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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Posted on 04-19-05 08:19 AM Link
Seeding was done by numbers of votes, then ties were broken by votes for series/a third party. Here are your match-ups for the first half of the first round, you can vote in this thread (with the number or number and name, please), or by PM. Votes are due by next Monday at 11:59pm.

1Super Mario Bros. 3NESPlatformer
31Halo 2XBoxFPS
15Sonic and KnucklesGenesisPlatformer
17F-Zero GXGameCubeRacing
9Super Mario WorldSNESPlatformer
23Bubble BobbleNESPlatformer
7Mega Man X2SNESPlatformer
25Dance Dance RevolutionVariousRythym
11Super MetroidSNESAdventure
21Chrono CrossPSXRPG
5Final Fantasy 7PSXRPG
27The Legend of ZeldaNESAction/Adventure
13Kingdom HeartsPS2Action RPG
19Star Wars: Knights of the Old RepublicXBox/PCRPG
3The Legend of Zelda: Link to the PastSNESAction/Adventure
29Resident Evil 4GameCubeSurvival Horror

Edit: Forgot a matchup.

(edited by NSNick on 04-18-05 04:07 PM)
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Posted on 04-19-05 08:41 AM Link
That is a REALLY weird seeding procedure. I mean, 1 vs. 31? I thought that would be 32. Ooook.


1) Super Mario Bros. 3
15) Sonic and Knuckles
9) Super Mario World
7) Mega Man X2
11) Super Metroid
27) The Legend of Zelda
13) Kingdom Hearts
3) The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past

(edited by Colleen on 04-19-05 12:41 PM)
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Posted on 04-19-05 08:50 AM Link
I'm unique.

1Super Mario Bros. 3NESPlatformer
31Halo 2XBoxFPS
15Sonic and KnucklesGenesisPlatformer
17F-Zero GXGameCubeRacing
9Super Mario WorldSNESPlatformer
23Bubble BobbleNESPlatformer
7Mega Man X2SNESPlatformer
25Dance Dance RevolutionVariousRythym
11Super MetroidSNESAdventure
21Chrono CrossPSXRPG
5Final Fantasy 7PSXRPG
27The Legend of ZeldaNESAction/Adventure
13Kingdom HeartsPS2Action RPG
19Star Wars: Knights of the Old RepublicXBox/PCRPG
3The Legend of Zelda: Link to the PastSNESAction/Adventure
29Resident Evil 4GameCubeSurvival Horror

Incidentally, all of my picks are the top ones. Go figure.

(edited by Xkitten on 04-18-05 04:17 PM)
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Posted on 04-19-05 09:04 AM Link
Originally posted by Colleen
That is a REALLY weird seeding procedure. I mean, 1 vs. 31? I thought that would be 32. Ooook.
Yeah, it's a little odd. I kinda mirrored the sides a little odd. Turns out #2 gets #32.

Edit: GRRR, and I accidentally left one matchup out. Colleen and Xk, be advised- I forgot (5)FF7 vs. (27)Zelda.

(edited by NSNick on 04-18-05 04:05 PM)
(edited by NSNick on 04-18-05 04:07 PM)
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Posted on 04-19-05 09:18 AM Link
Edited those in and made the table a little less AGGHHGMYEYES. Thanks for letting us know

(edited by Xkitten on 04-18-05 04:18 PM)
Tamarin Calanis

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Posted on 04-19-05 10:31 PM Link
1: SMB3
17: F-Zero GX
9: Super Mario World
7: Mega Man X2
21: Chrono Cross
27: The Legend of Zelda (Time to piss off some fanboys!)
19: Knights of teh Old Republic
3: Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
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Posted on 04-20-05 01:58 AM Link
1) SMB 3
17) F-Zero GX... I never got into Sonic much
9) SMW
7) MMX2
21) Chrono Cross
27) Legend of Zelda (though I really had trouble not choosing FF7, one of my fav games as well)
13) Kingdom Hearts
3) Link to the Past

Are we really that surprised? Although, it was hard for me not to pick FF7... I mean, if I had a large bracket with a bunch of RPGs vs. a bunch of anything else, I'd almost always choose an RPG. But oh well, FF7's overrated anyway, so it deserves a drop

EDIT: It was hard not choosing Halo 2 as well.

(edited by Kefka on 04-19-05 08:59 AM)

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Posted on 04-20-05 03:09 AM Link
Quite a shame, doesn't look like Super Metroid will pull through.

1) SMB3
15) Sonic and Knuckles (Seriously, F-Zero GX?...)
9) SMW
7) MMX2
11) Super Metroid
27) Legend of Zelda
3) Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
alte Hexe

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Posted on 04-20-05 03:37 AM Link
Sonic and Knuckles (F-Zero GX...eww!)
Chrono Cross
Ahhhh...For all the hating I do...FF7

Red Koopa
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Posted on 04-20-05 04:29 AM Link
1) Super Mario Bros. 3
15) Sonic and Knuckles
9) Super Mario World
7) Megaman X2
11) Super Metroid
27) The Legend of Zelda (a lot of you may be stunned, but I've NEVER played FF7)
13) Kingdom Hearts
3) The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past (my all-time favorite game)
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Posted on 04-20-05 07:51 AM Link
Yup, saw that when I looked at Xk's nice little table and realized that there were eight slots instead of seven.

Acillatem98: I wouldn't be surprised - I've never gotten past CD1.
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Posted on 04-20-05 09:34 AM Link
Well, in this topic so far, LoZ is up on FF7 5 to 2... to if it stays that way, wouldn't THAT be a surprise? Then again, the FF Forum died... in earlier days, there'd be about 100 Sephy fanboys flogging to the Square defaults.
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Posted on 04-20-05 01:18 PM Link
1. SMB3
15. Sonic and Knuckles
9. SMW
25. DDR
11. Super Metroid.
27. The legend of Zelda (FF7 is overrated...)

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Posted on 04-20-05 07:07 PM Link
1) Super Mario Bros. 3
17) F-Zero GX
9) Super Mario World
7) Mega Man X 2
11) Super Metroid
27) The Legend of Zelda
13) Kingdom Hearts
3) The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past

eek, when are they going to stop growing...
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Posted on 04-20-05 10:01 PM Link
15. Sonic & Knuckles
7. MMX2
5. FF7
3. LttP.

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Posted on 04-21-05 01:28 AM Link
1. Super Mario Bros. 3
17. F-Zero GX
9. Super Mario World
7. Mega Man X2
11. Super Metroid
27. The Legend of Zelda
13. Kingdom Hearts
3. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

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Posted on 04-21-05 01:41 AM Link
How the hell are you going to have KOTOR vs Kingdom Hearts?!?! This is not not right..... ;;;;

Oh well...

1. Super Mario 3
15. Sonic and Knuckles
23. Bubble Bobble
25. DDR
21. Chrono Cross
5. Final Fantasy 7
19. KOTOR (I assume its the first one and not the 2nd one, right?)
3. Legend of Zelda : Link to the Past
Private Adamant

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Posted on 04-21-05 03:40 AM Link
1 Super Mario Bros. 3 NES Platformer (Oh my, how unexpected)
- ----- --- ---
17 F-Zero GX GameCube Racing (There are better Sonic games, and I never liked Knuckles)
- ----- --- ---
9 Super Mario World SNES Platformer (Yes)
- ----- --- ---
7 Mega Man X2 SNES Platformer (Never played DDR. You may sue me now.)
- ----- --- ---
11 Super Metroid SNES Adventure (Never played CC either. Stupid Europe.)
- ----- --- ---
27 The Legend of Zelda NES Action/Adventure (I have FF7, but I never opened the box. *ducks tomatoes*)
- ----- --- ---
13 Kingdom Hearts PS2 Action RPG (Never played either, but I don't like online games. I want to play my games whenever I want, I don't want to pay to play it for a certain period)
- ----- --- ---
3 The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past SNES Action/Adventure (Aaaand never played RE4 either. Yeah, I know, I suck.)
alte Hexe

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Posted on 04-21-05 04:22 AM Link
Adamant, put down the crack pipe. KOTOR is NOT online.
Private Adamant

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Posted on 04-21-05 04:54 AM Link
Originally posted by Emperor Ziffatine
Adamant, put down the crack pipe. KOTOR is NOT online.

Well damn. How do you expect me to keep up with all these Star Wars games? Right, it's Galaxies that's online. Still haven't played either, so I'll just leave my vote for Kingdom hearts because I'm lazy.

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