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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Programming - Showing all rows [PHP] [MySQL]
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Darth Coby
Posts: 218/1371
Well, since $row[$i] was empty I decided to use $next like acmlm told me, it works now. Thanks.
Posts: 377/1173
Hmm, 2 things here ...

First, $row[$i] in the while loop is empty (else you'd get "array[date]" and so on), try using $next instead or changing the loop ...

And secondly (although that wouldn't matter anymore if you use $next), multidimensional arrays can't be included directly in quotes for printing/etc., so you have to do it like this:

print "Date: ".$row[$i][date]."<br>";
Posts: 114/211
Instead of
print "Date: $row[$i][date]

print "Date:".$row[$i][date];
Darth Coby
Posts: 217/1371

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM kt15x_main");
for($i=0;$row[$i]=mysql_fetch_array($sql, MYSQL_BOTH);$i++);
while($next = next($row)){
print "Date: $row[$i][date]
print "IP: $row[$i][ip]
print "Visitor number: $row[$i][counter]
print "Browser: $row[$i][browser]
print "Came from: $row[$i][referer]


That doesn't work, it just prints "Date: [date]".
What did I do wrong?
Posts: 365/1173
Of course it can be done

print $biggerarray[w00t][test]; //prints "hello"

Or more specifically:

$res=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM something");

Then $row becomes an array containing all the rows, and $i stops at the number of rows ... and then you can do stuff like this:

print $row[15][test]; //value of "test" field from row 15 (first row would be 0)
Darth Coby
Posts: 183/1371
Is it possible to make an array with lots of arrays inside? I'd need it so I can load all the rows from my table and then print out the values from the rows.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Programming - Showing all rows [PHP] [MySQL]


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