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Posted on 07-05-04 02:52 AM Link | Quote
Seriously? Was I?

The bulky menus.. the limited class options.. the los of AT and charging spells...
Meh, this game just sort of sucked. too bad the story is looking to be cool. I could only get through up till about half (judging by what i've uncovered on the map). I pick it up now and hten, but im reminded why i stopped playing.

Blaze Phoenix
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Posted on 07-05-04 05:34 AM Link | Quote
Judging from some of the reviews posted on GameFAQs, I'd say you're not the only one. We have it, but I've never played it nor really wanted to because I didn't think that it would be much fun to work around the odd restrictions that you're faced with (battle laws, various job classes only available to characters of a certain race). I give the game designers some credit for trying to be innovative, but the abovementioned restrictions just seem rather silly and arbitrary to me. The original FFT gave you the freedom to develop your characters and battle tactics any way you wanted to.

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Posted on 07-05-04 05:39 AM Link | Quote
I played it for about an hour or two before I put it down...for good. FFT just couldn't be sequeled or be duplicated in any way, shape, or form. FFT > FFTA.

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Posted on 07-05-04 06:55 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Ranko
I played it for about an hour or two before I put it down...for good. FFT just couldn't be sequeled or be duplicated in any way, shape, or form. FFT > FFTA.

Wow, my post through you.

I hated the mission thing, the fact that you place the locations yourself and the RULES during a fight. The judge system is a good idea, but somethings were just idiotic.

The fact one of the characters said "Hey, I really like that Final Fantasy story", or something of the sort, just made me dislike it.

This was a game for children.

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Posted on 07-05-04 08:17 AM Link | Quote
Oh good. Im glad.

It seems like they were they were trying the same thing they did with the main series of FF.. which is change the level up system and game mechanics slightly. FF5 had its jobs system. FF6 had its Special Gimmik Attacks for each character. FFX had the sphere grid. Etc.

- But the thing is that the new System FFTA went ot was actually Inferior than the origional.
- I HATED that all spells were casted in one turn. That took SO much strategy away.
As a side effect, it became that all attack spells and skills did the same thing: XX damage. Whats the point of learning some new attack or job class if it does the same thing as the one you've currently got? There was no ambition to leveling up your character.
- And even if htere was, you coudlnt get TOO created with make a unique job/subjob thing because the classes were limited by race. What if i WANTED a black mage theif? tfb for me.
- Oh, and i couldnt stand how Fire, Ice, and lit actually MISS the enemy.
- At the beggining of the game, it seems that at least half the attacks of all kinds miss, and that was very annoying. Fights would last half an hour because you're only landing 1 out of ever 2 or 3 hits.
- The Judge system, as pointed out, sucked. it was a cute idea. but it still sucked.
- Gone also was the strategy of loosing your team member if he was dead for 3 rounds. So much strategy gone :\
- The idea of earning skills baed on your weapon was neat, like in FF9, but teh games clunky menus system often meant you spent 10 minutes just looking for an ability you dont have. And then what if you have all the aiblities for your class?
- Theres no Optimum setting. So you're forced to go to your status screen, make a mental note of your attack damage, then equip a sword, check your damage again. then equip another sword, check to see if your damage is higher.. etc.. uit was very tedius.

I could go on and on for a while. but this game just blew. Which is too damn bad. If all They did was make up a new story with the old FFT engine, it would have been worlds different.
Slash Dafter

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Posted on 07-05-04 08:57 AM Link | Quote
I am too. I hate how classes are restricted by races, sometimes swords and other weapons are banned from battles where they could be real useful, and that you can't rename Montblanc when he joins.
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Posted on 07-05-04 07:52 PM Link | Quote
No, most of GameFAQs was like "d00d wtf is up with teh KIDD13 ST0ry it iz not D33P or 5ymb0LIC liek teh original1!1!1!"

These people, of course, forget the fact that the original FFT was translated into a language that I suppose VAGUELY resembles English ("Blame yourself or god.", the mess that was the help dude, etc.)
Slash Dafter

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Posted on 07-06-04 03:47 AM Link | Quote
Almost everyone on GameFAQs thinks they are fanboys. You mention how you want to get the new Sonic game on GBA and they go, "OMG U R teH suxxor! Sonik iz awesumer on genccis."

The help dude confused the hell out of me too.

Blaze Phoenix
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Posted on 07-06-04 07:42 AM Link | Quote
Ah, the (unintentional) wit and wisdom of Daravon. I never actually sat through any of his tutorials because I borrowed a strategy guide with good detailed instructions on playing the game (and I'd watched my friends play it, too), but I've seen some very amusing quotes of his online. Sailor Bacon had one about cutting off units in his GameFAQs board sig a while ago.

Does anybody know if they re-translated Daravon for the Greatest Hits release of FFT? I've always been curious about that.
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Posted on 07-06-04 09:38 PM Link | Quote
I hated the fact that the game didn't develop alot. I finished the game in what...a few hours maybe. I agree with the Judge system, It sucks.

(edited by DarkSlaya on 07-07-04 07:46 AM)

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Posted on 07-06-04 10:16 PM Link | Quote
It wasn't that bad. True that Final Fantasy Tactics is better and a lot of the things in the game are annoying, but it was still kind of fun playing through it. Not a game I'd play through more than once though, so meh.
Grey the Stampede

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Posted on 07-07-04 11:08 AM Link | Quote
I thought Tactics advance was ok...

My only real problems with it were that the job system was too easy to twink (stopshot, people. STOP. SHOT.) and the judge system occasionally got the better of me because I wasn't paying attention.

However, considering I just recently hit my 100th hour playing it, I'd have to say I probably don't hate it.

Red Super Koopa
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Posted on 07-07-04 09:28 PM Link | Quote
The original FFT's Japanese version (the original original, I suppose) has perfectly understandable text all the way through, even Daravon. I suspect that they got real people with actual talent to do the main text and then fobbed the help screens off on some underpaid immigrants armed only with dictionaries.

And they skipped the quite-fun-indeed sound novels entirely!
Grey the Stampede

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Posted on 07-08-04 08:48 PM Link | Quote
I'm sorry, but Sound Novels?
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Posted on 07-08-04 10:51 PM Link | Quote
I think a rating I saw on gamefaqs, a 4/10, was a bit too generous. 0/10 would be prime, in my opinion.

It was lousy.

The gameplay consisted of "I need flowers picked, go get them and I'll give you more money than I probably really have", and "There's a clan here and I don't like them, so could you kill them for me?" I lost interest pretty fast.

The law system is absurd. Omg, I'm not allowed to use magic in this battle. That makes Montblanc real useful in the beginning of the game...
Or how about "No white magic or items", which means I have to pray I don't get hit. Ever.

The story bored me. They opened a book and got inside it. Then they did missions. Imagine if they made a movie out of this game! They'd gross like $20 bucks.

I wasn't impressed at all
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Posted on 07-08-04 10:53 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Weasel

Or how about "No white magic or items", which means I have to pray I don't get hit. Ever.

Or "Oh no! I only have one strong character and can't use the attack command and can't use his skills".

Red Super Koopa
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Posted on 07-09-04 12:20 AM Link | Quote
Grey, four of the books that you find when doing propositions can be read and enjoyed in full. Each one takes several hours to finish, and they really add to the game -- not least because you get a glimpse of the not-mired-in-war superior civilizations outside Ivalice.

I've translated three of the four, though my HTML skills are mediocre and two of them don't load in Explorer. Check out:

...for the "airship" story.
Grey the Stampede

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Posted on 07-09-04 12:20 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Weasel

The law system is absurd. Omg, I'm not allowed to use magic in this battle. That makes Montblanc real useful in the beginning of the game...
Or how about "No white magic or items", which means I have to pray I don't get hit. Ever.

That's why it's called Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. I had a multitude of strong characters that used skills, normal attacks, Magic, techniques, whatever I needed to get by. If you can't use Skills, then just use Gunmanship or Magic. Can't use Magic? Use Techniques instead. There's only a maximum of 3 things that can be banned, and even if you have Techniques, Skills, and Magic banned, you can still use the Fight command.

Not only that, but who uses items in FFT anyway? No matter what happens, if you play the game right you're always gonna be stronger than the enemies you face.

Originally posted by Heian-794
Grey, four of the books that you find when doing propositions can be read and enjoyed in full. Each one takes several hours to finish, and they really add to the game -- not least because you get a glimpse of the not-mired-in-war superior civilizations outside Ivalice.

I see. I never did enough of the propositions, my original FFT party consisted of about five people I always took into battle, and as I wasn't very comfortable with sending unskilled people either into battle or on propositions, I only did the safe ones that didn't involve random encounters. I guess that's why I didn't find all of the Zodiac stones or anything.

(edited by Grey on 07-08-04 03:23 PM)

Red Super Koopa
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Posted on 07-09-04 12:27 AM Link | Quote
I used my bench players for the propositions and still got a full set of items!

If you know how to get my other two sound novels ( to display properly, I'd be much obliged!

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Posted on 07-15-04 12:51 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Grey
Originally posted by Weasel

The law system is absurd. Omg, I'm not allowed to use magic in this battle. That makes Montblanc real useful in the beginning of the game...
Or how about "No white magic or items", which means I have to pray I don't get hit. Ever.

That's why it's called Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. I had a multitude of strong characters that used skills, normal attacks, Magic, techniques, whatever I needed to get by. If you can't use Skills, then just use Gunmanship or Magic. Can't use Magic? Use Techniques instead. There's only a maximum of 3 things that can be banned, and even if you have Techniques, Skills, and Magic banned, you can still use the Fight command.

Not only that, but who uses items in FFT anyway? No matter what happens, if you play the game right you're always gonna be stronger than the enemies you face.

There was no tactics in this game. The strategy BARELY went beyond "Pick the Job Class that does the most damage".
it was WEAK.

in the origional, there was tons of Tactics. Way more strategy.
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