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Posted on 09-06-05 08:07 AM Link | Quote
And if you look a bit more closely at the SquareEnix bunch, you'll find some real gems that aren't "the norm" or anything like that. :\

They aren't all just flowers and Final Fantasies.
Alastor the Stylish
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Posted on 09-06-05 08:14 AM Link | Quote
Name some.

And don't mention ___ of mana/Seiken Densetsu ___ because in my opinion they're pretty terrible.

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Posted on 09-06-05 08:19 AM Link | Quote
Vagrant Story? Saga Frontier?

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Posted on 09-06-05 08:25 AM Link | Quote
I'm going to have to go with Kyouji here in saying that most RPGs are generic and boring. And that includes every single SNES Final Fantasy. Most ACTION RPGs are boring, too, replacing mindless turn-based battling with mindless real-time battling. (I'm looking at you, Secret of Mana. And Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. And others.)

The only good Square RPGs I've played are Chrono Trigger (which, admittedly, kicks lots of ass), and Mario RPG. Oh, and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance was mediocre, which is above the standard for the other FF games I've played.

In other words, RPGs suck.

That said, if ANYONE could pull off a Zelda RPG, it would be Nintendo. Nintendo has made the only RPGs I've really liked. (Earthbound, Pokemon, Paper Mario(s), Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga)

That ALSO said, I'd still prefer something else. Zelda just doesn't seem like it would work as an RPG.

And just because I can, lemme throw this out: MMORPG.

Ball and Chain Trooper
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Posted on 09-06-05 08:31 AM Link | Quote

FFVI rocked a lot. Because you didn't really have to level up; you could go through the game without staying in areas trying to constantly level up. And the story ROCKED.

KOTOR rocked too.

KOTOR II rocked too.

Morrowind rocked too.

ALL of the Saga games rocked. SUCH AWESOMENESS.
Alastor the Stylish
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Posted on 09-06-05 08:34 AM Link | Quote
Unlimited SaGa.

Fuzz Ball
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Posted on 09-06-05 08:47 AM Link | Quote
I really don't understand how you can say Super Mario RPG sucks. I've played it, it's not disappointed me yet, it combines an active adventure system that's more than just lol walk around then randomly battle with the traditional separate screen battles. I liked it, and honestly, the timed hits and guard system I thought were a bit more fun than wandering around in Zelda pressing B or A all the time.

Ball and Chain Trooper
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Posted on 09-06-05 09:34 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Thayer
I liked it, and honestly, the timed hits and guard system I thought were a bit more fun than wandering around in Zelda pressing B or A all the time.

Quoted for insane truth. =O

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Posted on 09-06-05 09:39 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by windwaker

Okay, look. Out of the ~70 RPGs I've played (or attempted to play), I've only found about 5 that I thought were alright. I've never played ANY of the games you've mentioned, and maybe they rule. But if you were to JUST rely on statistics, chances are that every game you mentioned, I'll dislike.

I have the right to generalize because, for the most part, I'm correct. Yes, there are exceptions, and a Zelda RPG could be one of them. But statistically, it doesn't have a very good chance. Logically, it's got a pretty good chance, if only because this is one of Nintendo's biggest franchises, plus they have a good track record for this sort of thing.

I'm NOT saying that all RPGs suck. Far from it. Just most.

In the end, it's just a matter of opinion. I think RPGs are mindless and boring, and you think they're fun, and even though you're wrong, there's not a lot I can do to change that, huh?

I'd rather have something entirely different, however. RPGs are just...boring. Conceptually and realistically.
Tamarin Calanis

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Posted on 09-06-05 09:55 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by TheCube

*snip* for the most part, I'm correct. *snip*

In the end, it's just a matter of opinion. I think RPGs are mindless and boring, and you think they're fun, and even though you're wrong, there's not a lot I can do to change that, huh?
Is bolding or italics really needed to point out the problem with this?

In a matter of opinions, Cube, there is no right and wrong, and you would do well to remember this in the future and choose your wrods accordingly.

How's about we all get back on topic? Cube's doing an acceptable job of trying to tie his post to the subject, at least mentioning the possibility of a Zelda RPG in his posts., Kyouji's just ranting aimlessly about RPGs in general, and Windwaker's just arguing with Kyouji.

Just so you all know, I don't want to see this topic trashed. Don't make me trash it for offtopicness and bashing.

Now, I like Zelda and I like RPGs. I enjoyed Zelda 2, and I think that if it was implemented in that manner - that is, keeping combat relatively similar to other Zelda games, while just adding RPG stats that have a noticeable impact - it could work. I didn't like the omission of the other weapons, though (I want bombs. ), lbut I don't see why those couldn't still be included.

(edited by Tamarin Calanis on 09-06-05 12:56 AM)
<||bass> and this was the soloution i thought of that was guarinteed to piss off the greatest amount of people


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Posted on 09-06-05 11:44 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Alastor the Stylish
Super Mario RPG sucks.


I dunno about the idea of an RPG. Sure, I imagine Nintendo could pull it off, but it wouldn't be the same. RPGs are alright (as long as there's not like half an hour of dialog/cutscenes every 10 minutes and you don't have to spend 3 hours leveling up between each area), but the hack-and-slash style of Zelda is just awesome. No RPG could ever match the intense battles of OoT, not to mention the just plain sweetness of chopping your enemies to bits in realtime. I do think a Zelda RPG could be pretty damn cool but to have the entire series go that way.... no. Just no.

Of course, an RPG is just one possibility. They didn't say what they were planning to do.

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Posted on 09-06-05 02:25 PM Link | Quote
I'm not sure what the hell this topic is about anymore...

Ocarina of Time was radically different from the past overhead-style Zeldas, nobody whined about that. Changing the concept doesn't mean Zelda Kart or Zelda Bowling.

As for the RPG discussion, the Japanese ones are extremly restrictive, uninteractive, and most of them cling onto very simplified sets of D&D rules that should have been trashed 10 years ago. And when they make things like Xenosaga, you start to wonder if they want to make games at all. If you have an epic plot idea you want to make a reality, but have no ambition for things like gameplay, you're in the wrong industry. You want to make movies, or novels, or crappy sprite webcomics.

Hardhat Beetle
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Posted on 09-06-05 05:37 PM Link | Quote
A Zelda MMORPG hmmm...itd work living in the land of Hyrule.
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Posted on 09-06-05 05:41 PM Link | Quote
Hmmm, he could indeed be talking about an MMO Zelda. Should prove very interesting.

As for "reinventing Mario"? Mario Tiddlywinks, you heard it here first everyone

Hardhat Beetle
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Posted on 09-06-05 05:43 PM Link | Quote
Id like to see another actual Mario RPG made by Square. A sequel would r0x my s0x.
Kitten Yiffer

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Posted on 09-06-05 07:22 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Yoshi Dude
Much more so than, say, Legend of Zelda Party.
There is already a such game.

Four swords adventures.

Ok ok, it's not like Mario party or anything... but it's a party game by defination.

And for RPG's it's uhm... well. I yet have to get into any FF game. I always get bored at the start of the game.

Blue Octorok
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Posted on 09-06-05 08:25 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by GeckoYamori
I'm not sure what the hell this topic is about anymore...

Ocarina of Time was radically different from the past overhead-style Zeldas, nobody whined about that. Changing the concept doesn't mean Zelda Kart or Zelda Bowling.

The graphics and point of view changed but the gameplay remained the same as past Zelda games (Except Zelda II).
Almost every major Zelda game has kept the same tried & true gameplay.

As long as I dont see Zelda DDR, Zelda Baseball, etc. I will keep my faith in Nintendo.

Fuzz Ball
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Posted on 09-06-05 11:46 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Eponick

As long as I dont see Zelda DDR, Zelda Baseball, etc. I will keep my faith in Nintendo.




(edited by Thayer on 09-06-05 02:47 PM)

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Posted on 09-07-05 01:05 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Yoshi Dude
Originally posted by NSNick
Zelda II was awesome. But what about a full-fledged RPG?
That's a cool idea. It'd still be fitting with the Zelda series.

Much more so than, say, Legend of Zelda Party.

If such thing becomes truth, Xeo's faith in Nintendo will thereforth only stand on Metroid.
(in other words, I'd be pissed)

Also, if we end up seeing Link hunt down ghosts, or walk around with a big water gun attached to his back, I will still be pissed.

On a serious note: It would definitely be interesting to see a next generation Zelda II styled game, or heck (and this will never come true), how about a huge overhead Zelda game again?

But yeah, this kind of news is pretty unexpecting ... but, Nintendo has been known to say some weird stuff. Last year, they hated the idea of online play, now they claim they've always backed it up.

I'm not trying to start an arguement, because I in fact and have, always been behind Nintendo, ever since people were walking around the streets whining "They should have switched to CD's like the Playstation!", but really, who can say this will really be the final Zelda game?

Ludwig Von Koopa
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Posted on 09-07-05 02:28 AM Link | Quote
The last game already? Being..I just started playing them . It probably won't be the last though. What are they going to come out with next?
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