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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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The Obvious.
Pick one!
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User Post
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Since: 05-16-04
From: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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Posted on 12-05-04 03:06 AM Link
Yay, Sim-Battle.
*DarkSlaya dies

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 12-05-04 03:34 AM Link
*throws a living chicken made out of rubber at DarkSlaya*
Alastor the Stylish
Hey! I made a cool game! It's called "I poisoned half the food, so if you eat you might die!" Have a taco.

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 12-05-04 04:13 AM Link
Now what was that? If it's living it's not made out of rubber. It couldn't survive if it was, it'd overheat very quickly.

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 12-05-04 05:26 AM Link
Obviously you don't know about the Living Rubber Chickens from Mars. I should know. I'm doing a research report about Mars in English class.
You can be civil without being flowery, dipshits.
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Posted on 12-05-04 12:36 PM Link
You guys. Wtf. Seriously.

Also. There is no living rubber chicken of mars. You're just mixing up a rubber chicken and the very real Martian Popping Thing in your drug-addled brain. I recommend lying down for an hour and crying yourself to sleep.
Alastor the Stylish
Hey! I made a cool game! It's called "I poisoned half the food, so if you eat you might die!" Have a taco.

Level: 114

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Since: 03-15-04
From: Oregon, US

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Posted on 12-05-04 01:04 PM Link
I think it's dumber that he's doing the report on Mars for English class fo all things. This may be my last post for awhile since I seem to be drifting to sleep, but.

Rubber chickens can't work.

Rubber is too heavy to allow a chicken to fly. It's also not slick at all so the chicken will heat up very quickly from the friction.

Thusly a rubber chicken would die of hyperrthermia.

<||bass> and this was the soloution i thought of that was guarinteed to piss off the greatest amount of people


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Since: 03-15-04
From: Canada, w00t!

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Posted on 12-05-04 02:01 PM Link
Originally posted by Davis
I'm not seeing .5s at the end of those results Xeo. Are you a liar?


Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 12-05-04 03:41 PM Link
Actually, we have to do a research project in English class as a graduation requirement, and I'm doing mine on the possible human colonization of Mars.

Banned until 19-58-5815: trolling, flaming, spamming, being a general fucktard...
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Posted on 12-05-04 07:53 PM Link
Yes, Kitten Yiffer should be banned.
Oh wait, we can't ban gods.

Green Birdo

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 12-05-04 08:30 PM Link
File not found

Originally posted by knuck
Oh wait, we can't ban gods.

a> ban("God")
a> nolimitsban("God")
a> nosecurity("God")
a> You suck!
File not found
a> ban("Computer")
"Computer" BANNED
ERRopdfc sjm ckdj dxdkf sas
353 53 53737502 25 08235159325 2543

...I guess that you're right. :/

(edited by Smallhacker on 12-05-04 11:31 AM)

eek, when are they going to stop growing...
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Since: 03-15-04
From: Nerima District, Tokyo - Japan

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Posted on 12-07-04 04:42 PM Link
I didn
Alastor the Stylish
Hey! I made a cool game! It's called "I poisoned half the food, so if you eat you might die!" Have a taco.

Level: 114

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Since: 03-15-04
From: Oregon, US

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Posted on 12-07-04 08:45 PM Link
Yeah Trapster, first thing you said is the point. Without any influences or even knowin what the question is, what would you vote for?

Math n' Hacks
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Since: 03-18-04
From: Base Tourian

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Posted on 12-11-04 05:55 AM Link
I'd vote logout and go do something else.
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