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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Brain Teasers - Your Average VG Trivial Quiz... sorta
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Posts: 127/573
Originally posted by Avardo
"OMG i hef an awardz0rz, i em speshul!"

I gotta comment on the spelling of special there.

AOL Lamer'ed it with class =O
Posts: 94/184
Even though I didn't win many awards (Only one at that )... I still have a sense and feeling of pride and self satisfaction...

I'm currently thinking "OMG i hef an awardz0rz, i em speshul!"
Posts: 120/573
Heh I was kidding, I put the awards in my profile. Ill help you with some questions the next time around and maybe even sprucen up some more awards.
Posts: 825/3392
Originally posted by Angel
What about the one time stand where I got all those points in a day, and then slept for the rest of the time. :p Doesnt that get an award?

You got like, 3 or 4 awards as is... can't you live with THOSE???
Posts: 122/422
Originally posted by Mighty Kefka
Felix, you forgot to put the Fixing Award in your sig.

Whoops! There we go (come to think of it, that's kinda funny...).
Posts: 119/573
What about the one time stand where I got all those points in a day, and then slept for the rest of the time. :p Doesnt that get an award?
Posts: 822/3392
Felix, you forgot to put the Fixing Award in your sig.
Uncle Elmo
Posts: 207/1062
I'm honoured! Plus I'd be more than happy to help you with the questions next time... speaking of which I have another idea.... Check out the TV and Entertainments thread...
Posts: 120/422
*victory dance* Awesome deal. I'll wear it proudly.

And maybe there can be a Mark II, someday? Let's hope.

Congrats, everyone!
Posts: 818/3392
Whoa, I come back, and you end my contest!!!

Well, congrats to Felix! He will be my beta tester for my FF hack (and perhaps a few other hacks if I ever get around to workin on em )!!! He has won the Brainiac Award... speaking of which... we need to go over all the awards for this contest!

Final Score
RankingName Score
1Felix51 pt.
2Utilityman34 pt.
3Angel33 pt.
4Uncle Elmo 30 pt.
5Teddylot15 pt.
6Slash Dafter 10 pt.
T716BT8 pt.
T7NSNick8 pt.
9Clockworkz6 pt.
10cpubasic135 pt.
11VGFreak8773 pt.
T12Millenium Neko2 pt.
T12Jarukoth2 pt.
T14Houou1 pt.
T14jasukan1 pt.
T14Ailure1 pt.
T14Zemus1.00 pt.
T14Avardo1 pt.
T14neotransotaku1 pt.

Ahem... so... Felix ran away with it... HOWEVER... he wasn't the ONLY winner in this competition! Here are all of our winners, and the awards they won! NOTE TO RECIPIENTS: Put these in your sigs, make a speech, do whatever the hell you want with them! Cherish them if you want, or you can simply ignore them. Your choice. I would personally choose the former of all the aforementioned choices.

The Brainiac Award
Recipient: Felix
How He Won: He scored 50+ points before everyone else. And, as a bonus, he gets to be my go-to beta tester!

The Fixing Award
Recipient: Felix, Angel
How They Won: They edited their posts more times than anyone else during the contest.

The Outsource Award
Recipient: Uncle Elmo
How He Won: Openly stating that he used places like GameFAQs for the answers to many questions.

Fastest Reply Award
Recipient: NSNick
How He Won: Many of you might be wondering how in the world NSNick got the fastest reply award, considering many of you were faster on your replies to certain questions. Well... the truth of the matter is... go to pg. 1 of this topic. Who has the first, and thus fastest reply, in the topic? That's right! Teh NSNick has the fastest reply to the thread!

Timely Troubles Award
Recipient: Angel
How He Won: Had severe trouble counting to one hour after we started the one-hour guess rule... he replied just after 30 minutes was up...

It's ok, Angel. Wear it proudly!

Jojora Award
Recipient: Millenium Neko
How He/She/It Won: I honestly could not tell at any time during this contest, or any time during my stay at this board, whether Neko was a boy or girl...

Fink-Rat Award
Recipient: NSNick, Uncle Elmo
How They Won: By arguing on questions, and actually earning points for their arguments !!! I shall name them fink-rats for arguing, but I shall give them an award for salvaging points.

Frantic Award
Recipient: Angel, Clockworkz, Slash Dafter, Uncle Elmo
How They Won: By, at times, putting REALLY random answers, seemingly out of desperation, in their replies.

One-Time Miracle Award
Recipient: Houou, jasukan, Ailure, Zemus, Avardo, neotransotaku
How They Won: By scoring exactly one point...

Snifit Award
Recipient: Utilityman, Teddylot, 16BT, cpubasic13, VGFreak877, Jarukoth
How They Won: They got points in the competition, but failed to qualify for any of the aforementioned prizes.

Speechless Award
Recipient: Anyone who didn't participate in the contest, or tried to but failed to score.
How They Won: ...By failing to comment... or something... basically, anyone and everyone who doesn't have one of the previous awards can take this one...

So, there is your award lineup!!! Every recipient can take their respective awards and stick it in their post wherever or whatnot... or, they can ignore it. But, please, only take awards you are eligible for, and that I mentioned you for... otherwise, you will have me bugging the hell outta you.... and you DON'T want that. Ok, so, take 'em or leave 'em. They're still there. Woo hoo! I'm done!

EDIT: Whoa! This thread lasted longer than I thought! I expected it to die suddenly, as I made it out of boredom... Well, here is the life of the thread in its entirity up until the awards were handed out:

Replies: 338
Views: 1864
Starting Date/Time: 03-24-04 12:22 PM (board time)
Ending Date/Time: 04-12-04 12:29 AM (board time)
Duration: about... 2-3 weeks...
Questions: 128
Correctly Answered: about 124... or 125... I forget

And... by the way, to all those wondering what 126 was... it is Golden Tee... yes, that is currently the best selling arcade franchise today... in current times... Yep.

Perhaps we will do this again in the future... but since Elmo complained about this being too Americanized... perhaps he can help me make the questions next time.
Posts: 110/422
Welcome back, sir!

127. Nightmare in Dreamland (for the GBA, remake machine)

128. Kirby's Adventure (for the NES, I own this!)
Posts: 814/3392
Yay! I'm back on the board... for now...

neo got it right... and everyone else, give up on the classics. They haven't sold well in a long time.

RankingName Score
1Felix48 pt.
2Utilityman34 pt.
3Angel33 pt.
4Uncle Elmo 30 pt.
5Teddylot15 pt.
6Slash Dafter 10 pt.
T716BT8 pt.
T7NSNick8 pt.
9Clockworkz6 pt.
10cpubasic135 pt.
11VGFreak8773 pt.
T12Millenium Neko2 pt.
T12Jarukoth2 pt.
T14Houou1 pt.
T14jasukan1 pt.
T14Ailure1 pt.
T14Zemus1.00 pt.
T14Avardo1 pt.
T14neotransotaku1 pt.

126. What is currently the best selling arcade game series/franchise in the world? [2 pt.]

127. Name the only complete remake of a Kirby game. [2 pt.]

128. Follow up: Name the game that was remade. [1 pt.]
Posts: 410/4016
118: Sammy Sosa is on the cover
Posts: 11/14
they sold the most machines last year, and made the most business last year...

^ Just to point out that it is certainly not Space Invaders, Asteroids and such. Oh, and I was going to guess DDR too >.<
Posts: 117/573
126. Asteroids
Posts: 91/184
126: Space invaders?

I'm gonna keep going through the clasics until one works ... Or somebody else gets it right ...
Posts: 84/422
Originally posted by Mighty Kefka
Felix, you're close enough that I count it. It's 120. But everyone else... you're wrong. Simple as that.


I remember reading somewhere that you were out of town for the week. I was going to post here, letting my fellow players know, but I couldn't find the post again...

EDIT: Got it. So folks, if Mighty Kefka doesn't post here much over the next few days, it's because he hasn't been home. Just wait patiently and work with the few remaining questions we have. Nobody's complained yet, but... well, just in case.

EDIT 2: Oh, hey! I was thrown off by Avardo's answer of Pac-man, but I just realized that's not exactly the same. I'll say Mrs. Pac-man for #126. I know it's the best selling in North America, at least...
Posts: 810/3392
Felix, you're close enough that I count it. It's 120. But everyone else... you're wrong. Simple as that.
Posts: 195/1346
126. Either Tekken or Soul Calibur. Not sure though.
Posts: 402/3194
126: If we're talking recent games, I'll guess DDR.
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Brain Teasers - Your Average VG Trivial Quiz... sorta


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