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Since: 03-15-04
From: Blame my parents, Eddy

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Posted on 06-04-05 10:33 AM Link | Quote
Wandering around in space in his ship, Mewquas, Irken Invader from Irk, was really bored. His SIR unit, being completley fixed from bugs and such, was scanning around for any good planet to occupy. He obviously couldn't find a good planet, as he was primarily distracted with the fact that Zim was farther along in his plan for conquest than he was.

Zooming along the many asterioids and such space debris, he finally lay eyes on a planet that he thought he could conquer. He scanned it and found out it was the planet of Saanadag. This planet had unknown creatures living on it, but he knew he could conquer it. He just knew it.

This time he wanted to go alone. Conquer it alone. Only calling the fleet after getting through the planet's defences to start the organic sweep.

He shot the ship through the planet's atmosphere, making holes in the clouds as he zoomed in on the ground. He gazed upon it to realize that the ground was completley rock-based, with canyons sweeping through the crust and cliffs cluttered all around. He happened to see a small opening just big enough to land his ship. Mewquas headed there and landed softly, carefully trying not to scratch up his repaired vehicle.

Landing on the ground with a soft thump and air hissing, Mewquas hopped out of the cockpit and looked around. His SIR unit hopped out after him, scanning with his sensors. He pointed in a direction which the ridge went through. Something was there...

SIR: "Reading lifeform in this direction."
Mewquas: "Yes, good. This will be perfect! Perfect for mining... rocks! Alright, SIR, let's go get ourselves some info to obtain our disguises."
SIR: "Yes, my master."

They walked in the direction of which the SIR pointed at. They walked on until they reached a small, square opening, which all that lay in it was a weird plant that grew out of the walls, a weed of sorts that curled up at the ends. That just added to the flair of the place, nothing impeding the middle of the arena besides a few pebbles and rocks. Nothing major.

Mewquas looked around this desolate grey area to see a shadow of a creature. Or a human like in reports from Zim... he took a step forward realizing that this thing would be a fighter. He didn't need to disguise himself. This thing was this planet's defence.
Boo! I'll scare your dad!

Big Boo
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Posted on 06-06-05 11:01 PM Link | Quote
Cyberaptor, the velociraptor guardian of Cybercity, had just arrived on the planet Saanadag on a scouting mission. His computer lord, Profound Idea, noted that Cybercity was running low on memory, and that a new base would need to be constructed to up the capacity. The distance of the planet from Cybercity meant nothing to him, and the desolate place was actually a preferable location for a new base. But first, Cyberaptor had to make sure that there was no life on the planet... his computer picked up a signal coming from the grotto within minutes.

Computer: Cyberaptor! I've got a signal due North-East, 512 meters.

Cyberaptor, powered by his jetpack, moved in the direction of the signal and arrived at the other side of Mewquas in the square opening. A possible denisen?

Computer: Organism identified as Irken, Cy. They are the scourge of the galaxy, taking all for themselves without care for others. They are very technologically advanced, and just as ruthless...but what can they be doing here? Is it possible we arrived on an Irken planet?

Cyberaptor didn't think so - the planet would be much more...metallic...if the planet was owned by the Irken Empire. He had to learn what was going on.

Computer: Alien! Identify yourself!

(edited by CheesePie on 06-07-05 06:00 AM)
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From: Blame my parents, Eddy

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Posted on 06-07-05 09:12 AM Link | Quote
Mewquas' SIR unit scanned the foe from top to bottom, making sure that he could get as much data as possible for Mewquas to use against him. While it was doing this, Mewquas started talking.

Mewquas: "I am MEWQUAS, IRKEN INVADER! I have come to this planet to conquer it, and I don't plan on failing my mission. The Tallest need a new mining planet anyway, as the resources from Rockatho are exhausted. I found this planet, and now, I CLAIM IT IN THE NAME OF THE IRKEN EMPIRE!"

Mewquas pulled out a flag out of his pockets and slammed it into the ground, the rocky ground cracking to the new object in the ground. The Irken symbol was printed on the flag and it waved on that side of the arena. Mewquas stared with a flare in his eyes towards Cyberaptor.

Mewquas: "And since this planet belongs to the Irken Empire, you are now hearby considered a sl..."
He was cut off by his SIR unit, which finished its scan just in time. Mewquas' attention was towards the SIR, now.
SIR: "Master, foe is armed. Request forceful capture!"
Mewquas: "Oh really? Alright then."
He refocused his attention at the foe.
Mewquas: "If you don't want to go peacefully, I can make you go down... un-peacfully! Lots of pain awaits you, so prepare for pain!"

Mewquas pulled out his miniature sword and held it in his right hand, awaiting a move from his new prey. He normally would go all out, but for some strange reason he wanted to see his foe attack first. Strange, it is for an Irken.
Boo! I'll scare your dad!

Big Boo
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Posted on 06-08-05 10:57 PM Link | Quote
Computer: We're being scanned.
Cyberaptor: Grck!

Though the SIR unit may have learned that Cyberaptor was armed, it got something else that it probably didn't intend - upon scanning Cyberaptor, Computer inserted a virus into the SIR! Unless it could counter this very, VERY, powerful virus, it would go into a spasm of random actions.

Cyberaptor eyed the Irken flag, then turned to his side of the grotto. An antenna popped out of the computer on his back, and then emmited a green beam that stopped a few feet from him. In a few seconds, another flag, this one with the symbol of Cybercity (a green disc on black), was errected on its own flagpole!

Computer: We cannot allow you to claim this planet! Irk does not need another planet. This one will be ours!

Cyberaptor's left claw transformed into a gun, which spontaneosly shot a barrage of bullets at Mewquas!
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Since: 03-15-04
From: Blame my parents, Eddy

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Posted on 06-09-05 08:35 AM Link | Quote
The SIR stood completely still after the scan, and then it all went crazy. It started punching himself in the head and it flipped itself, bouncing on his head.

Mewquas noticed the flag and then noticed the newly emerged gun where his claw was. Mewquas quickly reacted and started spinning his sword like a propeller, the bullets stuck on the weapon.

After the barrage, Mewquas examined his sword, seeing all the bullets on it. He grinned and pressed the trigger on the sword. The weapon emitted a green energy field around the sword, dissolving the bullets into the sword. The upgraded sword could melt through metal and make it form into the sword, giving the sword a hybrid type of metal.

Mewquas glanced over at his SIR unit, looked back at his foe, and then turned his head back. His face went from happy to upset immediatley.

Mewquas: "SIR!"
SIR: "Yes?"
Mewquas: "SIR, stop that. We need to fight for this planet."

Mewquas shook his head in disgust, knowing that something was wrong with him. A possible virus was likely. Mewquas clicked a button on his right wrist and the SIR replied.

SIR: "Internal Virus Destroyer activated. Scanning for virus."

The SIR then resumed his actions of stupidity.

Mewquas then retained his vision on Cyberaptor. He had a glare in his eye, ready to strike. He held his sword with two hands, and then rushed towards his menacing enemy, jumping in the air halfway there and then slicing down, hoping to slice him with his evil blade of Irken technology.
Boo! I'll scare your dad!

Big Boo
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Posted on 06-14-05 10:31 PM Link | Quote
OOC: Sorry for the very delayed reply, I've had internet issues.

Cyberaptor prepared to fly backward to avoid the sword attack with his jetpack, which was built into the computer on his back, but it did not activate. Cyberaptor was hit, and he jumped backward afterward to gain more distance from his foe.

Cyberaptor: Graargh?
Computer: No, of course we refilled fuel back in Cybercity! I'll see what is wrong with our equipment.

Now the fight was closer to Cyberaptor's side of the court. The gun on his left claw turned back to normal, but immediately sprouted pink laser blades from the glove tips! The blades were 3 feet long, and placed over each of Cyberaptor's fingers to act as normal claws, but better.

With new firepower, Cyberaptor charged at the Mewquas and went into a furry of laser-claw swipes.

(edited by CheesePie on 06-14-05 01:32 PM)
17 years old now. Time to buy some M rated games by myself!
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Since: 03-15-04
From: Blame my parents, Eddy

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Posted on 06-16-05 12:24 AM Link | Quote
Mewquas armed his sword in front of him until Cyberaptor came charging at him, which Mewquas had a look of fear in his eyes. He then turned around and started running away from Cyberaptor, tripping on a rock and falling face down on the ground. He got up and was slashed by Cyberaptor's claws. He rolled back a few feet and jumped back up. He grinned.

Mewquas: "Pathetic piece of... pathetic whole! You shall face the wrath of Mewquas!"

Mewquas' backpack shot out artificial legs, but instead of propelling Mewquas into the air, they just formed straight ahead of Mewquas. They were aimed at Cyberaptor.

The tips of the legs started emitting a light. A laser went from the top right leg to the top left, and then went down, and this kept going until a square of lasers was formed. A light blue wall appeared between the lasers and shot out a beam that would cut through many things. The beam rushed towards Cyberaptor, ready to inflict pain on him.
Boo! I'll scare your dad!

Big Boo
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Posted on 06-17-05 03:03 AM Link | Quote
Cyberaptor almost solely dependend on his jetpack for dodging projectiles. Being deprived of it at the time, however, Cyberaptor was struck by the square of doom, and rolled backward from the force of the blow.

Computer: Genetic analysis complete on Irken foe! The enemy has a high susceptibility to water - the chemical compound H2O will eat through his skin like acid! Unless, of course, he has already found a defense...glue would help. Use your hose!

Cyberaptor grinned in a way that only a velociraptor could as a metal pump shot out of the side of his pack and into his claw. With computer-like precision, he aimed the nozzle at Mewquas...and let loose a powerful jet of water!

Computer: Irken scum! Abandon this planet!
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Since: 03-15-04
From: Blame my parents, Eddy

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Posted on 06-17-05 04:45 AM Link | Quote
Mewquas: "Eh?"

The water soaked Mewquas, emitting smoke as it touched his skin. He yelped as the water burned his skin all around.

Mewquas: "AAAAHHHH!!! How can something this drippy be so painful!?"

Mewquas continued his yelping until all the water was off of him. He was a bit of a stronger Irken, able to take the pain of the water. He painfully wore a grin on his face as he stared down his foe.

Mewquas: "You think that something like that could stop me? I am a strong invader! An invader like me could not be stopped! You shall see... soon!"

Mewquas clapped once, and then stood there. Nothing happened afterwards. Was he charging up or something?

SIR: "I think he is."

Huh? How can the SIR know I am... ugh, nevermind...
Boo! I'll scare your dad!

Big Boo
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Posted on 06-18-05 02:29 AM Link | Quote
Cyberaptor: Chargck?
Computer: ... Cannot tell what he has charged. It's well hidden.

Cyberaptor had no idea what to expect, so he went into the defensive. His cyberblades turned off, and the water pump retracted into his pack. At the same time, a small hatch opened on the side of his armor, and an odd jousting stick fell out. Cyberaptor swiftly caught it in his claw and twirled it in front of himself. The motion caused the stick to extend in length, and the ends glowed green and magenta, one color on each side. With one final twist, he pointed it at Mewquas, green end forward, and waited with one claw off to his side. Also, though it was hard to notice, the antenna on his pack unfolded and started swirling around, ready to react the moment an attack was detected.

Computer: ...
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Since: 03-15-04
From: Blame my parents, Eddy

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Posted on 06-18-05 08:08 PM Link | Quote
Mewquas stood there, noticing that Cyberaptor was taking the defensive. He chuckled, knowing very well that his attack could work even better now.

Mewquas: "Back Buster!"

Chunks of the ground shot up into the air in front of Cyberaptor, flying around in the air. They swirled like a pack of angry bees in the sky, running into each other and busting into smaller rocks. While these rocks were swirling, usually distracting the enemy, a huge rock from about a mile away flew in from the back side of the arena and rushed towards the back side of Cyberaptor.

The swirling rocks in the sky then stopped, hovered over Cyberaptor, and then fell to the force of the gravity. While these rocks wouldn't hurt that much, the much bigger sized rock about the size of Cyberaptor would cause a lot more damage if successful.
Boo! I'll scare your dad!

Big Boo
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Posted on 06-18-05 11:13 PM Link | Quote
As soon as Mewquas started his Back Buster technique, a weird green, amorphous shield grew out of the end of Cyberaptor's stick and formed a sphere around him. Cyberaptor did keep his focus on the smaller rocks in front of him, but the antenna on his back picked up the incoming rock as soon as it started moving.

Computer: What technology is this to make the rocks float? It doesn't make sense!
Cyberaptor: Grark!
Computer: I cannot tell. It is purely illogical to my system.

Cyberaptor sustained his shield as the small rocks fell at him. All of them were disintegrated. However, for the big rock, his antenna came out and shot out a green beam at the rock as it fell toward Cyberaptor. Within a second, the rock was gone, transformed from matter to data and stored inside Cyberaptor's computer. A single pebble managed to penetrate the shield, though, and fell onto Cyberaptor's head with a light clunk. -1 HP.

Cyberaptor grinned again as Computer spoke for him.

Computer: That was Matter-to-Data technology. Your race utilizes it, but never for combat! ...Uh
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Since: 03-15-04
From: Blame my parents, Eddy

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Posted on 06-20-05 06:42 PM Link | Quote
Mewquas stood there, awaiting a move from his cyber foe. He stood there, trying to hear what was going on.

Then he saw Cyberaptor heading towards him at too fast of a speed to dodge. He turned around to run, but was slammed into, rushing towards the wall.

The rubble shot out in all directions opposite of the jetpack rush. Mewquas rolled once out of the crater, getting up slowly, dirt soiling his suit. He limped away from the scene and fell over, trying to regain lost energy.

Meanwhile, the SIR jumped up and down and then stopped.

SIR: "System virus gone. Commence defensive mode."

The SIR's hands retracted and in their place were two rocket launchers. He aimed them at the foe and fired, hoping to buy Mewquas some time to get up.
Boo! I'll scare your dad!

Big Boo
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Posted on 06-21-05 03:59 AM Link | Quote
Cyberaptor turned and saw the rockets coming, and appropriately activated his MTD antenna. It shot another green beam forward, aimed at the rockets, and sucked them up one-by-one! A small meter on Cyberaptor's armor grew brighter, indicating it had more power.

Computer: The enemy has a numerical advantage once more. The battle will not be easy. Activate split?
Cyberaptor: ...

Cyberaptor thought for a moment, then confirmed the idea. There was a WOOSH sound as some locks released on Cyberaptor's armor, then... the whole thing leapt off of him! Now, Cyberaptor stood in much lighter armor, holding his Cyberstaff for a weapon, while his heavier armor, controlled by Computer, floated beside him while powered by the jetpack! In this form, Cyberaptor was much faster and more agile, since he lost his heavy armor and computer, but he obviously had a lower defense. Also, he couldn't use his gunclaw weapons.

Cyberaptor: Rarg! Grr!
Computer: Confirmed. I will attack the robot.

Cyberaptor's armor flew closer to SIR, and then its left gun shot a beam of white energy!

Meanwhile, Cyberaptor chuckled in a weird sort of way, pressed his claw on a button on his staff, and turned invisible to every known spectrum! After this, he very silently crept off to the side, but waited for Mewquas to move.

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Since: 03-15-04
From: Blame my parents, Eddy

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Posted on 06-23-05 03:42 AM Link | Quote
The SIR unit jumped back, but he still couldn't dodge the energy. The energy hit the SIR's legs, making him do a front flip down to the ground. His face hit the ground. He flipped backwards, noticing Mewquas getting up after seeing Cyberaptor disappear.

SIR: "Sir, cloaking field in play. Cloak identified in weapon. To cancel the effects of the cloak, get rid of the weapon."
Mewquas: "You know what? Right now, I need to change your name. Calling me sir while you are a SIR confuses me..."
SIR: "Sir, SIR status..."
Mewquas: "Quiet, Marty."
SIR: "Marty?"
Mewquas: "Yes, that is your name. You will answer from now on as Marty."

Marty, while now having to adjust to a new name in the middle of a fight, walked back away from the armour that now floated in front of him. He jumped up and a tube shot out from his head. The tube launched towards the ground, where it latched itself. Underground, the tube could be seen extending and splitting into many different spikes. The spikes underground pointed up, but didn't shoot out of the ground. Marty's tube retracted into his head, and replied back.

Marty: "Sir, spikes placed under the surface. Suggesting immediate evasion of the ground."
Mewquas: "Yes... excellent."

Mewquas loved his new upgrade to Marty. This upgrade would shoot spikes out of the ground. It would take a turn to actually do the attack, but the foe didn't know that... or so he hoped.

Mewquas then looked around him, hoping to find Cyberaptor. With no luck, he pulled out his mini sword and spun around three hundred sixty degrees, hoping that he wasn't pulling anything close by on him.

But Marty? That has got to be the worse move to do in a battle: changing a robots name right then and there, no questions asked...
Boo! I'll scare your dad!

Big Boo
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Posted on 06-24-05 01:10 AM Link | Quote
Computer detected traces of metal beneath the ground, but he did not know what to expect from it. As a precaution, he flew higher above the ground, suspecting some kind of ground attack. From the air, he fired a homing missile at SIR...uh, Marty.

Cyberaptor had to suck in his gut to avoid Mewquas's spinning sword attack, which missed him by inches. He immediately saw a weak spot, though. The velociraptor leaped high into the air, and came back down at Mewquas's exposed head! Just before reach him, Cyberaptor drew out his laser claws again, for added attack power when he swiped.
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Since: 03-15-04
From: Blame my parents, Eddy

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Posted on 06-27-05 09:58 PM Link | Quote
Marty: "Initiating anti-missle weapons system."

Marty withdrew his hands and in their place stood guns. The plasma guns aimed themselves and fired away at the incoming missle, blasting it to smithereens before it hit him. Marty this time decided to take the defencive, and activated his jets. He hovered a few feet above the groud, awaiting the command.

Mewquas looked up and started shouting.

Mewquas: "Marty, get me up!"
Marty: "Yes, sir!"

Mewquas looked towards Marty as he flew towards him. Mewquas barely jumped and was flown out of the way of danger. Marty flew him up a little in the air, and the ground started shaking. The ground started shooting out spikes out of the ground. The spikes were strangley shaped, the bottoms covered in strange tubings. The spikes kept shooting up from the ground, covering the entire area. One spike shot out where Mewquas once stood, hopefully piercing Cyberaptor.
Boo! I'll scare your dad!

Big Boo
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Posted on 06-27-05 11:22 PM Link | Quote
Computer: Oh no! Cyberaptor! Incoming ground attack!

The armor tried to fly to Cyberaptor to lift him up in time, but did not make it. Just as Cyberaptor landed, the large spike impaled him through his right leg. The spike pierced straight through it, as this part of Cyberaptor's leg wasn't covered with armor. After a loud roar, Cyberaptor freed himself from the metal spike, and crouched at a bare spot on the ground. From there, he activated his Cyberstaff, which formed another shield around him for protection.

Computer flew to Cyberaptor's side, although he managed to fire a beam of energy at Mewquas along the way. Once he reached the wounded raptor, he re-connected, and immediately some small metal arms came out of the pack and began mending Cyberaptor's wound. Also, Computer activated the jetpack before the spot Cyberaptor was at was covered in spikes. Cyberaptor did not attack this turn.

(edited by CheesePie on 07-07-05 01:56 PM)
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Since: 03-15-04
From: Blame my parents, Eddy

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Posted on 07-07-05 08:35 PM Link | Quote
Marty flew down towards the spikes, dodging the energy beam fired at them. He went down heading towards a spike in the ground. At the last minute, Marty steered him and Mewquas away from it and flew near the ground, going through the spikes in the ground.

They kept going along the spike-ridden ground until he was on the opposite side of the battleground. They went behind a spike and, while one would assume that they would appear from the other side of the spike, they didn't. They somehow just didn't appear. Mewquas held his back against the spike, staying out of the view of Cyberaptor. He hoped not to be seen...
Boo! I'll scare your dad!

Big Boo
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Posted on 07-10-05 04:40 AM Link | Quote
Cyberaptor looked around the arena, and saw no sign of Mewquas. He had lost track of the Irken invader in the sea of spikes...

Cyberaptor's right claw flashed black and transformed into a gun, which Cyberaptor charged energy into. He may not have been able to see his foes now, but his weapon would certainly find them...
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