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Since: 03-16-04
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Posted on 03-20-04 11:51 PM Link | Quote
well i had this friend since 5 years ago, we wee always close friends, and one day i started to like her, so we started dating, i bought her a dozen pink roses and took her out to a resturant, it was probably the most romantic night of my life, then we wetn home and watched a movie, we cuddled all night long untill her parents picked her up...then the next day i taught her how to skateboard, play the guitar, play the piano, and i thought her some other things as well, me and her have the best time together, and we have only been going out for 4 days and i already think i love her, i liked girls alot before, but she is different, anyone have any comments, advise, warnings, or just plain comments?

Silver axe
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Posted on 03-21-04 01:53 AM Link | Quote
Take your time, if you rush things its gonna get messed up. Its okay if you love her right now, but it might be a bit to fast for her. Just find a pace both of you can share. Give her a potatoe. Glad to hear you found someone special.

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Posted on 03-21-04 06:01 AM Link | Quote
Don't tell her you love her.

And lay off and see how much she'll do for you.

(edited by merc on 03-21-04 05:17 PM)

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Since: 03-21-04
From: Prescott

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Posted on 03-21-04 11:23 AM Link | Quote
Just see what she thinks then proceed from there.

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Since: 03-16-04
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Posted on 03-21-04 10:32 PM Link | Quote
i never told her i loved her, im not sure if i even do right now, i never been in love before, but i also never felt this way too...last night we were laying in my room watching to rocky horror picture show and she was stairing right into my eyes, we missed half the movie because we were to busy cuddling..

Red Goomba
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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 03-21-04 10:56 PM Link | Quote
I think you should take it easy. You guys are just currently bonding well,which is real good. But wait and see what happens,and yeah dont tell her you love her,she may freak out. not because of you but other thing which could be on her mind. She may take it the wrong way. You arnt in love with her you just really like her!. And she is probably different compared to many other girls that you have been with. Dont over do it with dinners and roses show how much you care,from your heart not from you pocket. good luck!

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Since: 03-16-04
From: usa

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Posted on 03-23-04 12:57 AM Link | Quote
whew we had a blaste yesterday!! we snuck into her parents old jeep and drove around in her back yard going like 20 MPH!!!! her yards all jacked up now, i hope we dont get into too much trouble..
Destiny Smasher

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 03-23-04 05:20 PM Link | Quote
OK, well...First of all...

FOUR DAYS?! People don't fall in love in four days.

I'll bet you probably LIKE HER a lot...And hopefully care about her dearly as a friend, at least.

The way I see it, you'd BETTER be best friends with your GF, otherwise you don't really have a relationship, you have physical stuff goin'...

And from the sounds of it, I know how you feel, and after a year I still don't know how to describe it...But I do love her. Am I IN LOVE with her...? Don't know.

Don't you love your friends, your family? I love her in that way, too. Love- caring about someone with all of your heart.

But yea, don't go all dramatic quite yet, she's probably not ready...Give yourself time to decide how you feel...Would you give your life for her? Then you're probably in love, but I doubt that's how you feel.

Just take it easy, get to know her better...Everyone has two sides, and some people take them on and off like masks...Hopeflly hers are both blended together.

Sounds to me like you're a little younger and your hormones might be influencing you...(I'm 17, and I'll say that I'm a bit jealous because you actually get cuddled, where I get NOTHING but getting yelled at for crap I never did...)

But...Who knows what'll happen? People don't usually find true love on their first shot, but some do.
Super Sion

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Since: 03-15-04
From: Yo Mommas House

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Posted on 03-23-04 07:07 PM Link | Quote
Hes known her for 5 years Id say that he probably loves her.

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Since: 03-16-04
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Posted on 03-24-04 12:02 AM Link | Quote
i always had feelings for her since 5 years ago, just never told her...whenever i had a g/f in the past i would usually think of her...i might go over her house again today, maybe it will be my turn to drive her jeep :

Red Goomba
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Posted on 03-24-04 03:35 AM Link | Quote
I knew my wife for one year before we started going out. I told her I loved her like five days after we started going out and now look -> One Wife, One Daughter. We went out for five years before we got married. Now I must say I am the happiest I have ever been. Just sit her down and tell her how you feel. I'ts most likely love.

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Since: 03-16-04
From: usa

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Posted on 03-25-04 12:05 AM Link | Quote
lol, i know its love...we had a blast over her house yesterday, we snuck into a lake and went swimming, even though the water was like 40 degress
Indefinitely Unbanned
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Posted on 03-25-04 12:09 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by paradox
lol, i know its love...we had a blast over her house yesterday, we snuck into a lake and went swimming, even though the water was like 40 degress

Is the second point supposed to support the first or something? Cause the second just sounds like plain stupidity, dude!

Level: 41

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Since: 03-16-04
From: usa

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Posted on 03-25-04 12:45 AM Link | Quote
ha, stupid but fun (especially when she dident have a bathing suit and went in with her underwear)

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Posted on 03-25-04 06:48 AM Link | Quote
Have you ever heard that one Atari's song that goes

"Girls are fucking evil"

Just remember that when she breaks your heart.
Super Sion

You BlockHead!
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Since: 03-15-04
From: Yo Mommas House

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Posted on 03-25-04 06:52 PM Link | Quote
Dont say that Saber..your gonna Jix it!
You guys seem to have a blast doing crazy thing..reminds me of me and my lady friend.

Wish you th best and I hope everything works out.

Dry Bones
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Posted on 03-25-04 08:55 PM Link | Quote
It's good to see that you have found someone to love. Like others before me have said, just take it slow and see what happens overtime

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Since: 03-16-04
From: usa

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Posted on 03-28-04 12:21 AM Link | Quote
thanks everyone
Destiny Smasher

Red Cheep-cheep
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Since: 03-15-04
From: NOT HERE, thank the Star Spirits.

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Posted on 03-31-04 06:09 PM Link | Quote

I don't understand it.

Why is it that you guys all say, 'Of COURSE he loves her,' but when I feel just as deeply as he has- possibly even more so, everyone tells me 'I'm not in love, I'm not old enough, I'm not ready for it' and crap like that...

Oh, well, of COURSE he loves her as a friend, I'm sure.

Here's the question- would you dedicate your life to her? Would be there for her through thick and thin, to help her through ANYTHING?

Would you give your life for her?

If that's all true, then yes, I would DEFINITELY say you're truly in love.

But either way, I hope things work out- it's rare that they do, at least in my life.

Level: 41

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Since: 03-16-04
From: usa

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Posted on 04-01-04 01:17 AM Link | Quote
i am crazy about her, she is crazy about give my whole goddamn life up for her...shes perfect
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