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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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7.3%, 4 votes
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Not Cigs...
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Posted on 05-03-04 12:42 AM Link | Quote
Unless of course, you do it like a caveman, and slam a blunt object into your earlobe...

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Posted on 05-03-04 12:44 AM Link | Quote
Rydain: Can we see the tattoo?
Kitten Yiffer

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Posted on 05-03-04 12:49 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rydain
theclaw - How exactly does obtaining tattoos or piercings constitute "hurting yourself"?
Depends on who doing it. As long you don't do it in a shady tattoo parlor, and get's piercing done by your neighberhood. You should be fine.

Piercing can be troublesome, if done badly. As with everything else...
Originally posted by Cymoro
Rydain: Can we see the tattoo?
I hope it isn't on a to risky place.

(edited by Kitten Yiffer on 05-02-04 03:50 PM)
(edited by Kitten Yiffer on 05-02-04 03:50 PM)

eek, when are they going to stop growing...
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Posted on 05-03-04 01:13 AM Link | Quote
If it is on a risky place we won
Slash Dafter

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Posted on 05-03-04 01:23 AM Link | Quote
No I do not smoke. And I probably never will due to having a weak lung.

Blaze Phoenix
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Posted on 05-03-04 01:45 AM Link | Quote
The tat is between my shoulder blades, which, picture-wise, is a pretty safe place. I got it there so I could easily show it off or hide it by wearing different shirts. It also won't get faded by the sun in that spot because my hair covers it (and, being a fair-skinned person who is trying to look youthful as long as possible, I'm anal about applying sunblock anyway ) Sorry, I don't have any pictures handy, but I'll bug Rando to take one for me at some point. It's an original design created by the tattoo artist and me - a double-stranded circular Celtic knot (a wreath, if you will) about four inches in diameter.
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Posted on 05-03-04 02:10 AM Link | Quote
No I don't it will kill me.
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Posted on 05-03-04 03:15 AM Link | Quote
What is this? The fifth thread on the subject?

I tried it once when I was five out of curiosity. I was having trouble getting the lighter to light, so I tossed both of them into the toilet and flushed them.
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Posted on 05-03-04 03:53 AM Link | Quote
I smoked a cigarette before, it felt wierd.

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Posted on 05-03-04 03:57 AM Link | Quote
And yet your name is marlboro...

Anyways I always smoke when I go to the bars and when I'm drinking. No other time really.
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Posted on 05-03-04 06:51 AM Link | Quote
I don't smoke at all. Never have and never will. The reason is because I already have enough problems with my asthma and I don't want to make things worse for myself.

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Posted on 05-03-04 07:10 AM Link | Quote
Well ok ill say exactly what I think, smokers are fucking idiots who have low self esteem, but this of course doesnt apply to everyone. I see smoking as a weakness only a weak person would have to rely on a toxic substance that destroys them to get through the day. Relieves stress? lowering your heart rate and temperture may calm you but its only until the ciggarettes effects wear off. I think weight liting or 100 other things that can effectiely reduce stress without any cost whether from your pocket or your body.
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Posted on 05-03-04 07:46 AM Link | Quote
mrmenz: While I don't smoke, I have several friends that do and I think they'd take offense to your comment. They're not idiots and they actually do have a pretty high self esteem.

But to each their own.
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Posted on 05-03-04 07:58 AM Link | Quote
"I think weight liting or 100 other things that can effectiely reduce stress without any cost whether from your pocket or your body."

"Hey boss, I'm feeling kind of stressed. Can I go take my 10 minute work out break?"

And I would explain how hilariously wrong mrmenz post was but I really don't think it's necessary. Besides, I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic. No one is their right mind would think something like that. So to you mrmenz I say thank you for a good laugh.


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Posted on 05-03-04 05:50 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by mrmenz
Well ok ill say exactly what I think, smokers are fucking idiots who have low self esteem, but this of course doesnt apply to everyone. I see smoking as a weakness only a weak person would have to rely on a toxic substance that destroys them to get through the day. Relieves stress? lowering your heart rate and temperture may calm you but its only until the ciggarettes effects wear off. I think weight liting or 100 other things that can effectiely reduce stress without any cost whether from your pocket or your body.

Listen, people know damn well what they're doing to their bodies. It's their choice, and judging people like that is not your job. It's not any of our jobs. Chill, man.

(edited by drjayphd on 05-11-04 02:53 AM)

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Posted on 05-03-04 11:13 PM Link | Quote
I don't smoke, primarily because I think it's a little de-humanizing that one's personality and mood can be altered by oxidized plant matter...
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Posted on 05-11-04 07:58 AM Link | Quote
I don't smoke.
Reason1: After a while you could become addicted to it. And did you know that every cigarette that you smoke takes six minutes off of your life.
Reason2: There are way to many types of cancer you can get from it.
Reason3: If I did my parents would beat the crap out of me, for lack of better words.

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Since: 03-16-04
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Posted on 05-11-04 09:47 AM Link | Quote
Do I smoke? Well, the answer is simple: No.
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