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Posted on 01-06-05 04:11 PM Link | Quote
I was just wondering. Or are you more inclined to the idea that we choose our destiny?

I want to lean more towards the statement that life is what we make of it. Nothing falls into place unless you make the effort to get what you want. But there are times where I think about how anything can happen to anyone at any time under circumstances beyond their control. We get laid off, we get cancer, we get killed unexpectedly. I hate thinking that some higher power already has my life planned out, when I'm going to die and how. I try to make my own choices and assume responsibility for what happens to me in the near future. But I get the feeling that my choices have little to do with my future.

And I have another question. Do you believe that people are inherently good and well meaning or evil with hidden agendas for every action?

Just curious. I've been in philosophical mode for the past two weeks. :/


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Posted on 01-06-05 04:38 PM Link | Quote
I don't believe in faith in a religious way, but in a scientific way.
What you choose to do is already set, so you don't have control over the happenings, they are going to happen already.
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Posted on 01-06-05 05:53 PM Link | Quote
I've been thinking philisophically too Christi. Yeah... I don't think fate is chosen by "someone else". If that were the case what's the point of continuing to live everyday life... I like to think that I have control over myself, and that eventually we will find out why the hell we are here. Oh yeah... Life is a dream by the way. Believe in nothing. It's all an illusion.

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Posted on 01-06-05 07:33 PM Link | Quote
I believe that we choose our own destiny. I think it sounds correct or something.

When someone is bullying me or something tell them not to challenge fate.

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Posted on 01-06-05 08:00 PM Link | Quote
We choose what we do, but it is already set in stone what will happen, because, your choice effects everything around you... Really I don't know, but I don't think fate exists, at least with God, because in Christian beliefs we have the one major choice of going to Heaven or Hell.

As for your inherently good/evil thing, we are neutral, and how we are raised and what we do is how we become either of the two.
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Posted on 01-06-05 08:13 PM Link | Quote
To put it simply, whatever happens to us, in our lifetime, is a result of our own, and other people's choices. So, I really do not believe that there is a thing like 'fate'. Some choices, obviously, have bigger impact than others.

And some people will be inherently good, some people will have hidden agendas, and some people will have a little bit of both. That's what I think, anyway. Although, some people might have hidden agendas with some of the things they do, without them knowing that they're doing it with a hidden agenda, if you know what I mean.

Looking at myself, I think I'm pretty likely to be a person with hidden agendas.
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Posted on 01-06-05 08:16 PM Link | Quote
It depends...

Do we have a "free will" or is it an illusion? If it's an illusion, then we have a fate. If not we don't.

I honestly don't think that the future is set in stone.

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Posted on 01-06-05 09:01 PM Link | Quote
I'm sorta mixed....liiiiike....Yeah, you can make your own choices and all that stuff. But, it was fate that you made the choices that you did yeah, I know. I'm not making much sence...but that's what think
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Posted on 01-06-05 09:04 PM Link | Quote
I think we choose our destiny and everything that we do interacts with each and everything else in our enviroment. There is always a reason for everything even if we don't know what they are.

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Posted on 01-06-05 09:04 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Keitaro
I'm sorta mixed....liiiiike....Yeah, you can make your own choices and all that stuff. But, it was fate that you made the choices that you did yeah, I know. I'm not making much sence...but that's what think
I think EXACTLY like you. You can make choices, but in the end it was all set.

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Posted on 01-06-05 09:19 PM Link | Quote
Free Will.

I believe we each have our own fate, but depending on actions and choices we take, that fate can shift and change too a different path. So I basically believe destiny is an ever changing path that we follow.

(edited by Xeogred on 01-06-05 12:21 PM)
Tamarin Calanis

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Posted on 01-06-05 09:35 PM Link | Quote
Read Xeo's post for my opinion on fate. I tried to type it out, but I kept confusing myself when I read over it. Xeo said it better, so read his post.

As for people being inherently good or not... I think that people start on neither side. Their life, how people treat them, the choices they make, is what shapes what kind of person they become.

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Posted on 01-06-05 11:57 PM Link | Quote
I look at this as a type of "tree theory".

At the beginning of your life, you start at the base of the tree. When you reach a choice, you reach a point where your tree branches off. From there, your tree can branch off in any number of ways, until you reach the very end of the branching. The end of your life. The end result, or the branches you took along the way, shape your life.

This is just a metaphor I like to use to explain it.
Mr. F-Zero

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Posted on 01-07-05 12:15 AM Link | Quote
I'm mixed on this. I like to believe that we have own control over our fate and we decide what to do, and that there is no higher power. But at the same time I have a mindset that tells me that what I do is predetermined, or rather that everyone has an inherent... sort of luck, I guess you could say, or spirit, that ultimately shapes how people turn out. Their decisions are theirs, but the actions and consequences of such decisions are changed according to that person's 'luck' and the people around them that would be affected. I know that sounds weird but some people do seem to go through life without much in the way of troubles...

And as for inherent evil and good... I think that a certain amount of bad or good is already in us from our genes, but again your overall 'luck' can change this, as well as those around us. But the set evil/good in us doesn't ever completely shift, there will always be a small amount of it through our lives.

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Posted on 01-07-05 12:19 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Jarukoth
I look at this as a type of "tree theory".

At the beginning of your life, you start at the base of the tree. When you reach a choice, you reach a point where your tree branches off. From there, your tree can branch off in any number of ways, until you reach the very end of the branching. The end of your life. The end result, or the branches you took along the way, shape your life.

This is just a metaphor I like to use to explain it.

That's basically what I was going for, but I think you summed it up more nicely.
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Posted on 01-07-05 12:56 AM Link | Quote
Oh jeeze.

There's no such thing as fate. Nothing you do has been planned out by a mysterious force ahead of time. We don't live in fairytale land.

If I do something, it's because I wanted to and I made that choice. Not something or someone else.

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Posted on 01-07-05 01:02 AM Link | Quote
I don't believe in fate, but even if it existed, it's still pointless and all the same... As we can't really predict anything.
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Posted on 01-07-05 02:22 AM Link | Quote
From a purely scientific view I would have to say that fate is a ridiculous concept, but experience has taught me otherwise. I personally believe that you can choose most things, but some things will just happen no matter what.

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Posted on 01-07-05 02:26 AM Link | Quote
To chose to do and action requires more then the thought of our presence on Earth. It requires the thought of something higher up to make that path and tell us to do it before we know what to do. At least that is how fate is set up for me. Even though I have no faith I beleive something else makes desicions for us and we cannot control it.
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Posted on 01-07-05 04:54 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Jarukoth
I look at this as a type of "tree theory".

At the beginning of your life, you start at the base of the tree. When you reach a choice, you reach a point where your tree branches off. From there, your tree can branch off in any number of ways, until you reach the very end of the branching. The end of your life. The end result, or the branches you took along the way, shape your life.

This is just a metaphor I like to use to explain it.

So the destination is set, but its just how you get there. Am I following?

I think like a psycho, or at least I've been called such for thinking this way... Every choice you make leads off to a new branch, but it also creates a seperate universe based on the other choices you could have made at the time, and those universes have you making those choices. This goes for everyone that ever lived, so all in all, it truly means "everything that can happen has happened and will happen"... Man, that would be so cool if it was true!
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