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11-02-05 12:59 PM
0 user currently in Modern Art. | 1 guest
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - Titlescreen
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Posts: 593/1757
The banner is for the Astaria Online website im working on, just thought I would show it along with the titlescreen.
Yoshi Dude
Posts: 1745/3271
What does a banner have to do with anything?

It's looking better now though, good improvement.
Posts: 77/111
looks pretty cool, good job Dcahrakos.
Posts: 582/1757
Alrighty, here is the new titlescreen, along with a banner for the site
Yoshi Dude
Posts: 1740/3271
The flames on the text look completely out of place.

This is more of personal pickiness, but why would blood only appear at the tips of the swords? Is this a game where you poke people?
Posts: 581/1757
well, in the center of the swords, will be taken up with the menu so its not gonna be all that blank when I get it into the game, and program everything right..
Posts: 390/1797
Perhaps you could make use of all that black background in some way .

The text could blend in a little more, though it looks pretty good.
Posts: 165/356
I always thought blood should be smeared with a few splatters..

It looks quite nice, Just work on the blood bit a bit more, ok?
Posts: 579/1757
Well, since many people dont look in the game creation forum, so I thought I would get some feedback on this title screen for a game im working on...the sword I did from scratch, I think the blood looks nice, it was way different, until I made it splattered....anyway. here is a link
a link because its 800x600 and 238kb

Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - Titlescreen


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