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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Since: 06-06-05

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Posted on 06-28-05 02:43 PM Link | Quote
Is it possible to get input from a microphone in C++?

think of the possibilites! Games completely controlled with the microphone! Super kareokee! Sing Sing Revolution! A really annoying feedback making machine!
<||bass> and this was the soloution i thought of that was guarinteed to piss off the greatest amount of people


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Posted on 06-28-05 03:00 PM Link | Quote
It's certainly possible (I imagine you'd want to use DirectInput or something similar) but you'd need to develop (or buy) some damn good voice recognition software. If you can make a program that can accurately understand human speech, you'll be one rich SOB, because most suck at it.

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Posted on 06-28-05 04:00 PM Link | Quote
Hehe, why else would DS games involve mainly BLOWING into the microphone and putting your germs in it, when it could just be voice recognition ;p

Yeah hmm... I'd recommend starting with pitch recognition, that way you can make a program that allows people to learn how to sing notes properly

(edited by Priere on 06-30-05 04:21 PM)

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Posted on 06-29-05 12:28 AM Link | Quote
As far as accessing the microphone goes, that's insanely easy. Making sense of audio data is hard though.

Apple has an API for speech input commands in Mac OS X, so even if Windows doesn't have anything built into the OS, it's not exactly far-fetched. Ask Microsoft enough times, and maybe they'll add something for developers.

First rule of thumb for any programmer: Check your API/library documentation.

Chances are, it'll answer all your questions about what's available on your platform.

On a related note, Windows and Apple also have speech synthesizing APIs built into their latest operating systems, and you can use projects like emacspeak on Linux or BSD.
Kyoufu Kawa
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Since: 03-19-04
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Posted on 06-29-05 12:49 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by kiwibonga

Yeah hmm... I'd recommend starting with pitch recognition, that way you can make a program that allows people to learn how to sing notes properly
Mmmmmm... Karaoke Revolution + parodies = teh lawl. Especially if it actually accepts the alternative lyrics.

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Since: 05-21-04
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Posted on 06-29-05 05:58 AM Link | Quote
Microsoft has a speech sdk for recognition and text-to-speech. They have some new thing out now for, but this is probably what you want.
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