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11-02-05 12:59 PM
0 user currently in Online Gaming.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Online Gaming - Star Wars Galaxies : Jump To Lightspeed?
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Posts: 3313/5337
Got it, haven't played it though. Chris has. He's been building mad ships for people on his server.
Posts: 434/573
Because I couldnt double post hehe. And I finally got to play a jedi today, played my friends jedi knight regrinding a new template its fun as hell. Ill get a screenshot or something sometime of me dervishing the bajeezus out of a BH.
Posts: 3260/5337
I heard that they're going to delete all the Jedi.

And why not countinue with the other SWG thread??

Yea, getting it here, not sure if I'll play it though.
Posts: 433/573
I cant believe there rushing the game I think its slated to be released October 26'th. And to add on to it all they made grinding jedi impossible once again and screwed the ones who have played since the beggining a chance to get jedi. =/

Anyone gonna try JTL?
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Online Gaming - Star Wars Galaxies : Jump To Lightspeed?


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