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11-02-05 12:59 PM
0 user currently in Hardware/Software.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Hardware/Software - Msconfig gone?
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Posts: 807/1757
ok, thanks, i downloaded it, but it only will work if I try to use run->msconfig if I put it in Windows/System32
so its all better now, thanks alot.
Posts: 159/1192
You could also try redownloading it from this site. There's nothing in the zip file besides the exe, so you'll need to know where to put it beforehand. On this computer here (XP Home SP2), it's located in:


Same as Surlent's Oh well. As long as you know what folder to look in

I recommend you run a spyware / virus scan as well. There shouldn't be any reason that file goes mysteriously missing without the 'aid' of either a virus or some sort of spyware.

Hopefully that helps you fix your problem
Posts: 694/1077
Run a search for msconfig.exe
On my German XP installation it is found under C:\WINDOWS\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Binaries
(Yes, in the Binaries folder and can be run normally either by typing msconfig in "Run" or clicking directly on it).

If it cannot be found, update your antivirus and Ad-Aware/Spybot, boot into Safe Mode and perform a full system scan.
You also might try a repair install - or try to locate the msconfig.exe somewhere on your Windows CD and copy it to the proper position.
Posts: 806/1757
uhh, anyone know why my MsConfig is gone all of a sudden, im using WinXP and it was there last time I tried....but now it says it cant find it...
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Hardware/Software - Msconfig gone?


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