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Bullet Bill
Level: 32

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Since: 01-06-05
From: hailing from Oyamazaki, Kyoto

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Posted on 01-06-05 02:36 AM Link | Quote
Hello I never signed up but I know a few people already because of IRC. I like to talk about games and I hack ROMs, sometimes. I have a Zelda project that I am making on CGB, that I hope someday is good so I would post it ._.;; Hello to everyone, anyways.

Fire Snake

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Since: 11-02-04
From: Chatham, Ontario, Canada

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Posted on 01-06-05 02:42 AM Link | Quote
You've come to the right place when it comes to talking about games and hacking ROMs What exactly are you doing with your Zelda project, or is it some sort of secret? I assume that CGB stands for Color Gameboy, and I haven't seen too many hacks or anything like that for that game. Sounds interesting.

Welcome to the board. Have fun here

Bullet Bill
Level: 32

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Since: 01-06-05
From: hailing from Oyamazaki, Kyoto

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Posted on 01-06-05 02:46 AM Link | Quote
My project..well, it is called a 'home brew' I think, that's what it is called. I one time made an AGB Tetris but this time I am trying something much more challenging ._.;; thank you for the welcome, too ^^

(edited by Yoronosuku on 01-05-05 05:52 PM)

Iron Knuckle
ウラシマ ケイタロウ
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 01-06-05 03:09 AM Link | Quote
Welcome to the forums Erika. I should hope I don't need to introduce myself to you Enjoy your time here, and be a good poster, and people should like you. Shouldn't be a problem for you, though.

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Posted on 01-06-05 03:55 AM Link | Quote
Hey there. Welcome to the board, have a great time here.

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Since: 03-15-04

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Posted on 01-06-05 05:52 AM Link | Quote
Sup, welcome to the board!

Zelda: Link's Awakening for the GBC is one of my favorite games of all time. Good work with the hack.

(edited by jasukan on 01-05-05 08:52 PM)
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Since: 03-15-04
From: LaSalle, Quebec, Canada

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Posted on 01-06-05 08:14 AM Link | Quote
Ah, OK...

Until now I had no idea Majin changed his name to Keitaro. Ai ya.

Welcome to the board.

Bullet Bill
Level: 32

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Since: 01-06-05
From: hailing from Oyamazaki, Kyoto

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Posted on 01-06-05 08:51 AM Link | Quote
Thank you everybody for your welcomes to me I really like to post here, it is a nice place =) An admin even welcomed me ^^ (I think the FAQ said yellow people are admin yes?)
Indefinitely Unbanned
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Posted on 01-06-05 08:54 AM Link | Quote
f00b n00bs suck ass and are stupid dumbfucks. oops! did I say that out loud?

*EDIT: That was a joke, and the post was spam. I just wanted a free post, since I hadnt had one in a while. Damn, and to think, I was the top poster by a long shot for so long...

(edited by Kefka on 01-06-05 12:10 AM)

eek, when are they going to stop growing...
Level: 143

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 01-06-05 07:43 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Colleen
Ah, OK...

Until now I had no idea Majin changed his name to Keitaro. Ai ya.

Heh, I

Bullet Bill
Level: 32

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Since: 01-06-05
From: hailing from Oyamazaki, Kyoto

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Posted on 01-06-05 08:57 PM Link | Quote
You can call me Erika, or Yoro if my name is difficult ._.;; I don't mind whatever one!
Super Sion

You BlockHead!
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 01-06-05 09:19 PM Link | Quote
You can spell so that puts you in the upper 50% of users *thumbs up*

Have a fun time and stay away from Kwan...hes nothing but trouble

Buzzy Beetle
Slayer of Beasts
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Since: 03-15-04
From: Shimmering Waters Of Avden

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Posted on 01-07-05 05:52 AM Link | Quote
Hi! Welcome home

What does your user name mean/what's it from? It's pretty.

Kefka, I don't care if you're joking or not. If you're not going to welcome newbies properly then don't post at all.


Bullet Bill
Level: 32

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Since: 01-06-05
From: hailing from Oyamazaki, Kyoto

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Posted on 01-07-05 07:49 AM Link | Quote
Yoronosuku is an owl character from a very popular videogame in Japan I'm glad you like my name ^^v I am feeling so welcome here

Ludwig Von Koopa
You're Gonna Love Me
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Since: 03-29-04
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Posted on 01-07-05 11:10 PM Link | Quote
Welcome herre! Of course you feel welcome here...because we're just so darn nice..aren't we? I'm sure you'll have a good time here so continue to post. ::gives you candy::

eek, when are they going to stop growing...
Level: 143

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Since: 03-15-04
From: Nerima District, Tokyo - Japan

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Posted on 01-07-05 11:35 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Yoronosuku
Yoronosuku is an owl character from a very popular videogame in Japan I am feeling so welcome here

This isn

Bullet Bill
Level: 32

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Since: 01-06-05
From: hailing from Oyamazaki, Kyoto

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Posted on 01-08-05 08:33 PM Link | Quote
are you familliar with the Pocket Monster series? He's from generation 2...he is the final growth stage of Hoothoot (I only know his US name off the top of my head ._.)
Super Sion

You BlockHead!
Level: 70

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Since: 03-15-04
From: Yo Mommas House

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Posted on 01-08-05 11:18 PM Link | Quote
Oh, in America we call that Pokemon Noctowl. Hes that giant owl that does phychic moves and stuff.

- B l u e s -
Power Metal > All
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Since: 03-15-04
From: Yeah

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Posted on 01-09-05 12:30 AM Link | Quote
You obviously like the SNES, so I'll give you 2+ Strength.

Welcome, stick around.

Ball and Chain Trooper
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Since: 03-15-04

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Posted on 01-09-05 09:17 PM Link | Quote
I thought I'd seen your name.

Welcome .
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