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11-02-05 12:59 PM
0 user currently in Hardware/Software.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Hardware/Software - Windows Problem (Windows 98SE)
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Posts: 3990/8392
That supposed to be a partition checker/recovery tool or what?
Posts: 819/1657
Check that you don't have any disks in any of the drives or CD-ROM.

If you still have the problem and have a floppy disk (formatted or unformatted, doesn't matter):
1. Make sure that's a despensible disk (can't have important stuff on it)
2. Run this to make the disk:
3. Boot your computer from the floppy.
4. Press Enter on the MBR selection.
5. Change the MBR to the Standard one (IIRC, the spacebar toggles it).
6. If you think you messed up somewhere, don't worry. Undo all your changes with F3
Posts: 3984/8392
If you're getting invalid system disk errors and you DON'T have discs in the floppy or CD drives (and in the worst case, your hard drive is set first to boot in the BIOS and it's STILL coming up with that), then you've probably got one of two things. Best case scenario is that your partition is fucked and you need to reformat your comp, worst case scenario is your hard drive bit the dust and you need to buy a new one.

Are you hearing any whirring or clicking noises from inside the comp that would indicate a drive bust?
Proto K
Posts: 208/279
Your hard drive may be dead, or about to die. If that's the case, there's really not much you can do except get a replacement one.
Posts: 1160/2390
If you get rid of that error, a nicer way of starting Windows in safe mode is holding down Shift during startup.
Posts: 131/281
I started in safe mode, and tried to fix the problem. Now when I start up the computer, it says "Invalid system disk replace disk and press any key when ready" even without a disk in the drive, and the problem keeps me from starting in safe mode.
Posts: 816/1657
Press F8 right after the BIOS finishes. They removed the "Starting Windows 98..." text from the original version so it's harder to tell when to press the key.

Just press F8 many times until you see a menu. Select Safe Mode.
Posts: 130/281
How do I do that?
Posts: 307/1114
Have you tried to start in safe mode?
Posts: 129/281
Windows 98SE.
Posts: 814/1657
What version of Windows is it?
Posts: 128/281
When I turn on my computer, the Windows screen pops up as it's loading, but that screen stays there. Right now, I'm using someone else's computer.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Hardware/Software - Windows Problem (Windows 98SE)


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