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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Sports Center - The new NBA Season: Detroit Pistons Basketball, Starring the Drunken Asses!
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Posts: 2416/4016
Trade deadline was today; anything significant will happen?

from the trades I see, who benefits, who doesn't?

Golden State gets Baron Davis for Dale Davis and Speedy Claxton
Kings let go of Webber for Corliss Williamson, Kenny Thomas and Brian Skinner to
Mavs get Keith Van Horn
Sixers get Webber and Mashburn
Posts: 54/87
Nah. Detroit will sweep the inferior Heat in the NBA Eastern Conference finals.
Posts: 2238/4016
I go with that prediction too. Miami is going to win the Eastern. I really can't name a single team NOT from the western conference that can take them down. I believe Phoenix has the talent to beat the Spurs so I'm going to go with Phoenix vs. Miami. I'm still split as to who is going to win...
Posts: 95/149
Dallas, I expected so.

Pheonix and Seattle, no.

Is it me, but this season is sort of the opposite of last season.

In the East, the Heat are doing very good, which is expected, but the Wizards are right after them, even though they lost the last two. Orlando is doing okay, and so are the Cavs while Detroit, New Jersey and the rest are really really starting to suck. I know Detroit will pick up the pace but damn, last season they were defense. Now, with the same guys in the team they are, "Defense, offense, whatever...gets us to win" The Sixers are okay. Iverson matured and is doing great for himself, for his team, well, I can't name any other player besides Iverson on that team. Not even the coach.

The West, well, Lakers are average, of course that is no surprise but last season they were above average. The Rockets are winning, 7 in a row. WTF, did Yao Ming take "Shaq pills' are started to play good, like he should? I guess.

But seriously then there is the T-Wolves. Um, watching them this season was like watching an accident happen, you are unware of whta is going to happen at first, suddely you get a glimpse of what may happen, and even though you know it will be ugly you can't help but watch.

Any predictions for the Finals. I know it is mid season but still, I think it may be a Heat vs. Spurs/Suns.

Yeah that is the obvious choice.

Posts: 372/830
Originally posted by drjayphd
I blame Sprewell y Cassell. It physically could not be any more obvious that they wants to get paid NOW.

Made the correction for ya. Casell hasn't made as big an issue about it. Sprewell wants to make sure his family is fed! We must make sure that he has sufficient nutrition!


Lakers are disappointing, but I saw that coming. Nuggets are disappointing, which I didn't see coming. Wolves are disappointing, which I kinda expected in a small way.

Then there's Dallas, Phoenix, and Seattle. Did anyone see that coming? =\
Posts: 880/1477
I blame Sprewell y Cassell. It physically could not be any more obvious that they want to get paid NOW.

And Olowokandi, but is it his fault he sucks? ;P
Posts: 2186/4016
Probably--i dunno what is going on over there but they are 2nd in the Northwest division and not in the playoffs

As for Phil Jackson, he has said numerous times he'll never coach the knicks but

In other news, the Atlantic division actually has a division leader over .500
Posts: 370/830
Although me caring about baseketball is pretty much non-existant, I found this to be rather disturbing.

Flip Saunders, coach of the Minnesota Timberwolves, was fired today. Kevin McHale will take over for the remainder of the season. The story.

Given the recent coach moves with other teams, this raises a real question:

"Where does Phil Jackson go?"

Knicks - hometown and played for team. Isiah Thomas has said he will not coach the team. Lenny Wilckens resigned in January.
Lakers - Kobe will look the other way, and they need a coach
Wolves - they need a coach

Saunders will be reassigned to other duties with the team.

Can anyone say that the Wolves are hurting and pretty much stinking up the joint?
Posts: 88/149
Originally posted by Colin
...Fan-cam? I thought cameras were illegal in arenas.

Just as I thought, two games that are going to be REALLY family-friendly.

Maybe I heard wrong, it was late at night, but it does look like a poor ass home-video camera.

Or maybe a security camera, or something.

But since that is old news. The Pacers are actually winning!

With people off the street....well almost.

I can't even name 3 or more people on their active roster that played in the last four games. I know there is a Jones somebody...Fred Jones, I think it is. And Tinsley. And that is it.

And the Rockets are sucking again. Will somebody explain to me how and why, then kill me.
Posts: 5250/11302
...Fan-cam? I thought cameras were illegal in arenas.

Just as I thought, two games that are going to be REALLY family-friendly.
Posts: 87/149
Shaq is on the slow side but come on, the fan that threw the bottle just stood there.

And no I don't mean the guy Artest and Jackson punched, the guy who was holding Artest with the cap was the one who threw the bottle, or so it seems by the 'fan-cam' presented on ESPN.

And there are only two games on Christmas Day.

Detroit vs. Indiana

And the Lakers vs. The Heat
Posts: 5236/11302
I thought there's only 2 games on Christmas.

If there's 3 then I pity the other two teams who won't get good ratings.
Posts: 2143/2857
Shaq is too slow to chase anyone down.

The guy would have to be even more smashed than the fan that threw the beer, and would have to have recently broken both his legs.
Posts: 1769/4016
4 teams? isn't there like a tripleheader on christmas?
Posts: 5222/11302
Shaq would kill someone. Seriously, I don't need a 7-foot, 300+ pound guy charging me with fists swinging. Oy.

Christmas Day is going to be FUN. Bet you anything Stern's going to tell all 4 teams involved to be on their BEST behavior.
Posts: 86/149
Between Artest, O'Neal and Jackson. 11+ million is lost in salary.


Anway, Rockets won two games in a row. Hopefully they can make this streak last. Oh and the Sonics finally lost.

And a side note. I am thankful that it wasn't Shaq who jumped into the stands.

Just imagine him going crazy.

Posts: 1323/2962
Artest isn't playing for the rest of the year..he's losing out on a looooootta money but he shouldn't go up and beat on the fans just because he got crap thrown on him. He has to have more class than that representing for all of the NBA. The fans shouldn't either..but eh, I don't think they're getting any charges but they might.

Kings= 5 wins in a row..yay..barely got by Bucks but I missed the last part of the game so I think they won by more.
Posts: 1747/4016
Originally posted by Colin
OK, my bad. Forgot that they were in the WEAK conference.

yup...that conference is so weak the Indiana almost beat the Magic the other day with only 6 players
Posts: 176/448
I can't believe they are letting these guys play...

that is STUPID!!!!

they assaulted fans.... they shouldn't play for the rest of the year... at least.... at the bare minimum!
Posts: 5215/11302
OK, my bad. Forgot that they were in the WEAK conference.

MAYBE they'll still make the playoffs but without Artest, bai bai. (Even if he's eligible for the playoffs, no way will he be effective.)
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Sports Center - The new NBA Season: Detroit Pistons Basketball, Starring the Drunken Asses!


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