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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Since: 06-15-05

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Posted on 06-15-05 04:46 PM Link | Quote
Hey, I'm currently "Trying" to learn how to make stuff in C/C++.

i'm just wondering what programs i should use to do this?

I need a good compiler and also what do i write the code using?

I'm going to try to make an ONLINE GAME one day and i really need help learning.

Any good sites you could tell me please do, and where i can get the software also.

Thanks, Psycho.

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Since: 01-24-05
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Posted on 06-15-05 07:15 PM Link | Quote
Two free IDEs (editors/project manager programs for developers) with compilers: - Uses GCC for the compilers, which is used for just about everything (Linux, BSD, Mac OS X, embedded development, etc.) these days. Better for standards support and cross-platform development. - Uses Microsoft's latest C/C++ compiler, which is used for most Windows development these days.

Install both if you can. - I never noticed this tutorial set before. It looks pretty straightforward too.

Once you've learned to write programs in C++, you'll want to learn about threads and then sockets for network programming. Then you'll want to learn about graphics and sound programming, which is easiest if you just use SDL and OpenGL (which are libraries you can access with C++). You can even use the SDL_net library to simplify the network code, but I still suggest learning about sockets first.

An online game is particularly difficult, so you'll definitely want to learn how to manage good Object Oriented design and have a fairly good model of your interfaces figured out before actually trying to write it. You'll also want to tackle it part by part, heavily testing each part as you write it.

But just getting started, try to get the basic language down really well by writing lots of programs that do things. In fact, learning a programming language only make up maybe a third of programming itself. The other two big concepts you need to learn are algorithms and programming paradigms, which come either by studying books and discrete math (boring as hell, don't try until you're fairly advanced and need more powerful methods of finding and analyzing algorithms) or by writing lots of programs that solve tough problems (on your own of course).

EDIT: With that Microsoft one, you'll also have to download the Platform SDK (to use the Win32 API, needed to build and use SDL with it as well) and the DirectX SDK (to use DirectX, needed to build and use SDL with it).

That makes for a lot of downloading, so you might want to just use the DevCpp IDE and GCC. Both are fairly tried and true at this point; you'll find plenty who'll swear by them.

EDIT2: I wanted to double check the licensing agreement on the Microsoft one, but then I ran across this:

Are the Express Edition products free?
Our plan is to offer the Express products for $49 per product when they are released.

So don't bother using it if you don't want to end up buying it.

(edited by Ramsus on 06-15-05 10:32 AM)
(edited by Ramsus on 06-15-05 10:38 AM)
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Since: 06-15-05

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Posted on 06-15-05 08:31 PM Link | Quote
Ok thanks for all of that bud.

Is there any tutorials anywhere?

<||bass> and this was the soloution i thought of that was guarinteed to piss off the greatest amount of people


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Posted on 06-16-05 02:43 AM Link | Quote
I recommend Textpad for an IDE and MinGW for a compiler. Both very nice programs, and MinGW is free.

You can find some tutorials at You may want to block their cookies so you don't have to register, though I recommend you do register so you can leave comments and post code. Just use an email account you don't mind getting spam in.

Baby Mario
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Posted on 06-16-05 02:52 AM Link | Quote
Since you want to do online gaming with C, I suggest finding a book on UNIX Networking fundamentals if you use MinGW since it has roots from UNIX.

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Posted on 06-16-05 05:49 AM Link | Quote
I've just been using winsock on mingw.

Level: 19

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Since: 01-24-05
From: United States

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Posted on 06-17-05 01:33 AM Link | Quote
Winsock, BSD sockets, whatever. They're almost the exact same thing.

Then with anything UNIX, you have to ask, SYSV, BSD, POSIX, or system specific?
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