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11-02-05 12:59 PM
0 user currently in Sim-Battle Arena. | 3 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Sim-Battle Arena - Power battle
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Posts: 911/2214
Well, this isn't my kind of battle... but this IS my kind of sim-battler! You and I think alike, Fiore, when it comes to the imagination aspect of SBing... C'mon, let's start a 2nd thread, I wanna take you on!
Posts: 3/14
Well, as I said, post and intro and we'll get to it. And please make your posts more than one sentence. Let's use some imagination! One more thing, (I know, I'm being bossy) if you're not going to finish it, don't start it.
Posts: 433/619
I'd like to participate... after all, I'm one of the few posters on here who actually use these types of characters... so much so, infact, that none of the sim battle threads I've started have gotten any activity... I wonder if people aren't up to the challenge.
Posts: 2/14
1: Please don't point out faults in my punctuation and grammar. It makes you seem pompous.

2: A power battle is basically just what it sounds like. It's a few steps above a normal sim-battle. It's for people with extremely powerful characters that can both, give and recieve massive amounts of damage. A couple of rules are relaxed, such as damage and number of attacks per post, but still, there is absolutley NO godmodding or metagaming.

Hope that answers your question.

By the way, this will be one on one.
Posts: 906/2214
1: Use proper grammer and punctuation.

2: Please explain exactly what a Power Battle is, and maybe I'll join. It's unfair to say nobody except those who already know can join, unless you're expecting some personal friends of yours to play, which you can then just say "Challenge to so-and-so".

I'd love to play with you, but first you have to get around with the right idea. --Schwa
Posts: 1/14
this will be a power battle. If you don't know what one is, do not post here. Planetary destruction. . . death. . . devastation. If you think you're up to it, please, feel free to post an intro.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Sim-Battle Arena - Power battle


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