes the freeze on my computer. (I know this, because it freezes, and after the freeze knuck's quicktime thing starts playing, so its the quicktime plugin taking forever to load)

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Posted on 02-05-05 08:12 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by dan
When I view all the bios in the memberlist, IE freezes, but actually does come to life when you leave it for a while. Personally, I think it's knuck's bio. The quicktime movie thing in his is what causes the freeze on my computer. (I know this, because it freezes, and after the freeze knuck's quicktime thing starts playing, so its the quicktime plugin taking forever to load)
Sorry but no. I use IE, and the bio thing freezes it too. But i go to my profile all the time without a problem.
Besides there is no quicktime thing in my bio (i'd never use quicktime), it's just a <embed> tag.~

The Exile
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Posted on 02-05-05 08:13 PM Link | Quote
When I go into knuck's profile, it loads normally, save for a two second lag or so.

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Posted on 02-05-05 08:18 PM Link | Quote
It doesn't crash for me in IE, it has "Not responding" for a few seconds but it doesn't crash.
One reason seems to be Keikonium's bio which has alot of embedded mp3's, which I'm going to remove now. You can check the bio list after that to see if it's still crashing.

The Exile
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Posted on 02-05-05 08:22 PM Link | Quote
Okay, it loads up fine for me now. Thanks a lot.

Snap Dragon
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Posted on 02-05-05 08:23 PM Link | Quote
Meh, I presumed it to be a Quicktime thing as Firefox told me it needed the Quicktime plugin to play it. Sounds on webpages suck.

It may just be the fact that there are so many different images from different webservers that it bogs down IE. Using a different browser would probably be the only solution in that case. There are more browsers out there than Firefox and IE.


*dan reads Jizuko's post.


(edited by dan on 02-05-05 04:25 PM)
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