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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - Looking for Help Regarding a New Layout | |
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Fire Snake

Level: 48

Posts: 1072/1192
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Since: 11-02-04
From: Chatham, Ontario, Canada

Since last post: 1 day
Last activity: 15 hours
Posted on 08-18-05 01:59 AM Link | Quote
I've heard that my current layout caused a bit of havoc upon the switch to 1.B. As a result of that, and because, in my opinon, the one I'm using right now is getting rather old, I've decided I want to make a new one. I got the idea from what Tuvai was using, which you can see here. I don't plan on using an exact copy of it or anything, but I like the clean and uncrowded look to it.

To make things easier on the coding end (for myself at least) I made up the base for it in Frontpage last night, but I forgot to bring it here on my external hard drive today I've just made the same thing again using Word, which looks pretty much the same as the other one. As a side note, it's apalling how much extra code Word added when saving the file

I tried deleting some of the unnecessary stuff, then cutting and pasting what was left into the appropriate boxes on the Edit Layout page, and the end result was something like a tic-tac-toe board, although squished together Definitely not what I was after. After seeing that didn't work, I tried typing the code from scratch, which worked, although there were no backgrounds in the table cells (I used td bgcolor="#******", which I think is supposed to work). I made one more attempt at typing everything, using div tags instead, but that got me the same result as the previous attempt. I don't see how it would make a difference, but in case it does, I'm using the "Acmlmboard 1.B" theme.

As far as I can tell, I'm not typing anything wrong, but there's no guarantee to that either.

I realize this problem could likely be avoided by making the cell backgrounds pictures, but it seems that would only increase loading time, which I want to avoid if possible. There's a preview of what I want it to look like in the end here, with a few notes regarding specific attributes.

Thanks if you can help, and if you can, I will credit you in my signature

Edit: Two things I forgot to say yesterday. First being that I realize this thread deals more with the coding part of the layout, so if it would be better of in Programming, then by all means, move it, provided you can. Secondly, all three cells are meant to be 100% of my post space wide. I don't think I've forgotten anything else.

Edit 2: I figured out what the problem was, so if this thread would be better off closed, it can be

(edited by Karadur on 08-18-05 12:12 PM)
(edited by Karadur on 08-24-05 02:09 PM)
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - Looking for Help Regarding a New Layout | |


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