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Posted on 05-17-04 08:40 AM Link | Quote
Well, I figured since Kirby all the way listed what seemed to be one of his fav flash games, I would just ask everyone: what's your fav flash game(s)?

The ones that I always liked were City Jumper and Helicopter. Classics, those were. Divine Intervention may be all nice and graphically cool, but it lacks replay value. Once you beat it, it's easy to beat again. Same with that Defend your Castle game... and well, if you wanna take the time to memorize the jump patterns of City Jumper, then it can be the same case with that. So... that leaves one game...

HELICOPTER! Not surprisingly, since it became popular (though it's not anymore) this has been the flash game I played the most. Here's some proof:

Yep, I can routinely get 3000 or more now, and that right there, which I got about 10 minutes ago, is my best so far... that's what happens when you play something too much.

There have been many flash games that are good, but this was my fav.


1) Can you beat that helicopter score?
2) What's YOUR fav flash game?

EDIT: whoa... I'm only 600 from being 6666

(edited by Kefka on 05-17-04 12:28 AM)
Proto K

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Posted on 05-18-04 07:28 AM Link | Quote
USS Enterprise Two

This is like my favorite game, ever.
Yoshi Dude

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Posted on 05-18-04 09:27 AM Link | Quote
Hells yeah.. a topic where you toss a bunch of pwnage games in my face.

Helicopter I never liked. The transparency around the sprite was a square, so like you could run into a wall without actually running INTO it. If that makes sense.

There was a game someone posted not too long ago, Kon-Tiki I think it was, where you were this guy who would shoot at helicopters from above. You'd get powerups and things. I forgot the title though.. but someone's gotta know what I'm talking about.

eek, when are they going to stop growing...
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Posted on 05-18-04 12:57 PM Link | Quote
Uh, well...i

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Posted on 05-18-04 03:43 PM Link | Quote
Want to play a cool game that Yoshi Dude will go crazy for? Click here.

It's pretty damn cool.
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Posted on 05-18-04 04:18 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Yoshi Dude
There was a game someone posted not too long ago, Kon-Tiki I think it was, where you were this guy who would shoot at helicopters from above. You'd get powerups and things. I forgot the title though.. but someone's gotta know what I'm talking about.

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Posted on 05-18-04 06:50 PM Link | Quote
Cool game Kwan. Not too difficult, but still insanely fun!
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Posted on 05-20-04 01:01 AM Link | Quote
I like those simgirls things.


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Posted on 05-20-04 01:10 AM Link | Quote
I'm in love with a game called Suicide Bomber. You can find it on Sick and twisted, yes. But stupid fun and addicting.
in a sublime state of mind
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Posted on 05-20-04 01:16 AM Link | Quote
Jarukoth, that was cool, until I figured out all you had to do was wait till they lifted their sword, then chop off their legs.

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Posted on 05-21-04 02:08 AM Link | Quote

Super Mario: Overrun

Really cool.

EDIT: I wrote a review for the game...I made the 666th review for the game.

(edited by Dustminion on 05-20-04 05:10 PM)
Yoshi Dude

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Posted on 05-22-04 05:57 AM Link | Quote
Dustminion, THANK YOU. Now THAT is just a downright fun game. Shooting things.. but not just anything.. MARIO THINGS. Not the best graphics in the world, but with different weapons and shit.. oh man. The only improvement I can think of is a save feature.

Darkslaya, what the hell are you talking about?

I'll check out the other games soon.. I picked Dustminion's first cuz it mentioned Mario.
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Posted on 05-22-04 08:03 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Yoshi Dude

Darkslaya, what the hell are you talking about?

I like simgirls things. Well, to be able to finish one in a short period of time.
Yoshi Dude

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Posted on 05-22-04 08:15 PM Link | Quote
Okay, I didn't ask you to fucking repeat yourself. What are "simgirls" things?

I remember Neopets.. some games were fun, but definitly nothing worth signing up there for.
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Posted on 05-22-04 08:20 PM Link | Quote
I Messed up what I said again. Simgirl is a dating sim.

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Posted on 05-22-04 09:03 PM Link | Quote
im all about divine intervention
in a sublime state of mind
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Posted on 05-22-04 10:48 PM Link | Quote
wtf...I can't get past the third stupid guy.


Lantern Ghost
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Posted on 05-23-04 02:23 AM Link | Quote
That Divine Intervention rocks but I had to cheat to get though

I didn't have a favourite flash game, until I played it.
Kitten Yiffer

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Posted on 05-23-04 05:07 AM Link | Quote
I honestly thought he was talking about The sims... heh. Datings sims are there alot of in Japan... that's all I know about them.
Originally posted by Yoshi Dude
I remember Neopets.. some games were fun, but definitly nothing worth signing up there for.
Heh, is there times to times. You don't need to be member for playing the games, but you must be logged in if you want to have "neopoints". I visit that site now and then when i'm really bored. Or feel like that I must maintain a few things over there.

It's more fun playing that if you have a goal. If your that type that can't set up your own goals... it get's boring.

Boss Bass
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Yes I will!! ;D

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Posted on 05-23-04 07:00 AM Link | Quote
When I was madly searching for a mario editor via google and mario sites last year, I found this game in flash called 'creat a mario'. Since at that time I didn't know Lunar Magic, I was really darn happy w/ that program. But the only things the program have are:

1. A smb lakitu
2. A koopa
3. A goomba
4. A choco-island FG
5. A normal FG floor (pallete 0 in LM)
6. Water tiles
7. A night bg and a day bg.

And you only could put those things togwether and do a very small scenary featuring the objects. The program doesn't have even animations

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