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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Programming - is it tough to program games with allegro? | |
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Posted on 06-30-05 01:25 AM Link | Quote
I recently made an allegro (a game programming library) demo in c... (yes, after all these years I was able to use graphics -- took me long enough)

anyway, before I commit myself to actually making a game, I'd like to know froma fellow coder -- is it going to get rough?

The only game I ever wrote was a text adventure. there was no free exploration in it, and it never got released, as I didnt finish the storyline... (still have a finished engine though...)

Also, where should I start? I know an RPG is out of the question without more experiance... I was thinking of a space shooter - those seem the simplest.

Thanks in advance.

P.S. I know I barely post here anymore -- but I lurk without signing in more than you'd think... lol.
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Posted on 07-01-05 02:22 AM Link | Quote
I haven't used allegro before, so I wouldn't really be able to help you. I'm going to move this thread to the programming forum since members who have experience with allegro will more likely visit that forum.

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Posted on 07-01-05 03:03 AM Link | Quote
I would use an order along these lines:

  • Pong

  • Tetris

  • Asteroids

  • Space Shooter

The main killer with more substantial games (like RPGs or platform adventures) is the time it takes not only to code everything, but to make the art, the music, the sound effects, the maps, and the event scripts. Be ready to commit months on a single project once you step beyond the simple stuff. 3D games take even longer for the same reasons.

The best bet you have with more complicated games is to join a team with people who have the skills to handle the parts you don't want to spend time on.

At least Allegro takes care of most of the basic stuff, so you don't have to learn about a lot of the APIs provided by your platform or end up writing and optimizing your own blitting functions and what not.
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Programming - is it tough to program games with allegro? | |


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