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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - World Affairs / Debate - Draft
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Lunar Depths
Posts: 58/67
Made perfect sense Legion. I think it also has to with the fact that they're always looking for better qualified people to serve as well. You know, the higher the ASVAB, the more recruiters you get

As for the draft thing, let me just join in the club and say THERE WILL BE NO DRAFT. =D Honestly, I think they whole thing is over-hyped, over discussed, and under validated. Oh well, I guess that's how most things go.
Posts: 4953/12781
Posts: 2863/5657
Good question

I rarely see them as well.

But the answer is because even though we need to get people out, we'll always need young people to replace career long airman who are about to retire. It's all about balance, they need to keep the right proportions of people who know their job, and the people who are learning it to replace the ones who are getting out.
I hope that made sense.
Posts: 854/2189
Legion: I'm just curious, if the Air Force wants to get rid of people, why do they still advertise? Is this just the nominal level of advertising on TV or is it above normal? Because I rarely see USAF commercials (heh 'commercials'), usually Navy or type stuff.
Posts: 439/607
Originally posted by Cymoro

I've read that they've started recalling people who served in Gulf War I to active duty. Kinda scary. The reserves must be running out.

If things get worse in Iraq, what will happen?
Posts: 1458/2216
Posts: 2798/5657
The draft is the draft. You said that we had both a high and a low chance of having one. Which is it? Which one did you mean, that is?
Posts: 376/885
Originally posted by Legion

The chances of a draft are slim to none. We have the proper manpower. And we're at no loss when it comes to people recruiting either. Ever since 9/11 (especially RIGHT after) it's been a mass flood.

Wait, wtf? The second part, are you talking about a draft for Iraqi forces? wtf?
What do you mean a draft in Iraq?

I meant a draft to support the war in Iraq
Posts: 2795/5657

The chances of a draft are slim to none. We have the proper manpower. And we're at no loss when it comes to people recruiting either. Ever since 9/11 (especially RIGHT after) it's been a mass flood.

Wait, wtf? The second part, are you talking about a draft for Iraqi forces? wtf?
What do you mean a draft in Iraq?
Posts: 374/885
The possibility of a draft is still rather high. Not because Bush was re-elected, but because right now, we are pretty much focused on Iraq and if another country wanted to have a legit war with us, we'd have to do something to get great numbers of troops quickly if the country posed any threat to us.

As for having a draft in Iraq, the probability is still rather low. Recruiters are doing a good job trickingrecruting more members for the forces. Besides, a Congressional vote of 2/3rd of each house is required and if it's any consollidationg, there's more than 1/3rd of democrats in each house
Posts: 5802/11162
I would only see a draft likely if there is a big ass world war which is going on for years and where US soldiers are needed everywhere. And well, that's not gonna happen in ten years at least.

And i'm quite sure that even Bush wouldn't do a draft unless it's really necessary. That's just common sense. And even then, he wouldn't get it through the senate right?

About joining the military, I rather help with the technical/medical part. But then I succefully dodged the military here in Sweden... don't ask why.
Posts: 2792/5657
Originally posted by Sion Traydor
My friend is thinking of joining the air force and a recriuter told him that there might be a draft so it would be beneficial to sign up early and get a good position or something like that, thats why I asked.


Oh man, that is rich! Like I said, we're overmanned by 20,000 people and we're kicking out people left and right. I'm surprised that we're actually letting anyone in really.

Hey, tell your friend to mention the words "force shaping" to his recruiter and see what kind of reaction he gets. Ask him what Palace Chase is too.
Posts: 3356/5337
Originally posted by Lenophis
Originally posted by Anya
I know one person who is at war (who is married and has two kids) and who is happy to serve and another friend who is in training right now.

That has to do with this

I've heard boths ways whether or not it will happen, we'll just wait and see this spring...

I was trying to point out that there's people in the military that want to be there (that have families and the likes) and fight, unlike those people who join up only for the money and then whine because they have to go to war. It's not always peaches and sign up, you have to take the cake and run with it sometimes.
Super Sion
Posts: 1605/2472
My friend is thinking of joining the air force and a recriuter told him that there might be a draft so it would be beneficial to sign up early and get a good position or something like that, thats why I asked.
Posts: 2780/5657
"I'll be honest, I am a fucking wuss, a coward, and all that good stuff. But I want to see what I'm capable of, I also have a poor time with self disipline."

That describes plenty of people before they join the military.

It's not so much boot camp that makes the change in people though, that's just the starting point. It's being in the actual operational military that will do it for you. Don't do it for the President or the people really, do it for yourself and the relationship you have with your country.

I for one don't serve my president, I serve America. And that's how it is with most people in the military really. It's kind of like certain higher ranking people I used to work with. I didn't like them at all but I respected the uniform they wear, not the person who was wearing it.
Posts: 514/594
Originally posted by Legion
Apple, the Army isn't all ground troops/infantry. The military has almost every civilian counterpart. They have accountants, mechanics, public affairs, health services, supply and so on and so on.
People picture the Army and they think that it's all troops with guns. It's not.

Same goes for the Air Force. You wouldn't believe how many people think that every person in the Air Force is a pilot. When you compare the total number of people in the AF to pilots we have, the number is very small.

I am quite aware that there is other jobs in the army than just ground solider. If all it was was ground soliders than we wouldn't be very effective but I'm not really sure on what I would want to do if I joined.

I'll be honest, I am a fucking wuss, a coward, and all that good stuff. But I want to see what I'm capable of, I also have a poor time with self disipline. I think boot camp could help me with both of those besides I really do want to serve my country. I don't agree with the majority of the shit it does nor do I really care for the leader of my country or the people who live here as a whole.

As for the jobs in the army... My grandfather's stories of being a solider in Korea as well as all the stories I heard from soliders in Vietnam and the Gulf war have kind of grown on me. Running around in a foregin country, doing whats right (Yes, that is questionable), relaying on your buddies to sruvive. I know I'm only focusing on the more "romantic" side of ground conflict, I know its dangerous, and I know I'll have to kill or I'll be killed. I don't know... It kind of applies to me.

Posts: 2777/5657
Patriot missiles suck ass. They're practically pointless.

You know what I find hilarious? People are always bitching about draft dodgers when it comes to politicians. Oh no! Clintion is a draft dodger! So is Bush! What scum!

And then when a ghastly rumor of a draft comes up, they're all "Oh fuck that, I'm getting outta here!".

The hell?

And why is everyone so fearful of joining the military anyway? It's not like we're imprisoned or anything. Seriously, it's not that bad. Some even enjoy it! *gasp*
But like Colin said, you don't have to join the military to serve your country. There are countless other ways to do so.

Apple, the Army isn't all ground troops/infantry. The military has almost every civilian counterpart. They have accountants, mechanics, public affairs, health services, supply and so on and so on.
People picture the Army and they think that it's all troops with guns. It's not.

Same goes for the Air Force. You wouldn't believe how many people think that every person in the Air Force is a pilot. When you compare the total number of people in the AF to pilots we have, the number is very small.
alte Hexe
Posts: 1600/5458
Become a naturalized Canadian citizen and join our army, it is allowed Of course, you become an ex-patriot and it is hard to transfer to the US army (apparently training transfers happen all the time in certain divisions, etc.). And really, the worst thing that has happened to the Canadian army was caused by an American friendly firing. You also won't have to fear the Patriot Missle Defence System.
Posts: 511/594
I've been thinking about joining the army.

The whole "War on terrorism" thing is what kind of threw my idea away for a while since I don't really want to fight in the army. I just want money for college and besides it would be good for me.

My mom doesn't want me to and everything so I dunno.

The draft wont happen.
Posts: 4939/11302
The best way to solve the war on terror: Send in people who don't want to fight. Yeah. Brilliant.

There's plenty of people who WANT to serve their country, and more power to them. And on the flip side, there's others who serve their country in other, non-war related ways. To each their own.
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