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Since: 03-15-04
From: Columbia City Indiana

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Posted on 05-30-04 11:06 AM Link | Quote
New version available.
Changes in this version:
Added Monster Stat editing, and Monster Reward editing, to the enemy form, in a tabbed interface.
Found out that the 27th byte in the enemy stats is a Hit Effect byte, causing a range of status abnormalities or effects when the monsters hit you (from stop, confuse, to Nu's ability to hit you and bring you down to 1 hit point)

I don't have a list for all of them (and some values cause the game to glitch), but I'll just edit this post as I find some.
0 - Nothing
1 - Nothing
2 - Random Stop
3 - Random Poison
4 - Randomly inflicts Slow
5 - Hp slowly decreases (besides the hit damage) (?)
6 - Randomly inflicts Lock
7 - Randomly inflicts Confuse
8 - Randomly inflicts Sleep
9 - Randomly inflicts Blind
10 - Absorbs your HP
11 - Nothing
12 - Nothing
13 - Takes all your HP
14 - Absorbs your MP
15 - Absorbs a larger amount of your HP
16 - Brings you down to 1 HP
17 - Monster loses All HP and You gain that amount
18 - Takes Half of your HP
19 - Deals more damage than usual
20 - Deals a little more damage than usual
21 - Absorbs a little of your HP
22 - Deals more damage than usual
All values after 22 are repeats or glitches.

Cleaned up the interface a little, and some other minor tweaks. Next I'll add combo boxes for the charmed and dropped items, so you can select an item from a drop down list.

right click save as

Hmm....The 6th unknown byte affects something...I can get some values to let the monster regain some MP every now and then....If I can't get other effects, I'll turn it into a "Can Monster regenerate MP? Yes No" question...

(edited by Chickenlump on 05-30-04 03:50 AM)
(edited by Chickenlump on 05-30-04 03:52 AM)
(edited by Chickenlump on 05-30-04 03:55 AM)
(edited by Chickenlump on 05-30-04 03:58 AM)
(edited by Chickenlump on 05-30-04 04:02 AM)
(edited by Chickenlump on 05-30-04 04:04 AM)
(edited by Chickenlump on 05-30-04 04:09 AM)
(edited by Chickenlump on 05-30-04 04:18 AM)
(edited by Chickenlump on 05-30-04 04:30 AM)
(edited by Chickenlump on 05-30-04 04:40 AM)
(edited by Chickenlump on 05-30-04 04:49 AM)
(edited by Chickenlump on 05-30-04 05:15 AM)
(edited by Chickenlump on 05-30-04 03:50 PM)
(edited by Chickenlump on 05-30-04 03:52 PM)
(edited by Chickenlump on 05-30-04 03:56 PM)
(edited by Chickenlump on 06-01-04 04:34 AM)

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Posted on 05-30-04 11:25 AM Link | Quote
Uploaded on the Compendium, for those who want to use that mirror:

Chickenlump, if you have AIM, my username is the same there. I have Chrono chats on there sometimes, so its not a bad investment (hah, just kidding).

(edited by xZeaLitYx on 05-30-04 05:13 PM)
(edited by xZeaLitYx on 05-30-04 05:14 PM)

Level: 41

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Since: 03-15-04
From: Columbia City Indiana

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Posted on 05-31-04 08:46 AM Link | Quote
Updated again.
List of changes:

Changed the Dropped and Charmed item boxes in the Enemy Rewards tab to dropdown comboboxes
Changed the Hit Effect box in the Enemy Stat tab to a dropdown combobox
Added Treasure Chest editing, by request, and thanks to info from Jigglysaint.
fixed name
-end edit-

0 in the 4th byte lets you choose an item for the chest, and other values along with the 4th byte determine what else goes in there (like money, or "Empty").

(edited by Chickenlump on 05-30-04 11:50 PM)
(edited by Chickenlump on 05-31-04 01:53 PM)

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Posted on 05-31-04 09:03 AM Link | Quote
CCP needs its FTP fixed; use angelfire for now.

(edited by xZeaLitYx on 05-31-04 12:20 AM)
Missionary in Peru
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Posted on 05-31-04 09:14 AM Link | Quote
Geez, Chickenlump, you're my new favorite editor writer This looks really good so far!

So, how far off is map editing

Anyway, as for suggestions, the chest editor is a bit confusing. Perhaps you could at least list where these chests are?

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Since: 03-15-04
From: Columbia City Indiana

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Posted on 05-31-04 09:17 AM Link | Quote
I'd need to make a list, but yeah, I could do that eventually.
*secretly hopes someone will come forward with a list already made*

If the 4th byte is 0, then the combobox becomes available, and you can put in an item.

The rest is really unknown, just check the other values, it somehow uses byte 3 and 4 to calculate gold totals.

For starters, Chest Number 2 is the Mayor's Manor at the begining of the game.

Also, a value of 120 in the 4th byte, and a value of 2 in the 3rd will give you an "Empty!" message.

If anyone knows more about this, let me know and clear up some confusions.

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Posted on 05-31-04 11:34 PM Link | Quote
Works now:

Buster Beetle
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Posted on 06-01-04 10:37 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Weasel
So, how far off is map editing

I imagine, with the many projects and responsibilities Chickenlump has, a full-fledged map editor is not currently on his list of "things to do".

---Evil Peer

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Posted on 06-01-04 11:16 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Evil Peer
Originally posted by Weasel
So, how far off is map editing

I imagine, with the many projects and responsibilities Chickenlump has, a full-fledged map editor is not currently on his list of "things to do".

---Evil Peer

Amen to that!

I used this weekend to add a couple of features people wanted to the Tweaker, and uploaded another version, fixing some errors, and generally cleaned it all up.
Now that I have done that, I can just about call it 'Final' , as it does everything I set out
to have it do, and as Peer mentioned, I have more pressing things to attend to. But I'm glad I've gotten done all that I have. Maybe one more release before it's done, but it will be awhile, I'm a busy chicken after this weekend.

this post has been edited all slick-like

(edited by Chickenlump on 06-01-04 04:14 AM)


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Posted on 06-01-04 01:05 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Chickenlump
Amen to that!

I used this weekend to add a couple of features people wanted to the Tweaker, and uploaded another version, fixing some errors, and generally cleaned it all up.
Now that I have done that, I can just about call it 'Final' , as it does everything I set out
to have it do, and as Peer mentioned, I have more pressing things to attend to. But I'm glad I've gotten done all that I have. Maybe one more release before it's done, but it will be awhile, I'm a busy chicken after this weekend.
Whee! New version! *tries to grab*

Originally posted by Chickenlump
That will never do. You HAVE to put http:// in the beginning of the URL, else it gets parsed as being a part of this site. That link points to, which doesn't exist., however, will work.

Level: 41

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Since: 03-15-04
From: Columbia City Indiana

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Posted on 06-01-04 01:12 PM Link | Quote
My apologies, I've been up for too long.

Thanks for correcting me, and pointing it out. I've never had that problem before... must have been something I ate.

*corrects previous post....all slick-like*

Ugh, the last unknown in the enemy sprite creation wasn't saving, I fixed it just now, so a re-download may be neccisary if you want to fiddle with them. Sorry about all the updates.

(edited by Chickenlump on 06-01-04 04:24 AM)


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Since: 03-15-04
From: Melniboné

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Posted on 06-01-04 01:28 PM Link | Quote
Actually, I'm not sure if the problem is cause by the way AcmlmBoard parses URLs, or if it's just the way the [url] tag is coded...


Well, both the [url] tag and the standard <a href> tag seem to both do it, so it's either how AcmlmBoard is coded, or how the code is parsed. *shrugs*

BTW: Is there supposed to be a .ZIP of ChronoTweeker in the .ZIP of ChronoTweeker? Or is WinZip 9 to blame? When I open up the .ZIP, I see 3 files: Chrono Tweeker.exe, readme.txt, and The program and readme are set to extract to \Chrono Tweeker\Chrono Tweeker\, and the .ZIP is set to extract to \Chrono Tweeker\.

The .ZIP inside the .ZIP only has the .EXE & readme files, both set to extract to \Chrono Tweeker\Chrono Tweeker\.

Level: 41

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Since: 03-15-04
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Posted on 06-01-04 01:32 PM Link | Quote
Nope, another error on my part. I'll fix it, but another download isn't neccesary.

Thanks again, one of these days I'll just wake up and BE proffesional.
Just shine with glory and perfection....and....


That will teach me to rush and not check my work.

(edited by Chickenlump on 06-01-04 04:35 AM)


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Since: 03-15-04
From: Melniboné

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Posted on 06-01-04 01:36 PM Link | Quote
Hehe! That's OK. Nobody expects a game programmer/editor/what have you to be professional. XD

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Posted on 06-02-04 03:19 AM Link | Quote
There we go.


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Since: 03-15-04
From: Melniboné

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Posted on 06-04-04 09:03 AM Link | Quote
I finally got around to trying Chrono Tweaker out today, and I got an error: MSCOMCTL.OCX is missing.

Which means I need to have a version of the VB Runtimes installed. *sigh*

Isn't there a way to compile a VB program so that a user doesn't need to have them installed? Or do I have no choice?

Math n' Hacks
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Since: 03-18-04
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Posted on 06-04-04 09:32 AM Link | Quote
I'm pretty sure you have no choice but to get the runtimes.

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Since: 03-15-04
From: Columbia City Indiana

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Posted on 06-04-04 10:14 AM Link | Quote
A newer version is on the way that doesn't require them.
I am currently rewriting all the forms, and applying bit manipulation taught to me by Evil Peer (everything in his second post in this thread, I pretty much understand now).

Meaning better ways of choosing some of the options, faster and smaller code, and hopefully a fully working Treasure Editor. Hopefully sometime this weekend.

Again, sorry about the runtime problem, I started working on ridding myself of them yesterday.


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Since: 03-15-04
From: Melniboné

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Posted on 06-05-04 09:09 AM Link | Quote
You don't have to apologize, Chickenlump. I was just wondering if it was possible to compile a VB program to not require the runtimes, that's all.
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