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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Game Creation Center - A plot idea I had...
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Posts: 455/971
First of all, Chrono does speak, yet, his speech is limited to dialogue decisions ("What are you gonna do?
- Go ahead.
- Rest.") and a single phrase (something like "didn't you say you were going to make a little slide show") in one of the endings.

Second, I doubt I'd ever want to insert C(h)rono because he (imho) is one of the most senseless/non-original character that ever were in a squaresoft game (sorry for insulting any of you Chrono fans... CT was a great game, anyway), being the mix of Super Saiyajin and Sephiroth he is (i.e. the average jap fighting game character).

Third, (@cpubasic) I think of myself being quite good at designing dialogues (might be overestimating myself, though). And I thought of a workaround for being entirely bound to another character's profiles, namely inserting some characters of my own with the storyline explanation of some other "worlds" having merged with the mass, too.

Fourth, my postlayout broke.

Fifth, (@cpubasic again) I don't want to say my 3D chars will look generally worse than others, but I have the feeling about 3D graphics generally not having reached the optical niveau of 2D graphics yet... that is, in realtime output. And Chrono Cross (as an example) was sorts of spoiled by the lack of detail of the character meshes (well, lack of texture detail was an important factor at that, too :/). Most of today's average graphical cards can't stand a total framebuffer reload of about 10000 triangles per frame, as it would be required for making a more or less detailed character change its pose. At least, my Geforce2mx (;; sorta dies for half a minute when I load an average mesh.

Weird doesn't mean bad, you know. Often, the weirdest stuff turns out to be the best in the bunch (e.g. Xenogears' soundtrack (EXTREMELY weird, indeed), Chrono Trigger's story (seems quite weird until you play the game) or ... ... can't think of any further example now )

Well, I think that's all for now.
(btw: I am still not sure about 2D or 3D, since I mainly need your opinion about 3D vs 2D in general (for RPGs, that is))

Kyoufu Kawa
Posts: 880/2481
Fortunatly, Crono does not speak
Posts: 720/1346
Well... the story is weird... but is original. Combines some of the good RPGs out there, but the only problem would be to get the character's personality into the game. Just putting the characters in there would be challenging enough, let alone putting the dialogue that they would say.

As for the graphics, that depends on your skills. If the characters in 3D are going to be bad, then go for 2D. That is my suggestion...
Posts: 452/971

(this is the first time I post in this board since the DB crash )

I had this idea for an RPG plot already a whole while ago, and as it is usual for me, I already thought of lots of neat details, which I'm not gonna mention in here ... at least, not yet ...
... well, it's basically following:

*turns wimpy RPG mode on*
A group of (anarchists? nihilists? mad scientists? whomever) (deliberately) causes a chain reaction that shakes the integrity of space itself by densifying information in a way it breaks the (actual) natural law of information being less or equal than the mass it is stored in. As a result, they cause the limits between the worlds to fade.
*turns RPG mode off*
Practically, that would mean (and here comes the actual beginning of what I would call the story) e.g. Secret of Mana's Hidden Continent being next to FF3us's Narshe (stupid example, I know I doubt I'm actually gonna use any of these two locations), Lavos battling Kefka for the rank of the more important villain (another stupid example), Alexander (from Bahamut Lagoon) being depressed because of himself being just a wimpy esper in FF3us (stupid but true, ) or Time Devourer (from Chrono Cross) throwing the Mana Fortress into the Tesseract because of its sheer uglyness (it was about time someone did that at last).
Neither of the above, of course, would ever be used by me (at least I hope so), they're just there to explain the concept.

First of all, what do you think of that idea?
Second, if you like it, which realization would you like best (out of the following three):
* 2D view (like Chrono Trigger)
* 3D, but on prerendered levels (like Chrono Cross, Xenogears, Legend of Mana () or whatever) - chars might be undetailed, since I'm sucking bad at 3D graphics.
* entire 3D (like Unreal Tournament, Doom or whatever... can't think of any RPG example for that) - same as 3D prerendered, but might as well apply on the whole scape, here.

I shall be thankful for any kind of responce.
And please forgive me my orthography/grammatical mistakes, since I can hardly keep them out of such a lengthy piece of text. Kthx.

Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Game Creation Center - A plot idea I had...


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