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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Hardware/Software - File Name Spellchecker | |
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Since: 04-02-04

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Posted on 11-02-04 01:22 AM Link | Quote
I need a program that will spellcheck the filename of a file (jpg files if that makes a difference). Sso if this kind of a program exits, could you please post a link or something? Thanks
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Posted on 11-02-04 05:42 AM Link | Quote
You can sort of emulate that. From memory:
Open a "command prompt" - Go to Start -> Run and type command, hit enter. Use the cd command to navigate to the folder you want. When there, type dir *.jpg > listing.txt (the italic part can be any filename). Then open up the file in Word or something else with spell check.

I'm writing this on a Mac, which with Mac OS X has spell checking literally everywhere, but even OS X doesn't have it in file names. As far as I know there's no OS out there that provides it, nor any sort of plugin either. The reason, I guess, is that most file names are not meant to be spelled correctly. WordsStuckTogether (like_this_too) makes it harder, and besides a spell checker takes a fair chunk of memory to run - it would steal too many resources from the in places already laggy folder display. Also imagine if someone used it to rename system files - from "user32.exe" to "system program" or something. Things would break all over the place.
<||bass> and this was the soloution i thought of that was guarinteed to piss off the greatest amount of people


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Posted on 11-02-04 06:43 AM Link | Quote
Hell, just imagine if you opened system32 with it, you'd get hundreds of warnings about the spelling. Crazy names like gdi32.dll and suflnbk.exe because M$ refuses to go past 8 letter filenames.
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Since: 04-02-04

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Posted on 11-02-04 06:49 AM Link | Quote
okay, I will try what you said Jesper. Its just that I have 2000+ files that need to be spell checked and I dont feel like going through each one. And yes I agree with the system32 stuff, but I need it just for one folder. So thanks again
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Hardware/Software - File Name Spellchecker | |


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