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11-02-05 12:59 PM
0 user currently in General Emulation.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Emulation - SNES9X Tracer Help
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Posts: 2561/8210
Trace All logs everything. I dunno what Trace does, I always end up with just "***NMI ***RTS" repeated. Neither will show the code while the game is actually running, though.
Posts: 363/1192
Look in the Trace menu in the emulator. If you want it to trace the whole time you're playing, simply choose 'Trace'. I'm not sure what Trace All does, but it sounds like it'd dump the code as soon as you opened the ROM. Can anyone confirm this, or know what it actually does? Then, if you want it to trace from a specific address, choose 'Trace From...' and fill out the information required in the box that pops up

The trace gets dumped to the folder your ROM's located in. Look for a file with a .log extension.

I don't believe there's any way to make the code show up in the emulator while you're playing it, if that's what you were asking
Posts: 32/110
Does anyone have a help file for SNES 9X Tracer or could they just tell me how to make the code fo the game show up while im playing it?
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Emulation - SNES9X Tracer Help


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