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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Rom Hacking: hukka | 2 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - ASM questions
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Posts: 10/24

Do some more research on NESdev's older boards (use the search feature).
Posts: 307/782
Originally posted by Rebecca Daise
You'll study ASM, change things, not understand anything, ask a few questions, then all of a sudden, it'll click and you'll start to get it.

That is without doubt the most accurate statement on learning ASM ever. Anyway, download every tutorial you can find on 6502 assembly (preferably from, read them, and keep reading them until you understand it. Easy enough.
Posts: 362/799
Originally posted by Rebecca Daise

Oh, and no one ever NEEDS to learn ASM. Even when you do learn ASM, you can't do anything you want without more determination than it took to learn ASM; and even then, you will still have to make sacrifices because with ASM hacking,
anything is possible but somethings will take a lot more work than it's worth. I know I've had to sacrifice quite a few of my ASM hack ideas because the work required to make it happen was immense.

yes. i'd like to think that i'm perfect living proof of someone with ASM knowledge that is not practicaly applied in any way, shape, or form . remember kids, ASM knowledge != power
Posts: 427/885
Not to seem too harsh, but bbimaster is right. There just simply isn't a tutorial that will definitely teach you ASM. There are a few attempts at tutorials, but even then, it's up to you to understand it. Very few ASM hackers (in fact, I don't know of ANY) here had someone teaching them, or giving them lessons. I know I didn't. It's not that we're being elitists, that's just how things are. You'll study ASM, change things, not understand anything, ask a few questions, then all of a sudden, it'll click and you'll start to get it.

So, like bbitmaster said: you must do your own research. Get FCEUxd, learn how to use the debugger (which there are FCEUd tutorials that teach how to use the debugger already, I don't have the link to said tutorial on hand though) and use the built in hex editor to change a byte and try to guess the result. Trial and error is your friend. And I've told this to every person who's asked how to ASM hack, because this is exactly how I learned.

Oh, and no one ever NEEDS to learn ASM. Even when you do learn ASM, you can't do anything you want without more determination than it took to learn ASM; and even then, you will still have to make sacrifices because with ASM hacking,
anything is possible but somethings will take a lot more work than it's worth. I know I've had to sacrifice quite a few of my ASM hack ideas because the work required to make it happen was immense.
Posts: 50/103
Originally posted by alitnil

I just wanted to ask those who do respond to be a little bit more helpful instead of saying "Do some research, you're lazy".

Maybe we say this because that is exactly how we learned.

I never had anyone teach me anything as far as programming or assembly goes. I did some research, read some tutorials, spent time working on some programs. And here I am!

I'm sure you'll hear similar stories from every other skilled asm coder/hacker you'll meet.

We will help you, if you have any specific questions, or are having problems with something. Such help would have been immensly useful to us while learning, because we certainly had problems grasping certain things, but we don't have the time to spend teaching others all that we learned, by doing research, because they're too lazy to do the same research.

And, I'm sure you'll hear the same thing, or something similar, from almost everyone.
Posts: 170/922
The same thread was posted in the smw forum. It wasnt exactly like the same, but it was somthing like this though.

Most users around here cant help you with asm, you'd have to learn that at your own time. If you want to learn it that bad, do research or somthing.
But dont bug the board on how you cant learn it, this or that.
Posts: 217/290
I dont know the answers that you seek.

SO why am I posting?

I just wanted to ask those who do respond to be a little bit more helpful instead of saying "Do some research, you're lazy".

COme on! you know you were about too gang!
Posts: 39/110
I really need to know ASM because I have alot of time on my hands to figure it out. So can someone give me the best NES and SNES ASM tutorial they have and also, whats the best program to edit the values of NES and SNES games?
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - ASM questions


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