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Posted on 10-17-04 10:05 PM Link | Quote
Yeah, what is the wierdest game you've played? I'd have to say the oddest game I've ever played is Glover on the n64 and ps. I mean, you were a freaking glove! How cool is that!

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Posted on 10-17-04 10:29 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Dylan
Yeah, what is the wierdest game you've played? I'd have to say the oddest game I've ever played is Glover on the n64 and ps. I mean, you were a freaking glove! How cool is that!

That game was actually weird, ya, for sure

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Posted on 10-17-04 11:10 PM Link | Quote

-Porto-Poties (spelled right? lmao..) were save points.

-Flick boogers at enemies to kill them.

-Power up farts or burps for a hard attack.

-Awesome game.

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Posted on 10-17-04 11:54 PM Link | Quote
Segagaga. 'Nuff Said.
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And yes. That means donuts.
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Posted on 10-18-04 01:37 AM Link | Quote
Parappa the Rapper. Why? It's all about the Chicken.

Heck, I have a whole list of games that probably shouldn't have been released to sane gamers. Earthbound, Jet Force Gemini, Animal Crossing, just to name a few.

Albert Odyssey is a good runner-up, too. It's quite possibly the funniest standalone RPG ever made.

Blaze Phoenix
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Posted on 10-18-04 01:43 AM Link | Quote
In terms of sheer weirdness, nothing I've played can top Katamari Damacy. I love that game...

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Posted on 10-18-04 02:39 AM Link | Quote
Parodius takes WTF and turns it to 11.

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Posted on 10-18-04 04:34 AM Link | Quote
I would have to go with either the N64 Goemon game (I don't recall the actual title), or Earthworm Jim.

I still have the cartoon's theme song stuck in my head...

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Posted on 10-18-04 04:40 AM Link | Quote
Probably Jet Force Gemini or Glover...

Someone should make a game where you're a muffin that shoots carrots and the end boss is a giant ham sandwich. Then that would take the title for most messed up game ever.

EDIT: It know! It's this rom hack: Johnny, the homicidal mario. That game is MESSED. So much fun!

(edited by Nebetsu on 10-17-04 07:42 PM)

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Posted on 10-18-04 06:12 AM Link | Quote
Out of all I've played, I would have to say Chu Chu Rocket. Not just because of the game itself, but also because of the ad campaign.


Iron Knuckle
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Posted on 10-18-04 09:36 AM Link | Quote
ChuChu Rocket won me over with the ads, but as far as actual gameing would go, I'd say Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon for N64 (...a giant peach? canned laughter? a guy named Dancin'? Michael Jackson references?), Parapa the Rapper (..did you check the toilets to the left), or Parasol Stars on the GB (............schoolbuses DON'T drive up trees, nor are pianos capable of producing matter, such as shellfish).

Hammer Brother
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Posted on 10-18-04 12:15 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Utilityman
Parodius takes WTF and turns it to 11.

Parodius is weird, but there are weirder.

Parodius is the wierdest Shmups, and in my oppionon also the best (see my layout).
Private Adamant

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Posted on 10-19-04 07:28 PM Link | Quote
The Atari 2600 har a lot of games with a plain weird premise.

Take Plaque Attack, for instance. Protect teeth against evil food. Yeah. It's actually a pretty fun game, too.

Earthbound is weird in a different way. You could probably put Conker's Bad Fur Day in the same leauge. And of curse, there's the Discworld point-and-clicks, which are just.. well.. odd. Fun though, but near impossible.

What's that spell?

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Posted on 10-19-04 11:22 PM Link | Quote
Gun-Nac or Wario Ware (GameCube). I can never cut the steak properly.

...oh, wait, I can. I've NEVER lost that one.
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Posted on 10-20-04 01:35 AM Link | Quote
Earthbound Zero, or as I prefer to call it... Mother is the only RPG game that creeped me out. Thought it's very hard.

It's still beyond me why more RPG's aren't in a modern "X-files" style like Earthbound. ~_~
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Posted on 10-20-04 03:03 AM Link | Quote
There's a flash game out there called "Naked Hero 3".

Completely messed up, though not for the reasons you'd expect. It's supposedly a lot like Wario Ware.
alte Hexe

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Posted on 10-20-04 06:55 AM Link | Quote
Boonga Boonga
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Posted on 10-20-04 08:12 AM Link | Quote
JJ & Jeff for the TG-16/PCE was just... A wee bit ahead of it's time. (If you haven't played it, think Adventure Island combined with poop and slot machines and toilets.)
Ok Impala!

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Posted on 10-20-04 12:00 PM Link | Quote

- Robotrek (SNES)
- Mystical Ninja - Starring Goemon (N64)
- Banjo & Kazooie (N64) (A bird in a backpack? )
Uncle Elmo

Hammer Brother
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Posted on 10-20-04 07:27 PM Link | Quote
Stretch Panic/ Freak Out. (PS2)


You controlled a mystical scarf and you killed the baddies in one level (which were women with VERY large breasts) by tweaking their nipples and snapping it back on them. The storylline was cool in a Freudian sort of way, but Treasure were taking some illegal substances when they designed that game

Wario Ware (GC) kicks arse. I've been to level 96 on the Metroid Microgame Kills your thumbs though.

Incredible Crisis (PS1) is also a bit strange that Lift/Elevator level is EVIL!
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