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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Rom Hacking: hukka | 2 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - Super Mario World NES Unlocked
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Posts: 4/25
I just hope that you won't ever quit on this project, there would be so much potential of hacking that game! I mean that game is pretty neat... Imagine people like DD that made Mario Adventure what they could make out of this one?
Posts: 23/123
Makes you wonder what would've happened had Nintendo made SMW for the NES. It's truly awesome how the pirates did this, and I would also be very interested in seeing it finished, if only for the 'cool' factor.
Posts: 946/2273
Dr. Mario: Thanks.
Someguy: It's too early for beta testers, but when it's getting closer to being complete, I'll keep the offer in mind.

The level editing is functional, but I haven't figured out how sprites work. (There seems to be an FF bloch with a tile above it which creates an enemy, but I can't figure out exactly how it works.) The biggest problem is that it's relying on three .ini files which contains the level location, size and which tileset to use. Also, the tilesets are BMP files, not loaded from the ROM. I have to figure out a NES graphics loading routine. (I've got a GB and SNES one, but not a NES. ) I've also got a problem finding some MAP16 data. I've found the castle intro's MAP16, but that's about it.
Posts: 122/397
I wouldn't be able to, err, be a beta tester would I? I loved NES SMW, mostly for the uniqe music, but also because it's a pirate port thing, I love those. I also found big bugs in LM, which I allways pimp off when asking for a beta test privately or publicly but it makes sense to help test this if I did so well finding bugs in a public version of LM.
Dr. Mario
Posts: 50/262
Dear freaking lord... that is AWESOME. As I said before Smallhacker=My God.
Posts: 667/3418
This is totally badass.

I've had the NSF for this game for awhile now, but I need to check the game out. Looks pretty cool, and indeed SMW is a classic.
Posts: 6220/11162
Originally posted by Keitaro
am I th ONLY one who noticed the use of SMB3 mario here?

But heh, Mario looks ugly in the way he uses two diffrent palettes on his body. Ugh, couldn't they just take on for the full body?
Posts: 941/2273
To prove that I'm not lying, I've got this picture:

In order to prove that that picture isn't a fake, I'll give you a small Beta which allows editing the overworld. (Sorry. I haven't found Mario's paths yet.)
In order to download, go HERE and click on

In other news, I've got a semi-working level editor, but it's far from finished and relies on external files.
Posts: 768/1757
I decided to try it earlier, and im gonna start finding data for it also, mainly just because, havent founf much yet, but I just started, I know where the data for the first level is, but thats about it......and i know about where the second starts..
Dr. Mario
Posts: 49/262
Small Hacker=My God.

Keitaro, yeah I noticed that too. I actually am using those GFX in my SMB hack. I was hoping they would be new, but they ended up just being SMB3 gfx lol
Posts: 938/2273
I noticed it as well...

By the way. I was bored earlier today, so I started gathering info for a editor. Project name: Retro Magic. (plzdontkillorsuemekthx) Here's what I have so far:
An editor that edits the entire overworld. (Not Mario's paths, though)
Knowledge of the level format (haven't located the headers, though, and I haven't confirmed if it works for sprites)
Most knowledge of the MAP16 system.
The location of a few levels.
The location of Yoshi's House and the title screen level. (They're stored as MAP16 instead of levels)
Posts: 840/1342
am I th ONLY one who noticed the use of SMB3 mario here?
Posts: 100/1696
SMW was the first SNES game I ever saw and I still love it. This one's good too, but Mario's head is off color...
Posts: 30/91
If someone could change the physics and gameplay enough to make playing SMW on the NES as close as possible to the SNES experience, I would love to hack the graphics and make a decent visual conversion.

The pirates had good intentions, but the GFX need some extra work.
Posts: 5262/12781
It can
Posts: 6155/11162
Hmm, yes I remember downloading this one back then together with SNES roms, I wanted to try it out and well. I hated th physics the game haves. Otherwise it was not that bad port, thought the author of thewarpzone thinks this port is the best thing ever...
Posts: 2362/3392
All I have to say is: Having a copy of this anyway is just cool, whether you take the time to finish it up or not.
Posts: 119/397
So either we'd have to ASM hack it, which might be easy or hard due to possible shortcuts or lack thereof by piraters, in order to spruce up the physics, or we could port the rest of the levels and mod them to fit the "new" Mario. There's the problem of undeveloped sprites however, especially the huge Bowser boss which was a whole layer in SMW.
Posts: 6/52
It's not so much the difficulty as the terrible controls. Mario jumps up half the screen height then floats down slowly, usually directly onto an enemy somehow...
Posts: 105/487
And someone do something bout the difficulty. Cool game. Just too damn hard. Thanks.
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - Super Mario World NES Unlocked


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