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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in General Gaming: supernova05 | 4 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - NA-NANANANANA! Katamari Damacy!
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Super Sion
Posts: 1726/2472
I want to play KD with no time limit so I can consume the entire planet.
alte Hexe
Posts: 2653/5458
I was playing non-stop on DKonga. It was pretty fun. I only got to song 20. Mostly 'cause I had to go home.
Posts: 1304/2273
Just dropping in to point out that I too love of several games that's sadly gotten lost in the shuffle in the goodness that is F-Zero GX, but a very fun game, easily worth the $20 if you can find it.
Posts: 371/427
I personally was not able to keep up, but my friend Tyler had bought it when it first came out and hid himself away from civilization to master the game.

I am pretty suree there are lower modes of non-stop, I saw Terrance playing along at song 40 and it didn't seem too difficult, but I think that was something like a double mode.
Posts: 695/1139
Non-stop's like the non-stops on DDR right? Automatically on Heavy/Gorilla?


if so...Holy SHIT.
Posts: 370/427
It's easy until you go all out on non-stop. A downfall is the swelling of your hands after several hours of playing, no pain, no game. A neat little trick instead of clapping is to just tap the side of the bongos with both hands. It's kinda of like playing DDR with the bar, but meh, it makes it easier.
Posts: 872/1574
Originally posted by JDavis
I just can't wait for Katmari Damacy 2

Oh man.... I hope that has good multiplayer... *drools*
alte Hexe
Posts: 2649/5458
Donkey Konga is awesome! It is easy as hell, but awesomely fun.
Posts: 369/427
We played that on New Year's eve. Although I was much bigger then the man I was trying to collect, he wacked me with his seal. I didn't enjoy that part, but I got him good.

Another game we played on New Year's was the Donkey Kong game on Gamecube, the one with the bongos. I am not to sure what it is called, but it kept us busy for hours.
alte Hexe
Posts: 2621/5458
Posts: 399/815
I just can't wait for Katmari Damacy 2
Posts: 1032/1797
I have a joystick that resembles a PSX controller.

Plus, mouse + digital keys ;P.
Posts: 392/815
Anyway, I say no to PC or Gamecube versions, unless they were to come with a controller. Gamecube controller and most PC controllers/joysticks/keyboards/etc. just wouldn't work. And don't give me that 'the Gamecube controller has two sticks as well' stuff. They're not in line with each other, and it would not be half as natural as the PS2 controls.
alte Hexe
Posts: 2602/5458
Originally posted by Nebetsu
Originally posted by Ziffski
"Origin: This item is imported from Japan and may contain Japanese text."

Retard, mostly because you've already stated YOUR owning of the MP3s.

Don't fucking lecture me, moron.

So? I wasnt asking for the stuff on a board that doesnt allow asking for illegal stuff. You're a mod! You should at least know the rules of the board!

I know the rules. It is obvious you don't.
Super Sion
Posts: 1719/2472
I bought it a few months ago. It fantastic in everyway. Im planning on beating it again since my Memory Card was whiped to do a Viewtiful Joe 2 Demo incident.
Posts: 862/1574
Originally posted by Ziffski
"Origin: This item is imported from Japan and may contain Japanese text."

Retard, mostly because you've already stated YOUR owning of the MP3s.

Don't fucking lecture me, moron.

So? I wasnt asking for the stuff on a board that doesnt allow asking for illegal stuff. You're a mod! You should at least know the rules of the board!
Posts: 997/1757
Still havent played this game...I want to though, but I never got a chance...maybe someday.
alte Hexe
Posts: 2590/5458
Thank you very much JD
Posts: 391/815
I have the game. I love the game. I was just playing it earlier today. I also have the soundtrack, which I love as well. You should be able to find a torrent of it easily enough, Ziff. That's how I got it. Just do a Google Search for "Katamari Fortissimo Damacy Torrent" (sans quotes).
alte Hexe
Posts: 2589/5458
"Origin: This item is imported from Japan and may contain Japanese text."

Retard, mostly because you've already stated YOUR owning of the MP3s.

Don't fucking lecture me, moron.
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - NA-NANANANANA! Katamari Damacy!


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