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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in General Gaming: supernova05 | 4 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - I want to design a console | | Thread closed
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Since: 12-23-04

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Posted on 12-23-04 10:35 PM Link
The concept is essentially the same as the Xgamestation( thier site
You make the game and you sell them to each other we have our "tax" so to say and our console will be the first open console home video game machine. You can replace RAM,GPU,CPU,Media,Source added Harddrive,network card, and other parts needed. Basically this is a computer gaming machine optimized for your liking. NOTE:All added components have to be compatible with each other(duh).We sell the OS (though you can put your own OS on the machine) and the basic hardware.CD/DVD/BRD/HD-DVD/DVD-ROM. Inputs include controller or a custum designed controller, keyboard, mouse, light gun, microphone.........Oh this will cost about $400 for the default parts and the add ons are all bought by you.

Snap Dragon
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Posted on 12-23-04 11:00 PM Link
And this has to do with ROM hacking how? It just sounds like you want to sell custom PCs.

Red Cheep-cheep
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Posted on 12-23-04 11:10 PM Link
ROM hacking is just basically taking one of the older games, and changing it's ROM program to achieve new playing experences. Occasionally somebody might change the program itself to allow for new things never experenced before. Pretty much all of it is done on the software level, not hardware.
Laidback Admin
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Posted on 12-23-04 11:13 PM Link
I'll just toss this in General Gaming.
alte Hexe

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Posted on 12-23-04 11:37 PM Link
Your parents give you permission to do this?

Because it borders on some parts on illegal, and on others pricier than most on this board can afford.

Cheers and don't screw up.
<||bass> and this was the soloution i thought of that was guarinteed to piss off the greatest amount of people


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Posted on 12-23-04 11:58 PM Link
So... It's a PC that hooks up to a TV? I don't see what's so special about it.
Kitten Yiffer

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Posted on 12-24-04 03:06 AM Link
Ooh... it's an X-box with added features.

(hey, I was just joking there... but X-box is a PC with Windows as core. Althought far from the same Windows as computers use. Much more lightweight and such...)

But uh, why would it be illegal Ziff? Unless he sells out copyrighted games without permission, he is just techincally selling out custom made PC's for use on TV's.

(edited by Kitten Yiffer on 12-23-04 06:06 PM)
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Since: 03-15-04
From: LaSalle, Quebec, Canada

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Posted on 12-24-04 06:42 AM Link

Isn't this basically going to be the next Xbox anyways? (Or at least one version of it...)

Considering how this thread makes little to no sense anyways... *closey*
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - I want to design a console | | Thread closed


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