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Since: 03-15-04

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Posted on 04-07-04 06:39 AM Link | Quote
There was this girl who would keep winking at me in class and stuff, then she asked if I had a girlfriend, and she works at the ymca which I go to often and was wanting me to go there at the same time she worked; i thought these were all obvious signs that she liked me. So I asked some friends on advice for what to do and they said she most likely does like me and told me to ask her to a movie. So I did and shes like "I don't know" but then I heard that you have to be confident with this stuff, that girls liked confidence, so I was like "I still think you like me" and the second time she said "ok maybe some time next week if im not busy". So I'm like "cool" and then I try to talk to her on AIM or at school and she would never talk to me unless I talked to her and shit and I could never think of anything to say to her, and then she like changes her mind saying no she cant go with me she has to work all the time. And then I'm like "why did you give all those signs and shit that you liked me and that maybe we could do something else like writing notes to each ohter in class" and shes like "i dont like you like that" and then lied, saying she never asked if I had a girlfriend. And so then she stops talking to me and her and her friends start harassing me and trying to make these stupid immature remarks whenever I'm having a conversation with my friends and butting into my conversations when I'm not even talking to them. I've even told the teacher to tell em to leave me alone and he does but they still do it later on.

During the time that she said she would go to the movie with me people were saying to me "I heard you and Lisa were going out" or some shit and im like uh "were supposed to be going to a movie next week hopefully". Notice that I did NOT say "yeah were going out man lolz". And she was all like "We haven't done anything yet so I don't know why youre telling everyone that were "going out"". And so then I hear from someone that her and a lot of other girls are my enemies now because I was "telling everyone that i was going out with her when I wasn't". And that's why they keep harassing me and she can lie and get by with this shit and make it look like it's my fault because shes more popular I guess. So people will believe anything she says. I was thinking that maybe it was my fault or something and that I should apologize to her just to make her think she won so her and her friends would leave me alone but she ignored me when I tried. Hiryuu also told me I should ignore them from now on. All I wanted was a girlfriend and I have to put up with this annoying bullshit.

So what do you guys think I should do?

(edited by jasukan on 04-06-04 09:40 PM)
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Posted on 04-07-04 10:57 AM Link | Quote
Personally, if you don't care about her a whole lot and she was the one coming onto you initially, just forget about her and move on.
Repeated warnings and bannings about stupidity
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Since: 04-02-04
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Posted on 04-07-04 11:18 AM Link | Quote
This is like something that happened to me...

Try aproching her and like really get her attenion, tell her that you don't know what you did, but you can't take her sh*t anymore and leave it at that, if she keeps on harrasing you ignore her or tell a teacher, take the issue up with the concerlar...

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Since: 03-27-04

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Posted on 04-07-04 06:40 PM Link | Quote
Send a death threat and freak her out. That should shut her up.

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Since: 03-16-04
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Posted on 04-08-04 12:01 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Ambigore
Send a death threat and freak her out. That should shut her up.
no.. don't, her friends will harass him even personal advise will be to write her a note about the truth...say you thought she liked you because of all the signs...she will understand...if she doesent then she really isent worth all this hassle..just ignore her

Math n' Hacks
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Since: 03-18-04
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Posted on 04-09-04 01:55 PM Link | Quote
Sounds like you're the victim of rumors, and in that case it's really hard to know who's really to blame in this social dilemma. I'd suggest you count your losses and move on, unfortunately.

Nipper Plant
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Posted on 04-09-04 08:24 PM Link | Quote
I agree. This kind of situation isn't worth your concern. Ignore her; she's really not that important.


And if that doesn't work, decapitate a squirrel and mail it to her.

EDIT: Uhm... that was a joke. Please don't kill squirrels. Please?

(edited by Felix on 04-09-04 11:25 AM)
(edited by Felix on 04-09-04 01:44 PM)

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Posted on 04-09-04 08:56 PM Link | Quote
throw darts at a picture of hers.
that should relieve the first stress you feel <<;
other than that, shit happens. Just be glad it isn't life threatening..?

Red Paragoomba
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Since: 03-20-04
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Posted on 04-09-04 10:35 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by paradox
Originally posted by Ambigore
Send a death threat and freak her out. That should shut her up.
no.. don't, her friends will harass him even personal advise will be to write her a note about the truth...say you thought she liked you because of all the signs...she will understand...if she doesent then she really isent worth all this hassle..just ignore her

Then send a death threat to all of her friends, and if after that it still persists, send one of them a dead cat.

Red Super Koopa
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Posted on 04-10-04 01:16 AM Link | Quote
Uh...Woplock, did you even bother to read the forum description? This is a SERIOUS forum. Don't say things like that in the threads here. Thank you.

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Posted on 04-10-04 04:04 AM Link | Quote
Thanks for the help guys. I will never talk to her again, spawn of satan.

I need to buy some darts then and get a picture of her somehow.

BTW woplock don't be suprized if you get any "death" threats from admins here.

(edited by jasukan on 04-09-04 07:05 PM)

Level: 41

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Since: 03-16-04
From: usa

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Posted on 04-10-04 11:32 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by jasukan
Thanks for the help guys. I will never talk to her again, spawn of satan.

I need to buy some darts then and get a picture of her somehow.

BTW woplock don't be suprized if you get any "death" threats from admins here.
Gives woplock a low rating..Theres my death threat...have fun in hell... don't really need darts either...its more fun watching her picture burn!! ooh, but I wouldn't even do that, who knows maybe sometime in the future you guys will get together and fall in love get married have 9 kids then die in each others arms...ugh.

Level: 52

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Since: 03-15-04

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Posted on 04-11-04 03:13 AM Link | Quote
would you marry someone who did that to you?

Level: 9

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Since: 04-11-04
From: NYC

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Posted on 04-11-04 11:16 PM Link | Quote
I wouldn't.

I hate rumors. My school.. everyone's nice and civil to each other.. and there aren't "popular people".. but rumors spread like CRAZY. It's usually over something that never even happened like for attention or something. It's so weird.
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